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Chapter 1396 Dog Beating Stick?

Chapter 1396 Dog Beating Stick?
This seemingly ordinary stick technique seems to hide something unspeakable, every retreat and advance seems to be dancing on the tip of a knife, it looks elegant but deadly.

Finally, under Brother Hou's ghostly stick technique, the six-eared macaque finally fell to the ground.At this time, the golden light also jumped to the six-eared macaque, clearing all the black light from his body, and then the six-eared macaque's body also returned to its normal shape.

Does this battle finally end with Monkey King's victory? I have to say that Monkey King is worthy of defeating Buddha. His strength and combat experience are very strong. It was a situation that seemed to be lost bit by bit, and came back.

Seeing the six-eared macaque fell, Sun Wukong was barely relieved. He didn't expect the six-eared macaque to join the Dark Demon Clan in order to defeat him, which also made him feel that the crisis seemed to be getting closer.

"Senior, what is the origin of this Dark Demon Race? How could they want to attack the entire fairy world?"

Lin Xiu was also very curious. The power of the dark demon clan seemed to have completely infiltrated the entire fairyland. Whether it was the black fox in the nine-tailed fox clan or the black dragon in the West Sea Dragon Palace, it had already shown that the dark demon clan had extended its claws to the entire fairyland. Fairyland.Lin Xiu is also a member of the fairy world, and his family is still in the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, so he is also very concerned about the movements of the Dark Demon Clan.

"To be honest, I don't really know where the dark demons come from. I only know that they use the guise of quickly improving their strength to lure strong people who want to quickly improve their strength to join, and then use secret methods to slowly increase their strength." Slowly corrupt your soul, and in the end you will be enslaved by them and become their slave."

"Furthermore, according to the information from the powerhouses of all parties, the recent attacks of the dark demons have become more and more rampant. It seems that they are about to launch a general attack on our fairy world."

Sun Wukong is obviously also worried about the sudden large-scale attack of the Dark Demon Clan, because the strength of the Dark Demon Clan is stronger than that of the Immortal Realm, and it is only a small-scale battle now, and neither of the real powers of the two sides has yet appeared.Once the great powers of both sides are on the stage, then this battle can be regarded as the real beginning.

"It seems that this world is about to suffer a catastrophe, little brother, thank you, thanks to you this time, my Huaguo Mountain was not destroyed by these six-eared macaques."

"Seniors have praised me, but juniors just did what they were supposed to do."

"By the way, the Ruyi golden cudgel in your hand seems to be the other half of me left in Dragon Palace."

The reason why Sun Wukong would make this guess is that when he arrived, he felt a sense of power, and it came from the half of the golden cudgel he left in the West Sea Dragon Palace.

"Yes, this junior borrowed it from Ao Guang, the lord of the West Sea Dragon Palace. I think the senior seems to be very handy in using the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. The junior would like to ask if there are any skills or something."

"The stick method I used just now was created by myself. I named it the dog-beating stick method. How about it? Do you want to learn it?"

Sun Wukong also saw Lin Xiu's thoughts at a glance. After previous observations, he also saw that Lin Xiu was already beyond his peers in terms of strength and combat experience, and he was a seedling with great potential. Xiu also has the meaning of storage.

"Okay, this junior is exactly what I want, but I still have something to look for in Huaguo Mountain. I don't know if senior agrees or not."

"Looking for something, I seem to remember that my monkey grandson came out of Huaguo Mountain, but there is nothing else, but since you said so, then you can do whatever you want."

Sun Wukong also felt strange for a while, this Huaguo Mountain was also explored by himself at the beginning, there was nothing but a pile of stones, but Lin Xiu said that if there is something in it, let him go.

Naturally, Lin Xiu was still thinking about the Qitian Treasure Chest. After seeing the Monkey King's true strength, he became even more interested in the Qitian Treasure Chest.This hair of brother monkey may be able to help him turn the tide of the battle that day.

After entering the cave, there were indeed stones inside. According to the system prompt, Lin Xiu also came to a rock wall.

The system showed that the Monkey King treasure chest was hidden in this rock wall, and Lin Xiu also tried to punch it out, but there was no response.

This made Lin Xiu worry. The rock wall that seemed to be easily pierced before seemed to be unstoppable now.

"I don't believe in evil anymore, I still have to get this Equaling Heaven Treasure Chest today."

Immediately, the Qinglian swordsmanship and Arhat's indestructible body were activated, and the Qinglian seemed to be unable to penetrate the rock wall, as if the rock wall could not be broken by Yuan force.

"The original force seems to be unable to break through this rock wall, so I'll try with my spiritual power."

So Lin Xiu took out his own black jar, and slowly replenished his spiritual power into it. Finally, another white light continuously hit the rock wall. Finally, under the impact of the white light, the rock wall It finally cracked.

Sure enough, there was a golden treasure chest inside, and there was an ancient scroll inside. When it was opened, it seemed to be very old.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Monkey King treasure chest and getting 2 monkey hairs."

"It's really good luck. I got two at once. Now I have enough capital to challenge that elder, but what is this scroll below?"

Lin Xiu wanted to open the scroll to see what was inside, but when he was about to open it, he found that there seemed to be a mysterious force that sealed the scroll, and he couldn't open it temporarily.

"Why is this scroll so strange? It still can't be opened. It doesn't matter. It must be a good thing if it can be put together with the Monkey King Treasure Chest. Put it away first."

Lin Xiu also took the scroll and walked out of the rock wall.

At this time, Sun Wukong outside was still arranging for his monkey grandson to clean the battlefield and repair the cave. When he saw Lin Xiu coming, he also smiled at him.

"Little brother, have you got all the brothers you want?"

"Yeah, I got them all."

"That's good. If there is nothing else, we will start to learn my dog-beating stick tomorrow."

"Just do what the seniors said, and the juniors will try their best to learn."

"I entrust this technique to you in the hope that if the dark demons really invade, you can take on the responsibility of saving the common people. You are very talented and you can see that you have a good heart. That's why I gave this technique to you." I will teach you the dog-beating stick method, so you must study hard."

"The younger generation will definitely listen to the teachings of the seniors and do their meager strength to protect the common people in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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