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Chapter 1417 One Special Request

Chapter 1417 A Special Request

"A special request?"

"That is, the participating forces must have two strong men above the Immortal King level."

"Two fairy kings?"

You must know that the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm are very rare existences, let alone the Immortal King, and this requirement is not one, but more than two.It hasn't been long since Lin Xiu reached the peak of Jinxian, so it is unlikely to make a breakthrough in a short time.It seems that Lin Xiu can only pin his hopes on the three-legged Golden Crow.After all, the three-legged Jinwu has been at the peak of Jinxian for a long time.

"Three-legged Golden Crow, since you have stayed at the peak of the Golden Immortal for so long, don't you have any signs of breaking through?"

The three-legged Jinwu was also very depressed when he heard this. Lin Xiu really thought that everyone was a monster like him, and it was like a joke to be promoted.Although I was the first among the three to reach the Golden Immortal Realm, it may be because the training resources of the fox monster clan are too scarce.So during this period of time, his strength seemed to be stagnant.Breaking through to the Immortal King in this short period of time may seem like a dream.

"Master Lin Xiu, I have stayed in the Golden Wonderland for a long time, but there is no sign of breaking through. I am also very helpless."

Lin Xiu was also troubled this time. Although Shuang'er is very talented, she has only reached the realm of the Golden Immortal not long ago, and it will take a certain amount of time to reach the realm of the Immortal King.

At this moment, Lin Xiu suddenly remembered the last sentence Sun Dasheng said to him before he left.

"The great sage said that there is what I want there and, that is his master Bodhi Patriarch, maybe I can get something special from him."

"Three-legged Golden Crow, do you know the square inch mountain of Lingtai?"

"Of course I know this, but why are you asking this, young master? That's where the Bodhi Old Immortal lives."

"I met Monkey King by chance before. After talking with him, he asked me to go there and said that there was something I wanted."

The three-legged Jinwu was also a little surprised to hear the three Sun Wukongs. He had naturally seen them before when he was a heavenly beast.But judging from Lin Xiu's tone, Sun Wukong didn't seem to treat his young master as a junior, but as a brother, which really surprised him.

You must know that Sun Wukong is fighting against the Holy Buddha, and he usually has a high status in the heaven. Xiu's personal connections.

"If the young master wants to go, you have to cross the ocean from here to get to Fangcun Mountain, but don't worry, although our fox clan doesn't have any cultivation resources, we still have ships to cross the ocean. There will be energy storms from time to time, and the ordinary Golden Wonderland cannot resist it. With ships, we can withstand this energy storm."

"Then how long will it take to go here?"

Lin Xiu was also worried that he would miss the hunting competition every four years, so he hurriedly asked.

"About three days. Don't worry, young master. The hunting competition will start in three months. If we start now, there should be enough time."

"In that case, Xiaobai and I will set off for Fangcun Mountain tomorrow, and you will have to watch over at home. When we come back, this fairy world will definitely be shocked."

"Don't worry, I will definitely guard this fox family and wait for you to come back."

"Then I'll discuss it with Shuang'er now, and I'll leave tomorrow."

Lin Xiu also told Shuang'er about the hunting competition and Fangcunshan, and she immediately agreed.Because in the hearts of these two children

Therefore, Lin Xiu and Shuang'er set off early the next day and got on the boat prepared for them by the three-legged Jinwu.

There is only a Yuedu River between the Nine-tailed Fox Clan and Fangcunshang, because there are often sea monsters coming out of the water to attack humans, and there are energy storms from time to time.So if you are not careful, you will be buried in this sea.

Therefore, on the first day, Lin Xiu hardly saw any ships passing by.On the first day of sailing, the weather was calm, and the wind and water flowed smoothly all the way.Even if there are storms, they are some not too big storms, which have no effect on navigation.

The next day, when Lin Xiu and Shuang'er were admiring the scenery on the sea, the hull suddenly shook.

"No, it's the Kraken attacking the hull."

I saw sea monsters jumping onto Lin Xiu's boat one by one from the sea, slashing at the entire hull with big knives. Gradually, several small holes appeared on the hull, and water also filled in from the holes. to the hull.

"Shuang'er, you stay on this deck and drain the water out of the hull, otherwise the hull will sink and we will be drowned. I will go down and drive those sea monsters away."

Shuang'er also nodded, and Lin Xiu also flew into the air immediately. He didn't expect that there were quite a few sea monsters attacking their ships this time.

Lin Xiu also made a move with Qinglian swordsmanship, because the sea monster's strength was not high, and it was wiped out a lot in an instant.But at this moment, the Kraken also found Lin Xiu, and they swarmed up together, filling Lin Xiu's body in an instant.

For a while, Lin Xiu was also immobilized by the sea monster, so he had no choice but to activate his Arhat Immortal Body, activate the Qinglian sword technique, and use the sword energy to temporarily shake the sea monster away.

That is, taking advantage of this time, Lin Xiu also took out the Ruyi golden cudgel and waved it around. The sea monsters around were also dead or wounded, but due to the large number of them, one wave of death came after another. Like an ant that can't be trampled to death, it's annoying.

There is really no way, Lin Xiu is also using the Qinglian sword technique that he has just realized. The green whirlwind and a large number of sword lights also make the surrounding sea monsters dare not get too close.

Lin Xiu also sighed, he finally resolved the crisis.

In the following time, it is estimated that they also knew how powerful Lin Xiu was, and no sea monster dared to approach Lin Xiu's boat again, so the journey was also extremely smooth.

At noon on the third day, Lin Xiu finally saw the target of his trip, Fangcun Mountain.

From the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, there is also a celestial spirit. At first glance, it looks like a place suitable for seclusion, surrounded by birds and flowers, and a large area of ​​green is also very comfortable to look at.

When Lin Xiu got off the boat, he felt a gust of fresh air inhaled into his nose, which also made his tense mood slowly relax and relieved. I have to say that this Bodhi Patriarch really knows how to choose a place, whether it is to live in seclusion or to practice kung fu. Fa, this place is a peerless good place.

"Host, there is an immortal treasure chest 600 meters ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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