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Chapter 1385 Black Can and Broken Book

Chapter 1385 Black Can and Broken Book

The person who came was naturally Li Ba, and he gave Lin Xiu a kind smile as he spoke.It seems that the contradiction between Li Ba and Wang Dian is really not small.

"Hey, this isn't Brother Li, why do you have time to meddle in my affairs today? I heard that your fourth place in the ranking has just been replaced, so am I here to test the real strength of this kid? What secret method did he use, so I can help Brother Li get it back, right?"

This Wang Dian is also a treacherous person, naturally he does not want Li Ba to participate, if he stands on the opposite side of himself, this action will definitely not be completed.So he wanted to use this method of sowing discord, and wanted Li Ba to stand on his side.

"I don't need you to take care of my own affairs, I will solve them myself, but I will definitely take care of your bullying the little today."

It seems that although Li Ba is a bit naive, he is not stupid. He does not believe that Wang Dian will kindly help him, so he will take care of this matter.

"Hey, it's really unlucky, why did I meet this big black bull today, but he is still on the same team as this kid."

Wang Dian was also very upset, but if the big black bull was on Lin Xiu's side, this operation would not be completed.

"Since it's my brother who wants to solve it by himself, then I won't get involved. I still have important things to do, so I'll leave first." Then he took Lin Xia and Liu Qing away in a desperate manner.

Wang Dian also knew that the black bull was here, so he didn't want to do anything to Lin Xiu, so he had to find a step for himself to go down.

"It's easy to go, brother Wang Dian, I won't send it off." Lin Xiu watched Wang Dian flee in despair, and also shouted loudly behind Wang Dian's back.

Hearing Lin Xiu's ridicule, Wang Dian's originally bad face turned even darker.

"Lin Xiu, remember, you will be the one to look good in the ladder competition." Wang Dian was also gnashing his teeth in anger.

"Thank you, Brother Li Ba, you can come forward and help me speak."

Lin Xiu also knew how difficult it was to stand up and speak for him in this situation, because it meant that Li Ba had completely broken his face with Wang Dian.

"You don't need to write about Owen, I just don't like this kid always forming cliques. But don't think that I'm admitting that you beat me. We'll see you in the ladder match." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and left .

"..." Lin Xiu.

This Li Ba is really an interesting person, but such a person is indeed suitable for making friends and is a very trustworthy person.

Originally thought that a conflict was about to happen, the appearance of Li Ba also made Lin Xiu feel relieved.

It also allows him to go back and see the real effects of these two treasures.

Lin Xiu couldn't wait to go back to his room, and took out the treasure he found from the trading market.

"This black jar can't only have a function of nourishing spiritual power, then it's too tasteless."

"Since this black pot has the effect of attracting spiritual power, I will pour all my spiritual power into it and see what effect it has."

As he said that, he tentatively poured his spiritual power into the black tank. As the spiritual power was slowly injected, the black tank began to emit white light slowly.

And as more spiritual power is injected, the white light becomes brighter. Finally, when Lin Xiu injected almost half of the spiritual power, the jar began to spin and shot out a beam of light. Unexpectedly, the power of this beam It was astonishing that it even punched a ten-meter-deep hole in the ground.

"It turns out that this black pot can transform spiritual power into an attacking beam, and this power is really scary."

In terms of power alone, the power of the attack from this black pot is not much lower than Lin Xiu's Dacheng Qinglian swordsmanship, but the only disadvantage is that it consumes a huge amount of mental power.Even Lin Xiu, who is already very strong in mental power, spent nearly half of his mental power in motivating him, which is enough to show how much mental power was consumed.

But even so, this black canister is enough to be called a divine weapon. It uses mental power to attack, so that mental power, which seems to be only used to assist in combat, becomes a direct combat power.And being able to attack others by surprise in battle is also one of Lin Xiu's trump cards.

Lin Xiu was naturally very happy to get such an artifact, but what would be the use of that tattered medical book?

Lin Xiu also opened the book casually, and found that the book was full of incomprehensible words, which made Lin Xiu very annoyed. What he bought at a big price turned out to be a useless book .

When Lin Xiu just wanted to throw away this useless book, he saw a few small characters written on the back of this book, learning this book requires energy.There are a few words in it, which may have been weathered due to the age.

"It needs spirit. Does this book also need spiritual power to infuse?"

Lin Xiu didn't think too much, and began to pour his remaining mental power into the damaged medical book.

A miraculous thing happened, the damaged medical book began to repair itself, and finally returned to the appearance of a new book.

Then those words that Lin Xiu couldn't understand became clear and legible, which made Lin Xiu very happy.

It may be that the seniors who wrote this book did not want people to easily understand the mysteries of this book, so they thought of using spiritual power to open it. It seems that the fairy arts recorded in this book also need to consume a lot of mental power.

"These two things are completely prepared for me."

There are really not many such tyrannical people who can cultivate both Yuanli and Mental strength at the same time, so there is no problem with Lin Xiu's saying that.

Lin Xiu quickly checked the medical book with mental strength, and it turned out that the fairy art recorded in this medical book is called Yue Zhan Yue Yong.

This fairy art can be said to be a top-secret weapon for protracted warfare. The reason why I say this is because the more energy you consume, the faster your energy will recover, and the strength of your physical body will also increase accordingly.

In other words, as long as the enemy can't kill you with one move, you will become stronger and stronger, while your opponent will become weaker and weaker relatively.Under this strength and weakness, victory can easily be tilted to your side.

This could not be better for Lin Xiu. With his strong physical body, it is very difficult for an opponent to kill him in one blow. Therefore, in this case, once the effect of getting more and more brave is exerted, Lin Xiu will be like a Like a tireless fighting machine, it will eventually consume the opponent alive.

But this fairy art also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it needs a lot of mental power to activate it, but even so, the effect of this fairy art still makes Lin Xiu very, very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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