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Chapter 1397 Training Begins

Chapter 1397 Training Begins

On the second day, Lin Xiu also followed Monkey King to the back of Huaguo Mountain.

However, the back mountain of Huaguo Mountain seems to be no different from the entrance, surrounded by bare rock walls, Lin Xiu also doesn't know why he brought himself here, does it have anything to do with practicing the dog-beating-stick method.

When Lin Xiu was wondering, Sun Wukong walked to one of the rock walls and patted one of the rock walls, and suddenly the surrounding rock walls also started to move.

As the rock wall moved, the back mountain seemed to really show its true face. It turned out that there was a cave behind the rock wall.

I saw a huge waterfall on the top of the back mountain. The water rushed straight down from the top of the mountain more than 20 feet away, and the white water waves stirred up circle after circle of water waves.There are several stone tables and benches under the waterfall, which seem to be used for people to rest.

"But what do these things have to do with the dog-beating stick technique I want to practice?"

Although the scene here is indeed very spectacular, it seems that it really has nothing to do with Lin Xiu's cultivation.

"Lin Xiu, come here." Just when Lin Xiu was puzzled, Monkey King finally took action.

I saw that Sun Wukong seemed to press a mechanism, and suddenly several wooden figures came out from behind the waterfall, and Lin Xiu seemed to be able to feel that the strength of the wooden figures was not weak.

"From today onwards, you should practice some basic agility here. This wooden figure is specially used by me to practice agility for you. If you can avoid the attacks of these wooden figures and counterattack , then your agility will be considered complete. I still have things to do, so I'm leaving first, you should practice here."

"Okay, follow the teachings of the predecessors."

Sun Wukong also nodded slightly, turned around and disappeared into the sky.

Lin Xiu also felt strange, how could this wooden man exercise his body skills? Could it be that he couldn't even beat the wooden man?

But what happened next made Lin Xiu have a different opinion.

I saw a few wooden figurines rushing towards Lin Xiu. The amazing speed even surprised Lin Xiu. The wooden figurines punched him immediately, and Lin Xiu had no choice but to activate his Arhat Immortal Body and Qinglian Sword tactics to defend.

However, what surprised Lin Xiu was that the wooden man was not only fast, but also surprisingly strong. Just an ordinary punch sent Lin Xiu flying, and Lin Xiu was also sent flying tens of meters Only then did he stabilize his figure.

"It seems that this wooden man still has something. It's really not easy to avoid their attacks."

But Lin Xiu is also a person who dares to try. He also tried to repel them with his Qinglian swordsmanship and Arhat's immortal body, but facing this unconscious wooden man, although they were attacked, they would not There is not the slightest backlash.

Now Lin Xiu also fully understood why Sun Wukong arranged for himself to practice against these wooden figures. Because of the wooden figure's attack, Lin Xiu had almost no way to dodge now, and Lin Xiu's attack now could not kill the wooden figure. Crushed, so you can only use your own body skills to avoid it.

"It seems that I can only practice on my own."

For the next few hours, Lin Xiu spent almost all of his time being beaten, because he couldn't avoid the joint attack of these wooden men at all, because they seemed to be one person, and they cooperated quite tacitly. Lin Xiu also retreated steadily.

But despite this, Lin Xiu still didn't give up, and stood up after being beaten again and again, even though his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he didn't mean to give up.Because he knew that because Shuang'er stood up to protect himself, he would definitely receive special treatment from the Western Temple in the future, so he had to learn the dog-beating stick technique to be sure enough to bring Shuang'er from the Western Temple. come out.

On the mountain in the distance, Monkey King was also watching all this from afar. The scene of Lin Xiu falling and getting up, getting up and being knocked into the air made him a little moved, as if seeing Lin Xiu again and again. It was my own shadow back then.

"This child has such a high talent, but he still has such a heart. Give him a little more time, and the world will really depend on him to save him."

Obviously, Sun Wukong is also very satisfied with Lin Xiu, so he is willing to hand over his self-created dog-beating stick method to Lin Xiu.

Finally, after an afternoon of hard training, Lin Xiu was finally able to barely deal with the attack from the wooden man.But this is already a great improvement for him, and he also believes that he will be able to fully deal with these wooden figures soon.

The next day, Houshan.

A figure was constantly changing its movements, dodging the attacks from the wooden man again and again, that figure seemed like a ghost, seeing that the wooden man's fist was about to hit him, he moved his footsteps lightly. Dodge this attack.

This figure is naturally Lin Xiu. After a day of training, Lin Xiu's body skills can be regarded as a small improvement, and he can advance and retreat freely when several wooden figures attack at the same time.He is like two different people from before.

Seeing this, Monkey King on the side nodded in satisfaction, and walked to Lin Xiu's side.

"Senior, I did it, and then I can learn the dog-beating-stick technique."

"Your body skills are indeed well practiced, but there are still areas that need to be strengthened. You must seize the weaknesses of others while dodging and attacking. Since the number of wooden figures can no longer meet your training requirements, then I'll add more."

Monkey King pressed the mechanism on the rock wall again, but he didn't expect that there were still many wooden figures hidden inside.

"Okay, practice hard. After you can knock down these wooden figures at the same time, you can learn the dog-beating stick method, but this time you can use the Ruyi Golden Cudgel."

This Wukong has to be said to be a strict teacher, even for such a talented and hard-working student as Lin Xiu, he did not relax his requirements.Because he knew that once he relaxed his requirements on Lin Xiu, he might have to pay the price of his life on the battlefield, so he had to strictly check Lin Xiu's body skills.

Lin Xiu naturally knew this, and didn't say much. He also took out his Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and put on a posture of fighting.

"Come on, as many as you come, I can handle it."

The next second, all the wooden figures started to activate, and they formed a formation automatically, which seemed to be the legendary eighteen bronze figure formation.

Seeing this posture, Lin Xiu naturally didn't slack in the slightest, but it seemed that no matter what angle he attacked from, he couldn't break the formation, which also made him face difficulties.

(End of this chapter)

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