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Chapter 1398 Dangerous Breath

Chapter 1398 Dangerous Breath

Of course, Lin Xiu would not give up, and the Arhat's Immortal Body was activated at the same time, and a stick hit the wooden figure. Although it was also a stick that hit a wooden figure, a new wooden figure was filled from another place. come up.

"In this case, it is impossible to hit them at the same time. This is really troublesome. Unless the speed is fast enough to knock down all of them in an instant, it is possible to complete this training, but how is it possible?"

Lin Xiu also knew how difficult it was to knock down these wooden figures at the same time. There were so many of them, and they had their own formation, which seemed to be an impossible task.

But since the mission given to him by Brother Hou must have his reasons, so Lin Xiu didn't think too much about it, and rejoined the battle.

Unexpectedly, this practice lasted for three full days.

Finally, after a burst of crackling, Lin Xiu finally hit all the wooden figures at the same time.

"Senior, I did it."

Maybe it was because the past three days were really exhausting, after finishing speaking, Lin Xiu actually fell asleep.Seeing Lin Xiu's appearance, Monkey King was both relieved and funny, and carried him into his bedroom to rest.

After half an hour, Lin Xiu finally opened his eyes and found that Monkey King was looking at him with a smile.

"Senior, I did it. I hit all the wooden figures with just one blow. Now senior can teach me the dog-beating stick method."

"It's ok, your agility already has the foundation to learn this dog-beating stick technique. After you recover, come to the back mountain to find me."

Sun Wukong also knew that Lin Xiu didn't take much rest for training these days, so it was also time for Lin Xiu to rest a little more, and it was also for him to have a better state to learn the dog-beating stick method.

After resting for a day, Lin Xiu ran to the back mountain to find Monkey King.

"Have a good rest, then let's start. First of all, you must concentrate this power on the tip of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, in order to make your stick speed reach the extreme and achieve an unexpected effect."

"Then what should the senior do?"

"It's simple to say, but it requires you to have strong mental control, that is, to use mental power to concentrate all the energy in the stick."

Lin Xiu couldn't help but feel secretly happy when he heard this, isn't this just something he prepared for himself, he may be stronger than the monkey brother in front of him in terms of mental power control.

The fact is indeed the case, Lin Xiu only tried a few times and used his mental power to perfectly concentrate all the power on the tip of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Lin Xiu's astonishing mental power control also surprised Sun Wukong. After all, there are very few people with such strong mental power and Yuan power, and they can achieve such precise control. I have to say that this Lin Xiu He is indeed a peerless genius.

The next training went on smoothly, and in just three days, Lin Xiu learned the dog-beating-stick method.

"Senior, thank you for teaching me this dog-beating stick method. I still have something to do, so I will leave first." Lin Xiu also knew that it was time for him to leave. Now that he has the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand and learned It's time for him to go back and take revenge.

"Okay, I don't know why, but I feel familiar when I see you. Maybe it's fate. You must be careful when you go. This is a life-saving monkey hair on my head. I will give it to you. You It must be dangerous to go to the Western Temple, remember to save your own life first."

"The younger generation will follow the teachings of the older generation, so the younger generation will go first." Said and waved away.

"Hey, I also have to deal with this matter about the Dark Demons. The damned Dark Demons are really disturbing."

Three days later, Lin Xiu also rushed under the Tree of God again, but it seemed a little different from last time, and he couldn't tell.

When I walked in, I found that something was wrong. The surroundings of the tree of gods seemed to be surrounded by circles of black air.

"Could it be that the Dark Demons have extended their claws to the Western Temple? The situation is not good. If they even dare to break into the Western Temple, it means that their general attack is coming."

Lin Xiu didn't dare to think too much, and immediately got into the teleportation space.

After experiencing the turbulence caused by traveling through space again, Lin Xiu returned to the Western Temple, but he couldn't believe what he saw.

Eyes full of sores and corpses of angel clansmen all over the place, this is not the temple of the West, it has completely become a slaughterhouse.

"This is too courageous. They even dare to enter the Western Temple. I don't know if the Great Elder can hold on. I hope I am not too late. Shuang'er is waiting for me."

On the other side, in the main hall of the Western Temple.

"Old man, tell me quickly, where is your saint, or everyone here will die."

The person who spoke was a man in black armor, with black air constantly emitting from his body, his appearance was very hideous and terrifying.

The person standing opposite is naturally the Great Elder who was still aggressive before, but at this moment, he has no prestige of the past at all. Instead, he has a face of panic and embarrassment, obviously defeated by this man in black armor.

"Don't think about it, you think I don't know about your conspiracy. I just want to capture the saint and make you a slave. Don't even think about it. Even if the old man dies in battle today, he will not hand over the saint."

Although the Great Elder is a bit defensive, he is still not confused at the critical moment. He is very clear about what the group of people in front of him want to do. Even if he handed over the saint, this group of people will definitely not let him and his clansman go, because Their goal is to turn the strong men in the entire western temple into their slaves, so they can't hand over this saint no matter what. It seems that the great elder is also prepared to do his best.

This pair is the reincarnation of the 12 wings, and their talents are top-notch existences in the entire western temple. As long as she can survive, then the entire western temple will have the hope of surviving.

"The sun shines on Kyushu."

The Great Elder is also fully fired, and he who has fully activated the power of the angel has also exerted the power of the Sun Shining Kyushu to the maximum. The red light also shines on people who cannot open their eyes. The terrifying temperature seems to be overwhelmed. This western temple burned down.

However, the man in black didn't know what secret technique he used, so he summoned many dead servants to stand in front of him, and they also became his scapegoats. Then he threw out a black chain and flew towards The great elder who is already at the end of his strength.

The Great Elder also closed his eyes helplessly, as if he was ready to meet the arrival of death.

(End of this chapter)

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