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Chapter 1395 Here!My territory

Chapter 1395 Here!My territory

After a while, Lin Xiu could see clearly that the golden light was the Monkey King he had seen before, but the previous one was just a clone of Brother Monkey, and the one in front of him was indeed the real Monkey King.

You can feel the difference in this body just from the aura. It really is Brother Monkey's body, but it is different.

"Thank you brother, it's not easy to hold on for so long, and I saved my monkey monkey grandson."

It seems that Lin Xiu made the right bet, and finally persisted until the arrival of Monkey King, and it seemed that Monkey King also had a good impression of him.

"Hmph, you finally dare to come back and face me, I thought you would hide like a coward and dare not come out, haha"

The six-eared macaque didn't seem very surprised to see the appearance of Monkey King, as if he had expected the appearance of Monkey King before.

"Here! My territory, if you run wild on my territory, you will end up dead."

As soon as the words fell, Monkey King rushed up with an indomitable momentum, and swung his stick at the six-eared macaque.

This Sun Wukong is really as described in the novel, it can be said that he teleported in front of the six-eared macaque, and the six-eared macaque also hurriedly used his own extinction light to resist. Seeing that Monkey King was about to be hit, he also used the ghost The general body skill blocked this fatal blow.

Then he turned around and gave the six-eared macaque a stick, and hit the six-eared macaque directly on the back. It can be seen that Monkey King is indeed stronger than the six-eared macaque.No matter in terms of speed or on-the-spot reaction ability, Monkey King completely suppressed the six-eared macaque.

Sure enough, the situation on the battlefield was one-sided, and the six-eared macaque was completely suppressed. It seems that this time it is still a familiar script, and Monkey King won.

Just when Lin Xiu thought that Monkey King was sure of winning, the situation on the battlefield seemed to start to change again.

I saw the six-eared macaque was hit to the ground with a stick by Monkey King, and quickly got up from the ground.

"Sun Wukong, no matter what, I must win today." As he spoke, he grabbed a piece of muscle from his chest, put it in his mouth and swallowed it, then took out a small black bottle, and put the black pill in it. swallowed it.

In an instant, black air all over the sky penetrated into the six-eared macaque's body from a long distance from the ground, and then saw his body grow explosively, and finally pierced the water curtain hole.

In the end, the six-eared macaque turned into a full hundred feet tall, with black air constantly emitting from his body, even his stick shaped like a Ruyi golden cudgel was surrounded by black air, and the whole person looked Very dark, this scene reminded Lin Xiu of the black dragon and black fox before.

"Could it be that the six-eared macaque has also become a member of the Dark Demon Clan? Brother Hou is in trouble now."

Because Lin Xiu could feel that the strength of the blackened six-eared macaque seemed to have reached the level of the Immortal Emperor. Although Brother Monkey was also very strong, he seemed to be a little short of the Immortal Emperor.

Sure enough, as Lin Xiu had guessed, the strength of the six-eared macaque after blackening was completely different from before. He could be said to be suppressed and beaten by Wukong before, but after this blackening, the situation seemed to be deadlocked.

Monkey King swung another stick, but it didn't have the same effect as before. He was directly blocked by the six-eared macaque with one hand, and then pushed away with his arm. Monkey King also flew upside down for a few meters before he stabilized his figure.

"How could your strength improve so quickly? It seems that you have joined the Dark Demon Race."

"Yes, so what, as long as I can defeat you, even death is worth it."

It seems that the six-eared macaque has a strong resentment towards Sun Wukong, even if he sells himself to the dark demons in exchange for a short-term increase in strength, he must defeat this monkey.

"Why are you so confused? Joining the Dark Demons can certainly improve your strength quickly, but their purpose is to collect your souls and turn you into their slaves in the end."

"I don't care so much, just watch the trick."

As he said that, he punched the ground where Monkey King was. Fortunately, Brother Hou was not a vegetarian, so he dodged the punch in an instant.

But Lin Xiu also saw that if this continues, Brother Hou might be consumed to death.

Lin Xiu was aware of this, how could Sun Wukong not realize it, so he didn't plan to hide like this, and was ready to take the initiative to attack.

Brother Monkey plucked a few hairs from his head and blew on his hand, and in an instant those few hairs turned into monkeys exactly like Brother Monkey, which was almost exactly the same as what Lin Xiu saw in the novel, and Brother Monkey used Lin Xiu was a little surprised that the avatar summoned by his own monkey hair was similar in strength to Brother Monkey's main body.

It is not uncommon for him to know that this kind of ability to generate clones has not been seen before, but the clones produced are generally very weak, and at most half of the strength of the main body is considered a very strong clone.But all of Sun Wukong's avatars have the same strength as his main body, which is a terrifying one.

It is equivalent to the six-eared macaque facing three monkey brothers of such strength at the same time. One can imagine how difficult this is for ordinary people.

However, the battle did not have the instantaneous situation change that Lin Xiu imagined. Although there were three clones, but the six-eared macaque was too strong after using the secret method of the dark demon clan. its breach.

Seeing that this battle was about to reach a stalemate, Brother Hou seemed to have activated some kind of fairy art again.

"Trinity, the exorcism formation is activated."

The three monkey brothers finally stood in a triangle, surrounded the six-eared macaque, and then their hands showed the shape of chanting a mantra. Suddenly, the golden light shone, and finally became a pyramid to trap the six-eared macaque inside. .

The six-eared macaque saw that the shape was not right, so it frantically beat the golden pyramid with its own stick, but no matter how he beat it, the pyramid did not move at all.

In this matter, the main body of the three monkey brothers jumped out of the formation suddenly, also holding the Ruyi golden cudgel, and Lin Xiu was dazzled by the dense stick technique like wind and rain. He was extremely manic, beating his surroundings crazily, but Brother Monkey's stick technique always gave people a feeling that there was nothing there, and he borrowed his strength bit by bit.

Lin Xiu was also fascinated by watching it. Although this stick technique looks fast, it doesn't seem to have any sense of strength, but it seems to have achieved excellent results when hitting the six-eared macaque.

(End of this chapter)

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