Chapter 1416
King Kunpeng found that his attack seemed to have no effect on Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu caused a lot of trouble in this defensive counterattack.After discovering this, King Kunpeng also knew that with his own attack, Lin Xiu could not be hurt at all, so he was going to make his real killing move.

I saw that he retracted all his wings, curled his whole body into a ball, and then the surrounding golden light moved into his body.After a while, King Kunpeng suddenly fully spread his wings.His body was covered with golden light, and he ran directly towards Lin Xiu.

It's just several times faster than before. Lin Xiu, who was standing there, was also at a loss as he watched the big bird rush towards him, because the speed was too fast and afterimages began to appear in the sky.

Lin Xiu also couldn't parry this attack from almost 360 degrees around him with no dead angle, and because of the faster speed, the strength of this attack also increased accordingly.

Even Lin Xiu has the recovery effect of becoming more and more courageous after fighting, but there are many scars on his body.And the Kunpeng King showed no signs of stopping, and the golden light on his body was also very prosperous.

For a moment, Lin Xiu seemed to be in a stalemate. If he wanted to attack mentally, he had to lock on the target. With King Kunpeng's speed, it was impossible for him to lock on the target with his naked eyes.Moreover, this mental attack requires mental infusion, that is, it needs a certain amount of time to guide, and it is impossible to give Lin Xiu time to prepare for this mental attack with this continuous attack.

Another figure struck, and another big scar appeared on Lin Xiu's arm, and blood continued to flow from one side.But it was also at this time that Lin Xiu finally thought of a way to win.

I saw that he took out the Qinglian sword from his hand, endured the severe pain, and started to spin with the sword. Because of the injury, he didn't have much speed at first.

Lin Xiu is also very smart, and he also used the attack of King Kunpeng to accelerate himself. Slowly, a blue whirlwind began to form around Lin Xiu, and it turned faster and faster. The golden light and the blue light intertwined. It looks very dazzling together.

Suddenly Lin Xiu seemed to stop spinning, the cyan whirlwind stopped, but cyan sword lights shot out continuously from Lin Xiu's side, and the cyan sword lights shot out wave after wave.

In the end, it was Lin Xiu's blue light that shot down Kunpeng King, and the golden light on Kunpeng King's body finally disappeared. It seems that Lin Xiu finally won the battle with this sword light.

King Kunpeng's face was also full of surprise, and blood was still flowing from the corner of his mouth.He didn't seem to know what happened just now. He who had the upper hand was quickly beaten into a sieve within a few seconds.

He only saw that when he rushed towards Lin Xiu for the last time, the sky-filled cyan sword light also pierced towards him. Not only was the offensive broken in an instant, but he was also seriously injured by the sky-filled sword light.

All of this is due to Lin Xiu's epiphany when he saw that attack. At the same time he was attacked by that attack just now, Lin Xiu finally had an epiphany.

So he also calmly used the impact brought by the Kunpeng King's attack to continuously accelerate himself, forming a protective layer of sword energy outside of himself.On the other side, using the terrifying energy brought by the high-speed rotation, he swung his Qinglian sword, forming sword energy one after another.

There is no absolute limit between attack and defense, this is also the ultimate meaning of Qinglian Sword Art.Finally, after Lin Xiu reached Dacheng, he finally comprehended the highest state of Qinglian Sword Art, the realm of transformation.

Just when King Kunpeng thought that Lin Xiu would give him a breather, a white light shot into his head.King Kunpeng, who was already seriously injured, couldn't resist Lin Xiu's mental attack.

The huge mental shock also directly defeated King Kunpeng's spirit completely, and he passed out in an instant.

Lin Xiu's ruthless tactics also surprised everyone. As a young leader, he actually killed so decisively, which also shows that Lin Xiu is usually a person who fights between life and death.

So it is natural to know the necessity of cutting weeds and roots.If King Kunpeng is allowed to escape, Lin Xiu can't guarantee whether he will form an alliance with other people and come to attack his fox clan.

"All soldiers, listen to me. If someone dares to betray our clan in the future, they will end up just like King Kunpeng."

Another one is to serve as an example to scare the chickens and monkeys, letting those who have bad intentions towards the Fox Clan know that it is okay to invade the Fox Clan, but they must pay the price of their lives.At the same time, it also established its own prestige among the soldiers.

The soldiers of the Kunpeng tribe on the side saw that their leader had also fallen, and they knew that the situation was over, so they ran around in a hurry.But how could the fox soldiers who had been oppressed for so long give them this chance? They also frantically chased and killed the fleeing soldiers.

In an instant, all the soldiers of the Kunpeng tribe turned into piles of corpses.

This battle ended with the complete victory of the Fox Clan, and naturally the news spread like wildfire.

The surrounding forces, large and small, were also surprised by the strength and courage of the Fox Clan's trusted patriarch. For a while, those forces that were eyeing the Fox Clan also put away their ambitions.

For the next three days, Lin Xiu and the Three-legged Golden Crow were also doing some sorting out of affairs. The Fox clan was in a state of exhaustion, so Lin Xiu and the Three-legged Golden Crow needed to take care of these matters.

One day, after dealing with all the affairs, Lin Xiu also chatted with the three-legged Golden Crow in the conference hall.

"Hey, the young master's matter is finally dealt with, and you can take a good rest for a while."

"Rest, now is the last time we can rest. Since we defeated the invading Kunpeng Clan, although those small forces dare not think about us anymore. But at the same time, those who usually don't put us in the big forces, now It is also slowly paying attention to us, and they have already regarded us as a threat to their hegemony."

"So this is the last time we can relax our vigilance. Hey, by the way, do you know of any way to quickly obtain cultivation resources? It's time for us to cultivate our own reserve forces."

"I do know this. This fairyland holds a hunting competition every four years. The participating forces can plunder and attack other forces at will during this period. Since the participating forces are all relatively large forces, the speed of obtaining resources is also very fast. quick."

"However, there is a special requirement for the participating forces."

(End of this chapter)

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