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Chapter 1425 Surrender Treasure Chest

Chapter 1425 Surrender Treasure Chest
Seeing that the Demon Wolf King finally fell to the ground, Lin Xiu also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother Lin Xiu, you really understand me."

Looking at Shuang'er whose face was still flushed, Lin Xiu also felt secretly refreshed.

"This time it's really a bloody profit. Not only did I defeat the Demon Wolf King, but I was also able to take the opportunity to kiss Fangze."

"Hey, young master, wake up, why did you just stay in a daze all of a sudden?"

Hearing the three-legged Golden Crow's cry, Lin Xiu withdrew from his thoughts.

"Master, what should I do with this Demon Wolf King?"

"After all, he can be regarded as a strong person at the level of a fairy king. Let's bring it back to our fox clan first. It is of course the best if we can subdue it. If we can't subdue it, we can kill it."

Of course, Lin Xiu hoped that there would be as many strong members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan as possible, but he couldn't guarantee that the Demon Wolf King would submit to him.

Otherwise, you will leave yourself with a huge disaster.

When the soldiers of the Demon Wolf Clan saw their leader fall, they didn't put up too much resistance and surrendered directly.

Soon, the news that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan defeated and subdued the Demon Wolf Clan immediately spread to the area around the Fox Monster Clan.It also made everyone very amazed that the new patriarch of the Fox Monster Clan was so powerful that even the Demon Wolf King was defeated by him, and no one dared to underestimate the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

Lin Xiu also returned to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to recuperate afterwards, and after a few days of leisure, he did not forget to interrogate the Demon Wolf King.

"Let me ask you, would you like to join our Fox Monster Clan? I can give you a position like a general."

"I don't care about this position." After speaking, he turned his head to the side, as if he was very unconvinced.

This Demon Wolf King has obviously dominated this place for too long, so naturally he doesn't want to be under the fence.

However, in the next second, his body and head were split into two, and the ground was dripping with blood.

"The Three-legged Golden Crow asked someone to clean it up. If there is someone who disobeys orders and betrays our clan in the future, he will end up the same as this demon wolf king."

Lin Xiu's decisive killing is nothing more than wanting to tell the world that those who follow the fox clan will prosper, and those who oppose the fox clan will perish.

"Congratulations to the host for opening a new treasure box, surrendering the treasure box, and accumulating surrender points to exchange for surrender points."

"Then how to get this surrender value?"

Lin Xiu also remembered the experience of cheating his father last time, he didn't want to flick other people's heads for no reason.

"If the host can make someone kneel down in front of you and bark three times like a groundhog, you can get a surrender value. The more people surrender at the same time, the higher the surrender value you will naturally get."

"Three-legged Golden Crow, if you pass on my order, everyone around you must come to our clan's main hall to meet within these three days, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy."

"Yes, young master, but we have just become the hegemony, isn't it good to be so public?"

The three-legged Golden Crow was also very puzzled by Lin Xiu's behavior. He had just defeated the Demon Wolf Clan, and he was afraid that it would attract the attention of the nearby forces by making people worship with such a big fanfare.

"What do you know? This is called establishing prestige. We have even defeated the Demon Wolf Clan. Can someone challenge us?"

Although the three-legged Jinwu still felt that something was wrong, he didn't seem to find any reason to refute it. Lin Xiu must have his own reasons for doing so.

Soon the news spread throughout the territory of the Fox Clan. At first, everyone felt very surprised. Later, when they heard that the Demon Wolf Clan was defeated, and the new king of the Fox Clan also killed the Demon Wolf King himself. die.Therefore, most people dare not disobey, but there are some people who are not afraid of death.

When the Three-legged Golden Crow began to convey this order, many people came from all around one after another. This crowd of people also surprised many Fox clan members, because the Fox clan has been in decline since the fall of Ten Tails. state.Not to mention that someone came to see them, even if they were not invaded by others, it seemed impossible to them.

So when they saw a continuous stream of people coming to their homeland, their first reaction was that the fox clan was completely finished this time.But when they saw that all the visitors had a respectful attitude, and some of them were carrying various tribute gifts, they realized that these people were not intruders, but some people who came to pay tribute.

"It seems that our fox clan is finally about to rise this time. After falling for so long, it's our turn to rise."

"It's better not to be another flash in the pan. I don't want to just enjoy this moment of happiness."

Looking at the mighty crowd, Lin Xiu felt very comfortable, and he was getting closer and closer to forming a superpower.

"Everyone can come today, it's a face for me. I'm also a good talker. As long as everyone follows me and makes an action, I won't embarrass everyone. But if someone dares not to follow, then I don't need to be in the end." Say more."

"You watch me do it first, and then repeat it three times, the task is considered complete."

Lin Xiu also put his hands to his mouth, and then roared at the front with all his strength.


It has to be said that the lung capacity is really proportional to the strength, and Lin Xiu's sound can almost be described as resounding through the sky.Some of the weaker people present were directly pushed back a few meters by the sound waves, which was enough to show how powerful Lin Xiu's voice was.

"Okay, it's your turn, three times and louder."

The people below also looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't know what Lin Xiu's intention was, but they were forced by Lin Xiu's pressure, so they had no choice but to follow suit.

"Hey, why is the voice in the first row so low, do you want me to help you?"

Lin Xiu also sat on it like an old man, directing everything below, watching these usually majestic bosses of various forces being turned around by him, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

"Surrender value, 20, [-], [-]."

Lin Xiu was also happy to see the surrender value rising slowly, but it didn't seem to satisfy him.

"The 20 is still not enough, the minimum is 200 million to open this treasure chest."

"Three-legged Golden Crow, go down and show me. Is there anyone who hasn't come yet? How could there be only 20 surrender points?"

After a while, the three-legged Golden Crow came back to Lin Xiu from below.

"Master, there are indeed some people who are still not here"

"What, there are still people who dare not come?"

"Yes, the Sea-Monster Clan really hasn't come yet."

"I didn't expect that the weakest Sea-Monster Clan's backbone is not weak. I really should let them know that things have changed here."

(End of this chapter)

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