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Chapter 1423 Three Immortal Kings

Chapter 1423 Two Immortal Kings
If someone looked down from the sky above the square inch mountain at this time, they would find a very unbelievable thing, a young man was chasing the lightning bolts that fell from the sky.

Ever since Lin Xiu discovered that the power of lightning could be used by him, he also frantically chased the lightning produced by the thunder calamity. Although his clothes had been scorched by the lightning, he still enjoyed it.

Finally, the sky finally calmed down, and the thunder and lightning disappeared, but Lin Xiu still seemed to be a little unfulfilled, but his breakthrough had been completed.

Turning his head to look to the other side, Shuang'er still closed his eyes tightly, as if he was still in the process of breaking through.Lin Xiu also knew that a person is most vulnerable in the process of breaking through, so he didn't dare to disturb He Shuang'er who was on the side.I'm afraid that this disturbance will cause some trouble.

Also quietly waiting for the good news of Shuang'er.

After another hour, Shuang'er, who hadn't moved for a long time, also opened her eyes at this time, obviously her thunder tribulation was coming.Although it was not as grand as Lin Xiu's Thunder Tribulation, it was still quite scary.A series of thunder dragons more than ten meters long rushed towards Shuang'er, but for Shuang'er who has the blood of the angel clan, this thunder disaster seems to be no problem. Hundreds of bolts of lightning also completed this breakthrough.

This breakthrough still caused a little change in Shuang'er. The originally white eyes were tinged with a little gold, and the white angel wings were also sprinkled with golden brilliance. The whole person looked more majestic.It seems that this upgrade has also brought a lot of gains to Shuang'er.

"How are you feeling, Twin?"

"It feels like my whole body is full of strength, and I feel like I'm reborn from the ashes."

"Now we have finally met the conditions for participating in the hunting competition, and it's time to go back."

"Let's say goodbye to Patriarch Bodhi, and then go back to the Fox Monster Clan."

"Well. It's also thanks to him, otherwise I don't know how long it will take us to break through from the golden fairy to the fairy king."

"By the way, what about the medicine boy."

"I don't know either, maybe I'm leaving, let's go out and have a look first."

As soon as Lin Xiu walked outside, he saw Yao Boy and Patriarch Bodhi. When Patriarch Bodhi saw them, he naturally knew that the breakthrough was successful.

"Congratulations to both of you. You have successfully broken through to the Immortal King. You have such a strong strength at such a young age. Your future must be limitless. Don't say that I, a scumbag and an old guy, have really good vision. I was able to choose You two."

"Senior, it's just that the two of us had better fortunes, which is why we can improve so quickly."

"Okay, okay, don't be humble, chances are also seized by people, some people don't know how to cherish the opportunity when it comes to them, you are here to say goodbye to me, right?"

"Well, there are still things to deal with in the junior family, so I won't stay here any longer. Thank you for taking care of us these few days."

The hunting competition is about to start, and Lin Xiu also needs to go back and prepare well, otherwise he will become a piece of meat on someone else's chopping board by then.

"Okay, okay, I won't keep you anymore, but this kid seems to be relying on you."

"Brother Lin Xiu, can you take me back with you, I want to eat that lollipop every day."

Lin Xiu was naturally very happy when he heard this. With such a capable assistant, his power can grow rapidly.

"Okay, I'll take you back."

Sure enough, this drug boy was just a child mentally, and he was finally bought by the lollipop. When he heard that Lin Xiu was going to take him back, he jumped up excitedly.

"Okay, senior, goodbye by fate."

The three of Lin Xiu also waved goodbye to the ancestors, and then boarded the boat and embarked on the journey back to the fox clan.

"The future of this fairy world still depends on these young people, but it seems that the dark demons have already begun to prepare for the final invasion, and I, an old man, have to contribute my last bit of strength."

The journey back could be said to be smooth, and he returned to the Fox Clan safely without even encountering the most common energy storm.

The fox family seems to be similar to when they left before. It seems that nothing major has happened during this period of time.

The three-legged Jinwu was also very surprised to see Lin Xiu come back. He thought they would not come back for at least a month.

"Master, you guys came back too soon, who is this next to you?"

"This is Yao Boy, who is specially here to visit our Fox Clan."

The three-legged Golden Crow is not a fool. How could Lin Xiu bring such a small child to his territory for no reason? Isn't it because he is full and has nothing to do, so this child is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, but now Lin Xiu just didn't want to tell him. When it's time to know, he will naturally know.

After a long journey, Lin Xiu and his party were also a little tired and had an early rest.

The next day, early in the morning, Lin Xiu took the three-legged Golden Crow to discuss future plans.

"When I come back this time, my first goal is to unify all the forces around us and initially form an alliance."

"Then where does the young master want to start?"

"I've only been here for a long time, and I'm not familiar with this place at all. I came here to ask you about the forces around here."

"Well, among the three forces of the wolf, ape, and sea monster mentioned last time, the sea monster to the west of us is the strongest, because their leader is very good at disguise. No matter who it is, as long as he has seen it before, he can almost It is [-]% simulated, and basically no one can distinguish the real from the fake. The second is the ape demons in the east. Because of their special blood, their physical strength is also extremely powerful, and they are almost invincible in melee combat. The presence."

"The weakest is the Kraken tribe in the south. I think the young master has seen it when he was at sea. Although I say they are the weakest, it is only in terms of individual strength. The most terrifying thing about them is their number as numerous as stars. .It is also by relying on the tactics of the sea of ​​​​people that it has overturned many forces that underestimated the enemy, so we must be extra careful when dealing with them."

"That's right, you're good at intelligence work, so in your opinion, which one should we start with first?"

"Young Master, from my point of view, to capture the thief, we must first capture the king. If we want to fight, we must first fight the strongest. Maybe after we defeat the Demon Wolf Clan, other forces will surrender because of our strength. But wouldn’t it be beautiful to subdue the enemy’s soldiers.”

"It's good to capture the thief first, then capture the king first, then according to your order, pass on the order, and the whole army will attack tomorrow to attack the demon wolf clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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