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Chapter 1378 Golden Immortal Realm and Version 2.0

Chapter 1378 Golden Immortal Realm and Version 2.0

In the next few days, Lin Xiu can be said to have a very nourishing life, because this Guanyin is not only powerful, but also very skilled in medicine, and the most important thing is that he can cook well.

So these days, Lin Xiu really lived a few days like a fairy, and as long as sister Guanyin, sister Guanyin shouted, there would be delicious food and very comfortable treatment.

But Lin Xiu didn't forget the good fortune promised to him by sister Guanyin, so after a few days of comfort, he also decided to start accepting this good fortune.

Guanyin naturally didn't say much, just nodded, and brought Lin Xiu to a certain cave in the back mountain.

As soon as he entered the cave, Lin Xiu felt the difference in the cave. The cave seemed to have the effect of isolating energy.In this cave, Lin Xiu couldn't feel the energy fluctuations from the outside world at all, and it seemed that Lin Xiu's energy was moving much faster here than outside.

Lin Xiu now also knows that Guanyin will bring him here to accept the good fortune. If the energy impact is too large when accepting the good fortune, it will inevitably attract the attention of other strong people, which will affect the efficiency of energy absorption.

"Sister Guanyin, you are so kind."

Lin Xiu's sudden compliment made Guanyin a little embarrassed.But although Yong was still very happy in her heart, in order to maintain her aloof image, she just returned coldly.

"You have smeared honey on your mouth, hurry up and accept the good fortune, and then you hurry up and tell me where I came from and where I went back."

"Okay, Sister Guanyin, I'm here." Lin Xiu also naturally saw Guanyin's cold and hot appearance, and smiled secretly from the side.

"You enter the cultivation state first, and then I will bestow this good fortune on you."

Lin Xiu was meditating, and soon entered the state of cultivation.

Lin Xiu, who suddenly entered the cultivation state, felt a pure and soft energy entering his body, as if his mother was touching him, very comfortable.

Lin Xiu understood that this should be the good fortune given to him by Guanyin, so he devoted himself into the state of cultivation, opened the Arhat's immortal body, and helped himself absorb this energy.

The pure energy quickly flowed all over Lin Xiu's body, helping Lin Xiu break through the bottleneck from the real immortal to the golden immortal little by little.Lin Xiu also understood that Avalokitesvara wanted to use this fortune to help him break into the Golden Immortal Realm, and he didn't dare to be sloppy, because the higher the level, the more important the foundation is.

Just like the Dragon King of the West Sea, even if he reached the realm of the Da Luo Jinxian, his own foundation may be unstable due to the rapid impact, and his actual strength is equivalent to that of the Immortal King.

Lin Xiu knew that although he knew that he could even reach the late stage of Jinxian with this energy, he still suppressed this energy with all his strength to stabilize his foundation.Rather than blindly attacking the realm, that would make one's own strength very vain, and it would not be of any benefit to one's future strength improvement.

Avalokitesvara on the side looked at Lin Xiu and felt very happy. He was afraid that Lin Xiu would use his own power to make continuous breakthroughs, which would cause the foundation to become unstable.

"It's no wonder he can grow so fast. I thought he was just lucky and got many opportunities, but now it seems that he does have the disposition needed to become a real strong man. He is not arrogant or rash. This son It will become a great tool in the future." Guanyin is also very pleased, he still has not misjudged the person.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Although Lin Xiu deliberately suppressed the energy given to him by Guanyin, the energy still reached a critical value. He knew that it was time for him to break into the Golden Immortal Realm. The energy gathered, and finally, like the opening of a reservoir to release water, the energy broke through the barrier between the real fairy and the golden fairy.

But the energy is still entering Lin Xiu's body from far away. Naturally, Lin Xiu is not in a hurry to hit a higher level, but tries to suppress this energy as much as possible.

Three hours later, Lin Xiu finally quit the state of cultivation, and his realm finally stayed at the early stage of Golden Wonderland. Although it seemed that there was still a big gap with those top experts,
But this gap is gradually narrowing.

"Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the Golden Wonderland and getting a solar-level treasure chest." The system's voice sounded again.

This is the highest level treasure chest that Lin Xiu has ever opened, and Lin Xiu couldn't wait to open this treasure chest.

The higher the level of the treasure chest, the longer it will take to open it.

It also took Lin Xiu a full 3 minutes to open this solar-level treasure chest.

"Congratulations to the host for opening a solar-level treasure chest and obtaining the Equality of All Beings 2.0."

"What, there is still 2.0 for the equality of all living beings? Let me see how the upgraded equality of all living beings will be different."

Looking at it this way, Lin Xiu was really happy, because this Equality of All Beings 2.0 is really a god-level exercise. If the previous Equality of All Beings can only be regarded as an earth-level exercise, this Equality of All Beings 2.0 is definitely a Heaven-level exercises.

Because the previous equality of all beings will only cause more harm to people who are one level higher than oneself, and this enhanced version of equality of all beings will also have more effects on people who are one level smaller than oneself. This is simply a qualitative leap .

For example, now that Lin Xiu meets a strong man at the peak of the Golden Wonderland, he can now deal four times as much damage as before, but he could only deal twice as much damage before.

The improvement of the equality of all living beings this time also made Lin Xiu truly become an almost invincible existence in the Golden Wonderland. His own foundation was originally solid, coupled with the equality of all living beings in this version 2.0, it was almost a bug-like existence.

"Thank you, Sister Guanyin. This time, thanks to you, I was able to break through the realm of true immortals that I had stayed in for a long time, and finally reached the realm of golden immortals. It can be regarded as a preliminary foothold."

"You don't need to thank me, this is what you earned through your own hard work. Your persistence and sincerity moved me, so I decided to give you this fortune. By the way, I should also lend you the tears of Guanyin. .”

I saw Avalokitesvara conjuring a clean bottle that was exactly the same as her hand.

"It's filled with Guanyin Tears, but you have to pay attention, use it twice a day at most, otherwise the Guanyin Tears will not be able to exert its effect due to excessive wear and tear, remember."

Lin Xiu also took the clean bottle from Guanyin and nodded.

"Sister, it's time for me to leave and go to the Western Temple. After I rescue Shuang'er, I will definitely come back to Putuo Mountain to see you." After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, when Guanyin suddenly called out Lin Xiu who wanted to leave.

"You said you were going to the Western Temple, do you know how to get there?"

This time, Lin Xiu was really asked, he really didn't know what to do.


(End of this chapter)

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