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Chapter 1386 The Game Begins

Chapter 1386 The Game Begins

After Lin Xiu spent three days recuperating at the inn, the ladder competition also started.

Sure enough, as a competition to select the new Holy Son, this ladder competition still attracted a lot of people. The entire city center was crowded with people, and everyone wanted to witness the birth of the new Holy Son.

Lin Xiu glanced around and saw many familiar faces, including Li Ba and Wang Dian's group.

The organizer of this ladder competition is naturally the royal family of the Western Temple. Everyone in the VIP seats is dressed in gorgeous costumes. It seems that only in this way can they show their dignity.

Lin Xiu also tried his best to find the shadow he was familiar with in the VIP seats, but it seemed that she did not appear this time.Just when Lin Xiu thought that Shuang'er hadn't appeared, he suddenly saw a woman in black, who looked very similar to Shuang'er in terms of body shape. Just when Lin Xiu wanted to confirm whether it was Shuang'er, the woman in black just lifted her He raised his head and met Lin Xiu's gaze, then quickly turned his head away.

However, it was just this moment of eye contact that Lin Xiu recognized that the woman in black was Shuang'er.

"However, she seems to be avoiding me deliberately. It seems that she is afraid that I will find her."

But after a while, Lin Xiu understood that he was just an ordinary person in this western temple, and Shuang'er was now the saint of this western temple. There is no chance of saying a word.But this also strengthened Lin Xiu's determination to win the ladder competition.

"Shuang'er, just wait, when I win the ladder competition and become the new Holy Son, I will come and pick you up."

Distant VIPs.

Shuang'er obviously knew that Lin Xiu had come to the Western Temple, but due to her status, she couldn't recognize Lin Xiu directly, so she had to silently watch her young master from a distance.

"Young master, you still came to save Shuang'er. I believe that young master will definitely win this championship."

Although they have become the saintesses of the Western Temple, the pair still regard themselves as Lin Xiu's maid in their hearts, so they naturally hope that their young master can win.

"Now that all the contestants have arrived, I will start to read out the rules of the competition."

"Competitors can choose to form a team or fight alone. There is only one winning criterion. Whoever climbs the peak of Naxi Shenshan first will win the championship. The ranking is calculated according to the time to climb the mountain. The ranking is superimposed with the previous Tianbang ranking, and the person with the highest ranking is our Holy Son this time."

"In addition, the temple is not responsible for any injuries or even deaths caused by conflicts during the game. If anyone wants to quit, they can leave now."

But even so, no one chose to withdraw from the competition, because everyone knows that this is the only way for them to climb up to the royal family. As long as they can get No.1, their family will also shine because of their status.

"Okay, now you can go in. If you want to quit halfway, you can crush the jade talisman in your hand."

As soon as the words fell, a jade talisman appeared in everyone's hands.

As the bell rang, all the contestants swarmed into the door behind the envoy.Lin Xiu also jumped from his body and entered the door.

It turned out that there was a big forest behind this gate, and even Lin Xiu couldn't see the last mountain due to the dense trees.So where to go, Lin Xiu had a hard time.

"Then just follow the crowd."

Lin Xiu thought for a while, and finally decided to follow the crowd. There must be a place with a lot of people.

But as soon as he entered the forest, he heard the sound of human and beast fighting.

It turned out that the western temple had spent a lot of thought on selecting the holy son. There were many mythical beasts in the forest, and they became obstacles for the contestants to reach the top of the mountain.

"It's no wonder that the envoy asked us to form a team. It turned out that it was because he wanted to deal with the beasts in the forest."

It has to be said that this forest is also very large. Lin Xiu traveled through the forest for a long time, but still did not see a trace of the mountain.

A flash of sword light fell, and a black bear fell down, and then a boy with a sword came out from the surrounding bushes.

Perhaps it was because Lin Xiu had the blood of the dragon clan, and there were no wild beasts to attack him along the way, so after this day, he did not encounter any particularly powerful beasts.

The reason why he wanted to kill this black bear just now was simply because it was getting late, and when it was time to rest, he found a black bear as food to satisfy his hunger.

Lin Xiu also found a water pool, because the weather was relatively cold, so he lit a fire and roasted bear meat to satisfy his hunger.

Just as Lin Xiu was eating, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a lot of movement in the water.

Sure enough, just as Lin Xiumei was nibbling on his chest and legs, a loud roar came from the water.

In an instant, a huge snake head rushed towards Lin Xiu. Fortunately, Lin Xiu had already sensed the danger and hurried to the side.

However, the speed of this monster was really fast, and Lin Xiu was so frightened that he threw the bear meat aside.

Finally, the whole body of the monster was exposed. The monster had the body of a snake, but the head and claws of the dragon.

Lin Xiu also read in an ancient book that this monster should belong to a dragon.

This dragon is a mythical beast in ancient mythology. It is said that it has the blood of the dragon clan. It is a stage in the purification of the dragon. If it is allowed to practice for another hundred and eighty years, it can become a real dragon and possess the power of the dragon clan.

No wonder this dragon is not afraid of Lin Xiu's blood coercion, and dares to attack Lin Xiu directly.

It seems that the water pool is surrounded by the dragon's territory, so for the intruder Lin Xiu, the dragon naturally wants to defend his own territory.

Lin Xiu observed it, and found that this dragon actually had the strength equivalent to that of a human being at the peak of a golden fairy, and with the blessing of the blood of the dragon clan, the strength could even be comparable to that of an ordinary fairy king.This time, Lin Xiu encountered a lot of trouble.

I saw a dragon claw flying towards Lin Xiu's face. Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless and hastily activated his Arhat Immortal Body to defend. What he didn't expect was that the strength and speed of this dragon were very strong. fear.

Yiclaw turned out to be that even Lin Xiu, who had activated the Arhat Extermination Body, was directly pushed back ten meters before he stabilized his body.

"The strength of this beast is probably not weaker than that of Li Ba. After being hit a few times by him, I won't be able to compete for the championship tomorrow."

Just as Lin Xiu was amazed at the speed and strength of the dragon, the dragon spewed out another mouthful of water dragon bullets and rushed towards Lin Xiu again.

(End of this chapter)

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