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Chapter 1424 This trick is useless to me!

Chapter 1424 This trick is useless to me!

The next day, the mighty army of the fox clan marched into the hinterland of the wolf clan.The huge momentum also attracted the surrounding forces to talk about it.

The focus of their discussion is naturally that the Fox Clan, who were always passively beaten before, has the confidence to attack the strongest Demon Wolf Clan, which has to be very surprising.

"I'm afraid this fox clan is crazy, but it dares to attack the strongest demon wolf clan so blatantly."

"It is estimated that the new king and new official took office three fires, but isn't he playing with fire and setting himself on fire like this?"

"Yeah, now there's a good show to watch."

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to everyone's eyes, because he knew that this battle was to make the outsiders no longer a race to be slaughtered, and their goal was to dominate this side.

Half an hour passed, and Lin Xiu finally arrived at the territory of the Demon Wolf Clan.

The demon wolf tribe is indeed the most powerful force in the vicinity. The area is more than four times that of the fox monster tribe, and the guards at the city gate do not seem to be weak, so this battle may not be so powerful. easy.

In the Demon Wolf Palace, the Demon Wolf King is comfortably enjoying the service of the maid.As the strongest force in this area, he is naturally carefree and enjoys everything without any scruples.But he didn't know that his good life was coming to an end soon.

"Report, the army of the fox monster clan is calling out outside the door."

"Haha, I heard you right, the Fox Monster Clan is that trash race that doesn't even have a fairy king, but it's enough to challenge us and send our general. Don't report this kind of thing to me, do you hear me? .”


Lin Xiu waited outside for a long time but did not see the shadow of the Demon Wolf King. Suddenly a man in silver armor came out and looked at Lin Xiu with a very disdainful expression.

"Young Master, the Demon Wolf Clan looks down on us too much, they only sent one general over here."

"Oh, this is a good thing, a proud soldier must be defeated."

"The fox monster clan on the opposite side, our king said, I am enough to deal with you."

But as soon as the words fell, the general's head fell to the ground, and the expression of disdain just now remained on his face.

"I said, tell your king to come out, did you hear me?"

The people of the Demon Wolf Clan didn't understand what happened, they just saw a sword light rushing towards them, and their general was killed on the spot.

At this moment, inside the Demon Wolf Hall, the soldier from just now ran in sweating profusely and fell to his knees on the ground.

"My lord, it's not good, it's not good."

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me, what's wrong?"

The Demon Wolf King was also very impatient when his enjoyment was interrupted.

"The general we sent out was instantly killed by some unknown force. And the new king of the fox monster clan must ask you to come forward."

"What, I was killed in seconds. There are such tyrannical people in the fox monster clan. I want to go out for a meeting. The majesty and prestige of our wolf clan are all on the head of our demon wolf clan. It's unreasonable."

Outside of Demon Wolf City.

"Master, do you think they are frightened by you?"

"Impossible, how could this Demon Wolf King, such an arrogant person, watch his subordinates being killed without any reaction."

Sure enough, not long after, a man in a purple dress came out.

"Master, this is the Demon Wolf King."

"It seems that he really has some skills. Let me meet him."

Lin Xiu also urged the Qinglian Sword with his thoughts, and flew directly towards the Demon Wolf King.

"It's naive to want to kill me just because of this."

The Demon Wolf King also summoned the Demon Wolf, rushed forward and bit the Qinglian Sword.

"It seems that this person still has some tricks. The Qinglian Sword driven by my speed can even react."

It seems that this Demon Wolf King really has two brushes as the three-legged Jinwu said, otherwise it would not be possible to sit on the top spot in this area.

Of course, Lin Xiu wouldn't give him too many chances to breathe. He also had the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, and the dog-beating stick method was also activated at the same time.

At this time, Immortal King Lin Xiu's strength was fully displayed. He hit him with a stick, and Demon Wolf King had to block it with his hands. Although he blocked the blow, he was beaten back a lot.

Seeing that he had the upper hand, Lin Xiu pressed forward step by step, hitting the Demon Wolf King with one stick after another. After a while, the Demon Wolf King also fell to the ground, with a bruise on the corner of his mouth. Bleeding.

"Unexpectedly, this new king of the fox clan is quite powerful, but I don't know if you can live with my move."

The wolf king quickly got up from the ground and flew towards the camp of the fox clan, while making a strange gesture.

Lin Xiu was also puzzled, didn't he run over to die.

But is it really like what Lin Xiu thought? Suddenly, the Demon Wolf King disappeared out of thin air. When he reappeared, he was replaced by two twins, which made Lin Xiu feel very dizzy.

"Which one of you is Shuang'er? Tell me quickly."

"Brother Lin Xiu, I am." The two twins also spoke at the same time, making it difficult for Lin Xiu to tell the difference.

"Fake, don't imitate me." This time it was still two people's voices.

This time, Lin Xiu was completely blown up. The most annoying thing for him was to distinguish people.

Suddenly Lin Xiu's head flashed, and he seemed to think of a solution.

"Well, just stand still."

"Master, what are you doing here?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll figure it out later."

I saw Lin Xiu walking in front of one of the twins, kissing lightly on the face, and then walking next to the other twin, doing the same thing again.

"I know who Shuang'er is. The Demon Wolf King pretended to be Shuang'er and died."

Lin Xiu casually stabbed out with Qinglian swordsmanship, only to see that fake Shuang'er stepped back and returned to the appearance of the Demon Wolf King.

"Damn it, how do you know that's true?"

"It's very simple, Shuang'er is such a shy person, if I kiss her on the cheek, she will blush. But you not only don't blush, but even bring your face closer, I know you are fake."

"Damn it, since that's the case, accept it."

The Demon Wolf King took out two small projectiles from his sleeve. Obviously, these were hidden weapons he had prepared in advance. If he was at this distance, he couldn't dodge them at all, and the lethality at this close range was enough to seriously injure Lin Xiu.

Just when Lin Xiu thought he was going to be hit, a group of golden feathers also protected him, blocking the two projectiles.

Lin Xiu also seized the opportunity of the wolf king to be in a daze, and swung the dog-beating stick in an instant. This time, the wolf king finally couldn't bear it and fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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