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Chapter 1408 Meeting the Great Sage Again

Chapter 1408 Meeting the Great Sage Again
I saw a purple-red light flying out from Lin Xiu's fingertips, which also hit the Lord of the White Tiger Palace in the distance.

After being hit, the palace lord also went crazy, and rushed towards the Xuanwu Palace palace lord beside him.The Mistress of the Xuanwu Palace on the side was attacking Lin Xiu with all his strength, when suddenly a huge white tiger rushed towards him, and he was thrown to the ground with a dazed look on his defenseless face.

"Hey, you're crazy, why are you jumping at me, dead tiger."

Hearing the shout from Xuanwu Palace Master, Suzaku and Qinglong who were about to attack also heard the shout from Xuanwu, and looked back to see what happened.

At this moment, Lin Xiu also seized the opportunity, and the golden cudgel and Qinglian sword appeared in front of him at the same time, urging the dog-beating stick technique and the Qinglian sword technique, and rushed towards Suzaku and the master of Qinglong Palace.

Unprepared, the two were also hit to the ground by the Golden Cudgel and Qinglian Sword at the same time.

All of this is naturally caused by Lin Xiu. The effect of this enchanting magic technique is really excellent for people of the same level. He used this to control the Lord of the White Tiger Palace for five seconds. The reason why he chose the White Tiger Palace The Palace Master was the target because Lin Xiu had observed that among the four, he was the one with the strongest attack power. If he could charm the white tiger, he would definitely be able to mess up the scene.

Sure enough, as Lin Xiu expected, after being charmed, the white tiger rushed towards Xuanwu at the side. Lin Xiu also took advantage of this chaotic scene to attack Suzaku and Qinglong, which also had a good effect.

When Suzaku and Qinglong were knocked down at the same time, the time for the white tiger's charm had also come. Seeing Xuanwu lying on the ground, he didn't know what happened.

"Brother, is this kid so powerful? Didn't he even support you, who has the strongest defense?"

Xuanwu at the side still looked dazed when he heard the white tiger, and he was also furious.

"Are you pretending to be stupid? Just now you rushed towards me without saying a word. You still asked me what's wrong. I still want to ask you."

Hearing what Xuanwu said, Baihu also seemed to know who was doing the trick.

"I see. I lost consciousness after being shot by a beam of light from that kid just now. This kid must be playing tricks."

Lin Xiukao, who was in the distance, saw the two brothers starting to quarrel, and also laughed from a distance.

Baihu also realized that he had to attack one by one, and it seemed that he could not defeat Lin Xiu in a short time.

"Brothers, it's time for us to unite. This kid is very cunning, so we must rely on the wisdom of the four of us to defeat him."

When Lin Xiu heard that the white tiger said that he would join forces to deal with him, he was also a little apprehensive. He wanted to defeat them one by one, but he didn't expect that these four people suddenly had a higher IQ, so it is unlikely that they are using the charm magic to charm one of them. .

"It seems that we can only rely on hard work."

He also had no choice but to start his own equality of all beings, and started a one-on-four in the true sense.

"The power of the four elephants."

I saw that Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu also stood in a rectangle, and four beams of light of different colors lit up from each of them, finally forming a huge beam of colored light, and then the four of them moved forward at the same time. Pointing, a huge colored light beam also rushed towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu also felt the huge power coming from that light beam, and he didn't dare to be a little bit careless against the joint attack of the four. He also opened the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and Qinglian Swordsmanship to protect his chest at the same time.

But this didn't seem to have any effect. The light beam directly penetrated the Qibao Linglong Pagoda and Qinglian Sword completely, and shot directly at Lin Xiu's chest.Fortunately, the mysterious armor also absorbed a lot of energy, but Lin Xiu still received a huge impact, and retreated dozens of meters before he stabilized his figure, but it seemed that he had suffered a lot of internal injuries, so A mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Stinky boy, seeing if you are still not arrogant, you still surrender obediently, we can still let you slip away."

But Lin Xiu didn't seem to admit defeat at this point, but took advantage of his recovery from the Vietnam War to find opportunities little by little.

But the four images after this fusion are so fierce that even Lin Xiu can't stand it.

"It seems that I can only ask Brother Monkey for help."

Lin Xiu also knew that he could only rely on Brother Monkey at this time, so he also took out the monkey hair he got from the Qitian treasure box not long ago, and blew it in front of him casually.

Suddenly, in the western sky, a monkey rushed over from a distance riding a somersault cloud, carrying a golden cudgel exactly like Lin Xiu's.

"Who summoned my grandson?"

"Senior is me, don't you know me?"

Lin Xiu also guessed that since this is a clone of Brother Hou, it should have a memory of Brother Hou.

Sure enough, just as Lin Xiu guessed, the clone of Monkey King still recognized Lin Xiu.

"It turned out to be you, little brother. No wonder I said we were so destined. It turned out that you were the one who summoned me before. Tell me, if you encounter any difficulties, I will help you solve them."

"Senior, junior want to enter this Four Elephant Palace, but these four people are working together to make things difficult for me, can you help me?"

The owner of the Four Elephant Palace also naturally knew Sun Dasheng, so when they saw that Lin Xiu had friendship with Sun Wukong, they also felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, long time no see, this Lin Xiu is considered my half-disciple, don't you four old people bully a junior, don't you feel a bit uncomfortable. Today I'm going to teach you four shameless old people a lesson. thing."

Sun Wukong also kept swinging his stick, disrupting the formation of these four people, and then went directly to the somersault cloud, and directly defeated them one by one. In the blink of an eye, the majestic three people just now were under the stick of Monkey King , It was the beaten crying father and mother, who seemed to have lost the prestige just now.

Although he has seen Monkey King's body before, and he has also seen him fight against the six-eared macaque, but this time Brother Monkey's shot still surprised him. Although he has learned the big dog stick technique, he hasn't practiced it for long, so he can't use it. The full power of the magic skill is brought out.And the avatar of the monkey brother just now also showed the dog-beating stick method to the fullest.

"How about it, now I can join the Four Elephant Palace."

Lin Xiu also looked at the four palace masters triumphantly. Although he relied on external forces this time, he still met their requirements. Even if they refused to admit it, he still had Brother Monkey to back him up.

Sure enough, the Palace Master Sixiang who just wanted to say something, also saw Monkey King staring at them, and did not dare to have any objections.

(End of this chapter)

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