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Chapter 1407 Four Elephant Palaces

Chapter 1407 Four Elephant Palace

"Lin Xiu, let's go and leave her here to think about it."

Lin Xiu was also a little distracted. The scene of Shuang'er's deadly wings growing before shocked him, and this Shuang'er's current ability also made him a little confused.

So it was only after Shuang'er called him several times in a row that he finally recovered.

"Did you get scared by me just now? It's okay, how are you doing? Shuang'er is always your young master." Shuang'er also roughly guessed what Lin Xiu was thinking, so she hurriedly comforted her
Lin Xiu also had no choice but to nod with a wry smile, but also said nothing.

"Lin Xiu, where are you going next?" Shuang'er also got the Yutian Sword and had nothing important to do, so she also asked Lin Xiu where to go.

"This, I really don't know..."

Only then did Lin Xiu remember that he didn't seem to have found anyone to inquire about the Jade Emperor's whereabouts, so he didn't know where to go for a while.

When the two of them didn't know where to go, the unopenable scroll that Lin Xiu got from Huaguo Mountain finally made a movement.

I saw that mysterious scroll also popped out from Lin Xiu's ring, and unfolded automatically in front of Lin Xiu.

It turned out that this was a treasure map, with a shiny red dot on it, and the current locations of Lin Xiu and Shuang'er on it.

Under the red dot is also written the word Sixiang, but there is another word behind it that has been weathered so that it cannot be seen clearly at all.

"Shuang'er, why don't we go to this place to have a look, we don't know where to go anyway."

Shuang'er also nodded, and now she doesn't want to go back to the Western Temple, and staying by Lin Xiu's side also makes him very happy.

Lin Xiu also walked slowly according to the map. As the red light got closer, Lin Xiu became more and more excited.

Suddenly, a huge palace appeared in front of my eyes, with the three big characters of Sixiang Palace written on it.

"It should be here, but why does it look like there is no one here?"

Lin Xiu and Shuang'er didn't think too much, and walked in directly, but they didn't expect to be blocked by a large number of people as soon as they walked in.

This large group of people was divided into four parts, wearing red, green, blue, and white training clothes respectively, and the four elephants of Suzaku, Azure Dragon, Xuanwu, and White Tiger were engraved on the corresponding clothes.It seems that the interior of the Sixiang Palace is also divided into four gangs according to the four images.

"Stop, this is the Four Elephant Palace, no one else is allowed to enter except our disciples in the Four Elephant Palace."

This made Lin Xiu feel worried. It would be impossible to break in forcefully. There are so many people in the Four Elephant Palace.

"Then I would like to ask, are there any requirements for joining the Four Elephant Palace?"

"The requirement is also very simple, you just need to defeat the four masters of our Sixiang Palace."

"It's also called very simple? Isn't it clear that you want to bully people, four people beat one person, fortunately they can figure it out."

Naturally, Lin Xiu could tell from the expressions of everyone in the Four Elephant Palace that this was clearly to make things difficult for him.But for this treasure, I have to go.

"Shuang'er, I'm fine by myself, just watch me here, and see if I don't teach this group of bullying people a lesson." Lin Xiu also whispered to Shuang'er next to him, Shuang'er is also well-behaved nodded.

"Okay, I accept it. Are you going to come together, or one by one? How about this, you should come together, so as not to say that I bully you."

Lin Xiu also saw that the strength of the four palace masters in front of him was about the same as his, and they were all at the peak of the Golden Immortal. You must know that Lin Xiu's many methods can already allow him to defeat the Dark Demon King, who is already at the level of the Immortal King. Strong, so he also has considerable confidence in one against four.

On the other side, hearing that Lin Xiu wanted to beat the four of them, the owner of the Sixiang Palace also looked at Lin Xiu like a fool.

"Haha, did you hear that this kid not only wants to defeat the four of us, but also wants us to fight together. Do you think he has a brain hole?"

"Yes, yes, you must know that the strength of our Four Elephant Palace is not a small force in this heavenly court. Come on, brothers, let us teach this arrogant boy a good lesson."

Lin Xiu also set up his posture, ready to meet the attack.

The four Palace Masters approached Lin Xiu from four angles, but Lin Xiu didn't give them a chance to protect him.When they were about to get close, they kicked down quickly with both feet, and quickly flew into the sky, avoiding the double-team.

Fortunately, the four of them didn't react very slowly, or they would have been bumped into each other by Lin Xiu's trick.

Now these four people realized that Lin Xiu was not talking big, but seemed to have the ability to deal with the four of them, so the four of them finally became serious.

The four palace masters also summoned their own Wuhun, Xuanwu, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Azure Dragon respectively.In an instant, the sky also looked very spectacular.

Not to be outdone, Lin Xiu directly used the arhat to destroy himself, and a 10-foot-tall arhat appeared behind Lin Xiu, and the momentum was also very magnificent.

I saw that the lord of the White Tiger Palace also launched an attack first, and a white tiger also bit at Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu didn't use Qinglian swordsmanship to protect himself, and directly chose to forcibly turn the white tiger's head aside with both hands. , avoiding the bite.

Seeing that the attack of the lord of the White Tiger Palace was interrupted, the lord of the Suzaku Palace also used his martial soul to spray a divine fire at Lin Xiu. Seeing that the divine fire was about to burn him, he also summoned Qibao Linglong. When they reached Qibao Linglong Pagoda, they couldn't move half an inch forward, and the scorching flames were completely absorbed by the pagoda.

At this moment, a green dragon's sharp claws and Xuanwu's heavy blow also rushed towards Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu had no choice but to use Qinglian swordsmanship to defuse the attack.

Although the first round of attacks by the four palace lords did not cause any substantial damage to Lin Xiu, even Lin Xiu, who is more brave than ever, felt a little strenuous with this wheel-to-wheel tactics.

"It seems that if you want to defeat them, you have to defeat them one by one."

Lin Xiu also knew that if the four of them continued to consume like this, he would also be consumed to death alive, so Lin Xiu also wanted to defeat them one by one.

A white sword intent rushed towards Lin Xiu at this moment, and Lin Xiu could only resist it with Qinglian Sword.But at this time, Lin Xiu was secretly preparing something, and another divine fire came howling, and Lin Xiu avoided it by relying on the dog-beating stick technique.

Shenhuo also wiped Lin Xiu's clothes and flew over. At this moment, a strange smile appeared on Lin Xiu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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