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Chapter 1394 Terrible Death Ray

Chapter 1394 Terrible Death Ray
"Because his name is Sun Wukong, it's as simple as that!"

The six-eared macaque was furious when he heard it, and swung a stick towards Lin Xiu.

It has to be said that the strength of the six-eared macaque is really strong. With a simple swing of a stick, even Lin Xiu, who had activated the Arhat's Immortal Body, couldn't resist it. He barely stabilized his figure after being pushed back dozens of meters .

Lin Xiu also knew that if he confronted this monkey head-on, he would definitely not be able to gain the upper hand. His original strength was not much different from that of the six-eared macaque. In addition, the strength of the human body was not as good as that of the beast race. So Lin Xiu also understands that the monkey can only be defeated by tactics.

So he also fought and retreated, relying on his own speed advantage and super recovery ability of Yue Zhan Yue Yong, and fought with the six-eared macaque in a roundabout way.

The six-eared macaque was also very annoyed by Lin Xiu's roundabout tactics. His speed couldn't keep up with Lin Xiu, and he couldn't beat Lin Xiu, which also made him very angry.

So he also stood on the spot and roared, beat his chest and stamped his feet for a while, as if he was about to use some trick. He snapped his fingers, and a white cloud flew from the distant sky, which seemed to be the legendary somersault cloud.

Lin Xiu also didn't expect that the six-eared macaque was the same as that described in Journey to the West. Apart from their personalities, it was really difficult for others to distinguish them from their appearance.If so, it would be really difficult to deal with.

I saw the six-eared macaque stepping on the auspicious cloud, and the speed seemed to be on the hook in an instant, as fast as Lin Xiu swung down with a stick.

"As expected of Brother Monkey's magic weapon, the speed is really extraordinary."

Lin Xiu was also very surprised by the speed of the somersault cloud, and he had no time to dodge, so he had to take the six-eared macaque's stick, and was beaten back again and again.There was also a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

"This situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to me."

Feeling that the form is not good for him, Lin Xiu also took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from the West Sea Dragon Palace. Since he got it, he has not used this artifact properly, so he also wants to use the six-eared macaque to try this Ruyi How powerful is the Golden Cudgel?

"Since you have your somersault cloud, I also have my golden cudgel."

As he said that, he swung a stick at the six-eared macaque. Naturally, the six-eared macaque would not back down, and fought back in the same way.

However, in the same blow, it seemed that Lin Xiu had the upper hand. Although both of them retreated repeatedly, it seemed that the six-eared macaque would retreat a little more.

"Your golden cudgel is not a fake, is it? Why does it look much weaker than mine?"

Hearing the word "counterfeit" again made the six-eared macaque even more annoyed. It also attacked Lin Xiu frantically again and again, but with the blessing of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, Lin Xiu seemed to be fighting with the six-eared macaque In the confrontation of ear macaques, we can not lose the wind.

The six-eared macaque also saw this situation, and felt a little bad. He also knew that if this continued, if the stinky monkey came back, he would be in a very disadvantageous situation.

So he was also planning to make a unique move. I saw him standing on the spot with his palms folded and his eyes slightly closed, as if he was preparing for something.

Suddenly the six-eared macaque opened its eyes, and then two red beams were emitted from the eyes.

"Since you are so good at fighting, then try my extinction light."

The red light beam rushed towards Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu seemed to sense the dangerous aura from the two beams of light, and hurriedly dodged it, but the speed of the dead light was fast enough, and it still rubbed against Lin Xiu's clothes. horn.

As soon as the red beam touched Lin Xiu's clothes corner, the clothes corners disappeared immediately. The red light seemed to have the ability to dissolve, and the speed was very fast.

"Fortunately, I hid quickly, otherwise one hand would be gone."

Lin Xiu also felt a lot of pressure, because if the six-eared macaque could not be prevented from releasing the destructive death light, everything here would be dissolved by this guy.

So now it is necessary to interrupt the six-eared macaque to release the extinction light, so naturally he thought of his invincible black pot, so he also hid behind a big rock and began to slowly inject his spiritual power into the black pot. In the jar, in order to prevent the six-eared macaque from hitting him with the light beam through the stone, Lin Xiu also sacrificed the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to defend in front of him.

Seeing that Lin Xiu was missing, the six-eared macaque frantically fired the red light beam, trying to dissolve everything here with its own death light.

One of the light beams also hit a stone that Lin Xiu was avoiding, and rushed towards Lin Xiu's Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda. What Lin Xiu didn't expect was that the almost invincible defensive fairy before this was actually under the red light beam. After shooting, although it was still blocked in the end, cracks began to appear. After holding for a few seconds, he automatically returned to the ring because he couldn't bear it. into their own hands.

"The annihilation and death light emitted by the six ears is really abnormal. Even my Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda can't bear it. But my mental attack is not covered."

But at this time, Lin Xiu's mental attack was also ready, and then a white beam shot out from Lin Xiu's hand, and soon hit the six-eared macaque.

It seemed that the attack worked again this time. When the six-eared macaque was attacked by Lin Xiu, it knelt down in pain and hugged its head. It seemed that its spirit had also suffered huge damage.

But it was far from as simple as Lin Xiu thought. After falling down, the six-eared macaque also yelled, and saw strands of golden light around his body, as if he was protected by Buddha's light. Not long after, the six-eared macaque The ear macaque stood up again from the ground.

"I didn't expect this monkey to have the magic to restore mental power. It seems that this trick is useless to him. This is really troublesome."

"I can't see that you are still capable, and you can actually launch a mental attack. Fortunately, I have the Immeasurable Heart Sutra, which can restore mental power. Otherwise, I would really fall into your hands today. But that's all there is to it." gone."

After speaking, another red light beam shot towards Lin Xiu. To Lin Xiu's surprise, this attack was more violent than before.

Just when Lin Xiu thought he was about to be hit by this, another golden beam rushed over from behind, blocking the red beam.

(End of this chapter)

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