Chapter 1393 Six Ears

"It's no problem to lend you this Ruyi Golden Cudgel. I'm old now, and I've handed over all the affairs in the Dragon Palace to Xiaobai, so you can be regarded as half of my Dragon Palace. Have to come back often to see more.”

It turns out that since Lin Xiu left the Dragon Palace, Ao Guang has been the shopkeeper, and all the affairs in the palace have been handed over to Xiao Bailong. In fact, the position of the Palace Master of the Dragon Palace has already belonged to Xiao Bailong.

Lin Xiu was also very happy. It was a relief for him that his daughter could stand alone, and she would become a powerful force for him in the future.

"Daddy, where are you going next?"

Xiaobai also knew that Lin Xiu was only coming back temporarily this time, so he didn't plan to keep him for a long time.

"Next, if there is no accident, I will directly take this Ruyi Golden Cudgel to the Western Temple to rescue Shuang'er!"

"Well, Dad, you must be more careful when you go here. This Western Temple is no better than our West Sea Dragon Palace. Their family background is definitely very deep, so don't conflict with them as a last resort."

"Don't worry, Daddy still knows about this. Since you are already the owner of this Dragon Palace, I hope you can manage it in an orderly manner. At the same time, there are more and more invasions from the Dark Demon Race. You also have to be quick." Improve your strength."

Xiao Bailong also nodded, he was not a child, and behind him stood his clan and the entire Longteng Continent, so he had to shoulder the responsibility of being the master of the Dragon Palace.

Although Xiao Bailong is indeed considered a generation of arrogance at her age, but compared with these invading extraterritorial evil races, there is still a lot of gap. Invading again, so he had to rely on Xiao Bailong to improve his strength to have the capital to resist the invasion.

After a simple farewell, Lin Xiu started his journey to the Western Temple again.

"I found the Qitian treasure chest not far ahead, the host chooses whether to go there?"

"The Monkey King Chest, this is a good thing. I have used up the monkey hair I opened last time from the Monkey King Treasure Chest. It just so happens that I can get another one this time, and the monkey brother's avatar is also very powerful. , if it can be summoned with monkey hair, it will become my trump card again."

Without thinking too much, Lin Xiu rushed to the location prompted by the system, and he was taken aback.

Lin Xiu followed the system prompts and came to a cave very quickly. What surprised him the most was that the rock wall of the cave said "Water Curtain Cave."

Did I really come to Monkey King's Huaguo Mountain?This made Lin Xiu very excited, because he grew up watching Journey to the West, so he naturally took Monkey King as his idol. Although he had seen Monkey King before, but it was just a clone, and now he can see Brother Monkey with his own eyes. The real body also made Lin Xiu very excited.

But what surprised Lin Xiu was that there seemed to be no monkey grandchildren everywhere as he imagined.Instead, there was a dead silence. Could it be that there is also a dark demon invasion here?

Lin Xiu also walked into the cave with suspicion, but there was a tense atmosphere in the cave.

All the monkeys are wearing armor with spears in their hands, aiming the spears at a huge ape, but judging from the back, this ape looks a bit like Monkey King.

"Six-eared macaque, don't bully others too much, brother monkey will definitely avenge us when he comes back."

"It turns out that this monkey is a six-eared macaque, no wonder I feel a bit like it."

Lin Xiu also saw the six-eared macaque in Journey to the West in his previous life. The ability of the six-eared macaque is basically the same as that of Sun Wukong, and ordinary people can't tell the difference. In the end, he recognized the six-eared macaque with the help of Tathagata Buddha, and was finally beaten to death by Sun Wukong. It seems that in this world, there are still grievances between them.

"Hmph, we have the same ability, why should he be conferred the title of Fighting Conqueror Buddha, I can only be an unknown junior, I don't accept it, call him out quickly, otherwise I will turn this Huaguo Mountain upside down."

"We really don't know where Brother Monkey has gone, but this Huaguo Mountain is our home, and we must protect it." The leading monkey also did not back down at all, as if death was at home.

The six-eared macaque also saw that Sun Wukong didn't seem to appear at all, so he didn't have the patience to wait any longer, and started to kill.

I saw that he also took out the Ruyi golden cudgel that was exactly the same as Lin Xiu's, and slammed it at the leading monkey. The monkey seemed to be not weak in fighting power, and quickly dodged aside.

But when the stick hit, the whole ground was sunken. It seems that the six-eared macaque is not a good stubble.Lin Xiu seemed to be able to feel that the six-eared macaque could even get along with the previous Great Elder, so he probably managed to make a move this time.

The battle situation was indeed as one-sided as Lin Xiu analyzed. The monkey grandson was retreating steadily under the attack of the six-eared macaque, and the leader monkey seemed to have been seriously injured.

But the six-eared macaques were still relentless, and had no intention of letting go of the group of monkeys and their grandchildren. Another wave of the wishful golden cudgel made the Huaguo Mountain tremble slightly, as if it couldn't hold it anymore .

Lin Xiu also understood that it was time to make a move, because this time the Monkey King Treasure Box appeared in the Huaguo Mountain, if the six-eared macaque was allowed to destroy it, the Huaguo Mountain would disappear, so Lin Xiu is also about to intervene.

Just when the six-eared macaque was about to destroy the Huaguo Mountain with a stick, Lin Xiu finally made a move to block it. When the stick was about to fall, Lin Xiu also swung out a stick to defuse the six-eared macaque's attack go.

"Whoever dares to spoil my good deeds, come out and suffer death."

"You are so wild on my brother monkey's territory. If my brother monkey comes back and sees it, you may not have a good life."

"Hehe, you need him to come back too, isn't this monkey timid, dare to come out and fight me?"

"Brother Hou must have something to do, otherwise he would not stand by and watch when he sees you, a counterfeit, running wild on his territory."

As soon as the three words "counterfeit" entered the ears of the six-eared macaque, he became very angry.

Because no matter where he goes, people will say that he is a counterfeit of Monkey King, and he seems to be replaced by that stinky monkey, so when he hears the word counterfeit, he will be very angry.

"I'm not a fake. I'm no worse than him in terms of strength. Why should I be a fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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