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Chapter 1419 Shuang'er's Persistence

Chapter 1419 Shuang'er's Persistence

Seeing that Patriarch Bodhi was really angry, Lin Xiu was also a little hesitant, because he was afraid that his life would be lost here, so he was also considering whether to do something.

But the things in this treasure chest did arouse Lin Xiu's desire to explore.

"Forget it, if you don't do anything, you've played it twice, and you still care about missing this one?"

Lin Xiuzai didn't hesitate either, he urged his body skills, and shot another shot at the head of Patriarch Bodhi who was about to walk away.

"Congratulations to the host, open the treasure chest of the fairy world, and get a Donghuang Bell."

I thought that after my own warning, this kid would know how to be afraid and leave honestly, but I didn't expect that Patriarch Bodhi had just walked halfway, and a severe headache came over. When he turned around and saw Lin Xiu still had a look on his face. When looking at him with a smile, he also exploded completely.

"Don't say that the old man didn't warn you, young man, the old man will teach you a lesson today."

Lin Xiu seemed to be immersed in the joy of just getting the treasure box. He didn't seem to notice that the Bodhi ancestor was already furious. He saw the Bodhi ancestor waved the whisk in his hand, and a purple light was directed at Lin Xiu. It just flew over.

At this time, Lin Xiu also realized that the Bodhi Patriarch was really angry.

"Hey, senior, I didn't flick your head on purpose. I just wanted to help you check if you are sick. Don't tell me, I really found some problems for you." Lin Xiu could only dodge this. The purple light explained to the Bodhi Patriarch.

"Then tell me, what's wrong with this old man, if you can't explain why, this place will be your burial place today."

"Senior, have you been suffering from severe joint pain recently?"


"Especially when it's raining, the pain is even worse, like someone sticking a needle in your leg."

"Don't tell me, it's really true. I didn't expect you, young man, to have two brushes."

Hearing this, Lin Xiu also heaved a sigh of relief, this time he was still betting right.He knew that although this Bodhi Patriarch had higher attainments than himself in both force cultivation and alchemy.But his medical skills were inferior to that of Concubine Song, so he guessed that the Bodhi Patriarch definitely didn't know how to treat this disease.

But for Lin Xiu, it was very simple. It was a very common disease in his previous life.It is a problem that almost all old people have, rheumatism.In the previous life, it might not be good because he couldn't find some ancient methods, but after traveling to the present, Lin Xiu has a way to cure it.

"But your way of seeing a doctor is really unbearable for ordinary people."

Lin Xiu also smiled helplessly, if it wasn't for his good medical talent, or he would really die here this time.

"Senior, can you take me two as disciples?"

Naturally, he did not forget the purpose of his coming. Naturally, he wanted the Bodhi Patriarch to give him some cultivation tips and the like, so that he and Shuang'er could break through to the realm of the Immortal King in just three months before they could return. Go to the fox family to participate in the four-year hunting competition in the fairy world.

"Seeing that you are so talented, it is not impossible to accept you as an apprentice, but I still have a condition for me to accept your female companion as an apprentice."

"What conditions?"

"It's not too much to ask her to bear my two moves alone. If she can't accept it, then let her go back."

This condition made Lin Xiu feel a little pressure. Even he felt that the strength of the ancestor Bodhi was unfathomable. It seemed to be stronger than the previous sister Guanyin.Although he knew that the pair had bug-like bloodlines of the Angel clan, the huge gap in strength could not be made up by simply relying on bloodlines.

"Okay, I accept this condition, senior, please enlighten me."

But to Lin Xiu's surprise, Shuang'er agreed.This also moved Lin Xiu a little. His ambition had little to do with Shuang'er, but Shuang'er was able to take such a big risk for himself, which also moved him very much.

"Shuang'er, take it, this Donghuang Bell, you must remember to use it when you are in a crisis."

Lin Xiu also learned about the function of the Eastern Emperor Bell just now, that is, it can directly make you only suffer 10% damage from the opponent.Although it was only three seconds, it was enough to become an artifact of defensive counterattack.

Shuang'er was not pretentious either, and took the Donghuang Bell from Lin Xiu's hand.She also knows that now is not the time to be hypocritical, and what she has to do now is to ensure that she can completely accept the two moves of the Bodhi ancestor.

"Okay, I didn't expect that you, a little girl, would have such courage. This old man doesn't know how to be sympathetic. The first trick is here."

I saw Patriarch Bodhi throwing the whisk in his hand into the sky, and then the whisk spun by itself, and finally a white light of ten thousand zhang flew out from the whisk.

The dense white light almost filled the sky, and then shot down towards Shuang'er in an instant.

Shuang'er was also not careless, with her 12 wings fully opened, she wrapped herself up with huge snow-white wings, and there seemed to be no flaws leaking out.

The white light hit the same white wings, and the huge impact caused Shuang'er to be repelled again and again.Gradually, bloodstains began to appear on the white feathers, and it seemed that Shuang'er couldn't hold on anymore.

Suddenly, the feather was pierced by a white light into a small hole, and the white light also penetrated into Shuang'er's body along the small hole. Seriously injured, but she doesn't seem to give up yet.

Enduring the pain by force, he repaired his angel wings again.

After repeating this several times, many blood holes appeared on Shuang'er's body, and the blood also flowed all over Ke Ke's body.Lin Xiu was also very distressed when he saw this, and he was very moved by Shuang'er's ability to do so for himself.

Finally, the first attack came to an end when Fuchen returned to Patriarch Bodhi's hands.But Shuang'er's situation seems to not allow her to bear this second attack.

At this time, Shuang'er was sitting on the ground because of her serious injuries, her shoulders and wings were bleeding in large chunks, she looked very embarrassed, Lin Xiu at the side also saw it in her eyes, and felt pain in her heart , Can't help the eye sockets moistened.

"Shuang'er, why don't you give up, you don't have to work so hard for my ambition. At worst, I won't participate in this hunting competition, we can think of other ways."

"Lin Xiu, I'm fine, don't cry, what do you look like, a big man crying. I'm not dead yet, I know you've been preparing for this hunting competition for a long time, it's fine, I can hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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