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Chapter 1420 So It Was His Descendants

Chapter 1420 So It Was His Descendants

Shuang'er also supported the ground and stood up again, assuming a fighting posture.

"It's good to be young, young man, cherish this girl who is willing to work hard for you, if she can survive."

Apparently, Patriarch Bodhi didn't believe that the pair could withstand the second blow.

"Come on, senior."

Patriarch Bodhi also stretched his hands forward, a space appeared in front of him, and then roared at the space, a huge transparent lion galloped towards Shuang'er, the speed was so fast that sparks sparked with the air.

Shuang'er also took out the Donghuang Bell that Lin Xiu had just given him, and threw it in the direction the lion was rushing towards.I saw that the Donghuang Bell, which was obviously only the size of a palm, also became ten feet tall.

It was also at this time that the lion bumped into the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the huge collision sound resounded throughout the world. The golden light on the Eastern Emperor Bell also gradually dimmed under the mad bite of the lion.In the end, even the Donghuang Bell couldn't hold it anymore. You must know that the Donghuang Bell can reduce the damage by more than 90%. Even under the attack of this transparent lion, it also began to show signs of breaking, which is enough See how terrifying this Bodhi Patriarch is.

Sure enough, under the full attack of the lion, even the Donghuang Bell couldn't support it, and finally it became smaller and returned to Shuang'er's hands.The lion rushed towards Shuang'er again.

Helpless, Shuang'er had no choice but to urge the angel wings to protect her body again, but the lion broke through Shuang'er's defense without hesitation.All of a sudden, a claw grabbed Shuang'er's body,

Shuang'er, who was seriously injured at first, also spewed out blood.It seems to have reached the limit.

"No!" The desperate Lin Xiu also seemed to see the scene of Shuang'er, and shouted out heartbreakingly.

At this moment, Yu Tianjian, who had been silent all this time, moved.Yu Tianjian flew out of Shuang'er's clothes, and suddenly white light was shining. When the white light began to fall on Shuang'er, the wound on Shuang'er's body began to heal miraculously. Shuang'er's pale body His face also gradually turned red.

Slowly, Shuang'er also woke up from the shock. At this time, Yu Tianjian returned to Shuang'er's hands. Shuang'er, who picked up Yu Tianjian again, was like a reborn God of War, and sword lights flew from around the sword body. Flying out, the transparent lion that was still aggressive turned into white light all over the sky in an instant.

Seeing that Shuang'er had finally resisted the attack, Lin Xiu finally felt relieved, but what surprised him was that what happened to the Yutian Sword just now saved Shuang'er who was dying.

Seeing all this, Patriarch Bodhi seemed to remind him of a familiar person.

"Little girl, are you a descendant of the angel clan?"

"Senior, how do you know?"

"Sure enough, he is a descendant of that old thing, no wonder he knows the Yutian Sword."

"Senior, do you know our ancestor?"

"Hey, that was a long time ago. When the Dark Demons invaded the fairy world, I fought side by side with your ancestor of the Angel Race. He used this Yutian Sword back then. I don't know how many Dark Demons were killed. General, but in the end, due to various reasons, he also fell in that battle, only me, an old monster, survived, I still miss him a lot these years, I never thought I could see his descendants here today."

"You are indeed someone he values. Even your personality is exactly the same as his. You are very stubborn. Come on, even if you can't challenge successfully, I will accept you as an apprentice for his sake. Let alone you succeed. .”

Lin Xiu was obviously very happy when he heard this, and finally he was safe from danger and won the approval of the ancestor.

"Today, you just fix it up. Tomorrow, I'm looking for you two."

At night, on the eaves of the guest room.

A young figure was also sitting cross-legged, staring blankly at the moon, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, a voice as gentle as water came from behind the figure, it turned out to be Shuang'er.

"Brother Lin Xiu, why are you still awake, what are you thinking?"

"Shuang'er, why are you here? I was thinking about the existence of the dark demons that the senior said a long time ago. This time they are making a comeback. I don't know how our generation can compare with the previous generation. Can't resist it."

"Don't worry, brother Lin Xiu is so talented and hard-working, even if the dark demons invade again, we must have hope to fight back."

"I hope, but you can't do stupid things in the future. If you want to stand in the way in the future, I will stand in front of you. Otherwise, it would be ugly to say it."

"Okay, okay, Shuang'er will definitely listen to brother Lin Xiu in the future, stop being impulsive, and it's getting late, I'll go back to sleep first."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Looking at the back of Shuang'er going away, Lin Xiu was in a different mood. The words of the ancestor before were still echoing in his mind.Today, when he saw Shuang'er desperately doing this for his hunting competition, he already knew that his feelings for Shuang'er were no longer between master and servant, but gradually became between a man and a woman. The feeling of supporting each other and moving forward with each other.

"Hey, don't think about it for now, today is also quite thrilling, let's take a good rest first."

The next day, Lin Xiu and Shuang'er also got up early and went to the open space outside to start practicing.Not long after, Patriarch Bodhi also saw the two of them.

"It's good to be young and full of energy. Well, it shouldn't be as simple as being a teacher when you find me."

"Senior is really perceptive. You have discovered all of this. This junior came here to ask if there is any way to quickly cultivate. The sooner the better, we only have three months."

"I really don't have any good methods for this cultivation method, but if you want to improve your strength quickly, the old man can still help you. I took a look, and both of you have just slightly broken through the peak of the Golden Immortal. Li Xianwang There is still a certain distance. It just so happens that I am refining a medicine recently, called Jinzhuanxianlongwan. It is most suitable for people like you who are at the peak of Jinxian to take it. Basically, you only need to take one pill, which is basically [-]%. It will let you take it in a short time Break through to the Immortal King."

"With such a strong thing, senior is really powerful, so give us two quickly."

"It's just a coincidence that I just gave this Jinzhuanxianlongdan to others. If you need it, you need to pick the medicinal materials and refine them yourself. I don't have the time to help you. I can only give you what you need. The materials and methods tell you, and the next thing is up to you.”

(End of this chapter)

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