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Chapter 1421 Dragon Soul Grass

Chapter 1421 Dragon Soul Grass

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Bodhi took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, on which were densely written various medicinal materials and how to obtain them.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you two, come to me after you have collected the herbs on it."

Turning around is also striding away, leaving Lin Xiu and the two behind.

"It seems that we can only rely on ourselves, but what is written on the back of the Dragon Soul Grass, asking us to find a cave with an uncertain location, can this cave still move by itself? Forget it, go find other places first Medicines."

Lin Xiu also started his own journey of searching for medicine. After half a day of searching, he found all the medicinal materials on the list, except for the Dragon Soul Grass, which left Lin Xiu and the two of them clueless.

On a rock wall in the distance, there are figures of a man and a woman.

"Brother Lin Xiu, I found the front of the car." Shuang'er also raised her hands and cheered to Lin Xiu, but she forgot that she still had to hold on to the rock wall and fell down in an instant.

At this time, Lin Xiu also kicked off the rock wall and caught the falling Shuang'er in mid-air.

"Oh, I told you to be careful, you will lose your life if you take a medicine?"

"Isn't this exciting? Besides, even if you don't pick me up, won't I still be able to fly?"

"Then I let go?"

As he spoke, he acted as if he wanted to throw Shuang'er out of his hands.

"I was wrong, it's okay, thank you."

Seeing Shuang'er's cute appearance, Lin Xiu couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Lin Xiu, what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at myself, holding a big fool."

On the mountain peak in the distance, a white-haired old man also watched this scene from a distance, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Hey, it's good to be young. I don't want to be alone with my old man. It's not in vain of my painstaking efforts. In fact, there is no such thing as a coincidence. I just want to give them a chance to enhance their relationship and exercise, otherwise they will really think that there will be people in the sky. Drop the pie."

On the other side, Lin Xiu and Shuang'er were still worrying about the Dragon Soul Grass.

"Brother Lin Xiu, do you think that Patriarch Bodhi is deliberately playing tricks on us? There is no cave here that can move by itself."

"This, I don't know, just wait slowly by fate."

Maybe it was because the day was really tiring, the two actually fell asleep by relying on it, and when Shuang'er woke up, she really saw something unbelievable.

A moving cave really appeared, and it seemed to be constantly fleeing to the distance, as if avoiding something.Shuang'er quickly woke up Lin Xiu who was on the side.

"Brother Lin Xiu, quickly see if my eyes are dazzled, I really saw a moving cave."

"Don't tell me, it's true, Shuang'er, let's catch up quickly, and this cave seems to be going away from us later."


Lin Xiu also pulled up his shuang'er, jumped into the air, and quickly chased after him.Not long after, Lin Xiu caught up with the cave.

After walking in, Lin Xiu saw something that made him feel very strange. The cave turned out to be the same as a cabin in a ship, with all kinds of radars and so on.The person at the helm was actually a child who seemed to be only 7.8 years old. He was concentrating on driving the boat, and he didn't seem to notice the existence of Lin Xiu and Shuang'er.

"Kid, where are you driving?"

"I'm going to forage. Haven't you seen the food on the ground? It's not enough."

Lin Xiu also looked at the ground, but he was taken aback. It turned out that the food the kid was talking about were all rare medicinal materials, almost all of which were high-grade natural materials and earth treasures.

"Then kid, do you have Dragon Soul Grass here?"

"What's the rush, I'm just looking for Dragon Soul Grass."

Lin Xiu couldn't help laughing at the child's serious appearance, but there was one thing that he found very strange. If this child feeds on the treasures of heaven and earth, why can't he feel the fluctuation of Yuanli at all from his body.

While Lin Xiu was meditating, the cave suddenly stopped, and he should have reached his destination.

The child didn't even look at Lin Xiu, and walked out of the cave directly.

Naturally, Lin Xiu didn't dare to lose track of him, so he followed quickly. Outside was a huge grassland with fertile water and grass.But here makes Lin Xiu feel like he has returned to the Jurassic, because most of the creatures here are dinosaurs.

Many species that could only be seen from TV and movies in Lin Xiu's previous life, here they appear alive in front of Lin Xiu.

And the strangest thing, the dinosaurs treated the child as if they were friends.I saw the child touching the head of the Triceratops, and the Triceratops even lowered its head meekly to let him touch it, which made Lin Xiu dumbfounded.

The child also kept walking, and finally stopped in front of a huge tyrannosaurus rex.It seemed that what he was looking for was here.

"Come on, Xiao Hei, give me your Dragon Soul Grass."

The huge tyrannosaurus rex actually understood what the child said, and gave it to the child with a piece of fairy grass in its mouth.

"Thank you, I have to go beforehand."

Lin Xiu was also taken aback for a while, and followed back to the so-called "ship".

"Well, kid, can I change something with you?"

After seeing everything just now, Lin Xiu also asked cautiously, for fear that what he said was wrong and would anger the child.

"Yes, but you have to exchange it with something delicious that I have never seen before, and I will not exchange it with you until I think it tastes delicious."

"Sure enough, it's a child. I still use methods to deal with it."

Fortunately, Lin Xiu also carried a lollipop with him all year round, and he also gave this lollipop to the child.

"I haven't seen this thing before, let me try it."

Lin Xiu thought to himself, of course you haven't seen it, it's something unique to my world.He was also worried about whether this freak who ate heaven and earth spirit treasures every day would be able to adapt to the taste of this lollipop, and he watched the kid stuff the lollipop into his mouth nervously.

As soon as the child put the lollipop into his mouth, he frowned at the beginning, which made Lin Xiu's heart tighten. Could it be that the lollipop doesn't suit the child's taste.But then the child began to eat it with big mouthfuls, obviously liking it very much.After a while, the lollipop was also finished very quickly, but the child still seemed to have more than enough to say.

"Big brother, do you still have any more? I'm used to this unpalatable medicinal material, so it's good to change the taste."

"Well, you come back with me, I still have a lot of these lollipops."

Lin Xiu also wanted to take the child back and ask the Bodhi patriarch what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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