Chapter 1426
"Three-legged Jinwu, you and Shuang'er are guarding the house here. I will go to the Sea Monster Clan alone to see what's going on. I really don't care about us."

"Master, is it too dangerous for you to go alone?"

"It's okay, don't you know me, I still have a little b in my heart."

The Sea Monster Clan is not far from the Fox Monster Clan, so it didn't take long for Lin Xiu to arrive outside the city of the Sea Monster Clan.

It seems that there is still a very peaceful scene outside the city of the Kraken Clan, as if they have not received Lin Xiu's order at all, which makes Lin Xiu half dead, and the Kraken Clan is too arrogant, and they don't take their words as their own at all. One thing.

He was so angry that he flew over, and chopped off the heads of two city gate guards with a single strike.

The sentinel in the distance also witnessed all this, and was frightened out of his wits, and hurriedly told the Sea Demon King what he had seen.

"Listen, people inside, today I'm here to smash things up, as many people as you can come out today, sir, I'm going to fight one hundred today."

He also knew that if he wanted to make the Sea Monster Clan surrender, he had to use absolute strength to convince them.

Although the Sea Demon King is weak, at least as the leader of the clan, he still has the basic backbone.He could bear the existence of people who looked down on him so much, so just to be on the safe side, he brought a lot of people outside the city.

When the Sea Demon King saw Lin Xiu, he couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't expect the new head of the Fox Clan to be a young man.But he also understands that although he is young, his strength is not weak.So he didn't carelessly underestimate the enemy, but launched an attack cautiously.

The Siren King pointed lightly at the sky, and a huge blue trident appeared in his hand.He tensed his whole body, and then threw the trident forward with all his strength. The trident flew towards Lin Xiu with blue flames.

However, Lin Xiu didn't seem to want to defend, but took out the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda from the ring, and Lin Xiu also threw the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda in his hand forward, and the pagoda rotated and flew out, and then Getting bigger and bigger.

As soon as the trident touched the top of the pagoda, the blue fire light was completely absorbed by Lin Xiu's Seven Treasures Pagoda, or by the body of the pagoda.Afterwards, the tower continued to emit golden holy light, and finally even the Trident of the Siren King was sucked in.

This surprised the Sea Demon King as well. His sixth-order fairy weapon seemed to become extremely fragile in front of Lin Xiu's pagoda, and it seemed to become the food of this pagoda.

"You are all too weak, let's go together, so as not to say that I bully you."

While talking, Lin Xiu picked his nostrils with his hands, and his contemptuous expression made the Sea Demon King very upset.

"Brothers, let's go, don't let this kid gain prestige."

All the soldiers of the Siren Clan also swarmed up, and the dense crowd rushed towards Lin Xiu like ants.

Seeing this situation, Lin Xiu remained unmoved, slowly took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and at the same time activated the Arhat Immortal Body.Lin Xiu also swung his stick forward, and the golden arhat behind him followed suit.

Just a simple stick, set off a golden wave, the golden wave collided with the black crowd, and the golden wave quickly beat the black crowd to the ground like cutting wheat.

After a while, rivers of blood flowed outside Sea Monster City, and corpses were strewn across the field.Lin Xiu also controlled his strength, and he only showed half of it. In fact, he just wanted to frighten the sea-monster clan, and did not slaughter the sea-monster clan.

But the rest of the Siren Clan soldiers were too frightened to take a step forward. They could only choose to surrender when they saw Lin Xiu who was like a Shura.

"That's right, so you don't have to die in vain like your stupid patriarch."

As the soldiers of the Kraken clan surrendered one after another, this unilateral massacre was also over.

After the massacre this time, Lin Xiu's reputation spread to the surroundings, and no one dared to challenge Lin Xiu's authority anymore.

With this battle, Lin Xiu also obtained a total of 200 million points of surrender, which is also the minimum condition for opening the surrender treasure box.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 200 million surrender points and opening the surrender treasure chest successfully."

"Get a bottle of Mixiao half-step epilepsy."

"Half-step crazy with a smile, this is not something unique to that animation, it is unexpected to have it in this world."

Smiling and half-step crazy, it seems that there is no power, but in fact it is stronger than most of the medicinal materials in terms of control, because as long as people who take it will laugh wildly, they can't control themselves, even Yuanli can't control it. Not able to condense.This is definitely a great opportunity for the opponent in a battle of Lin Xiu's level.

In the following month, Lin Xiu also lived a relatively leisurely life. During this period, he also chatted with Shuang'er, and lived a very comfortable life.He also almost forgot that he still has hunting to participate in.

One day, when Lin Xiu and Shuang'er were admiring the beautiful scenery, the three-legged Golden Crow also hurried in from outside.

"It's not good, young master, a group of guys outside with thick black air have rushed into our territory, saying they want to seek revenge from you."

"What? Then why did you come here to report now. A group of dark things, could it be that the dark demons have come to attack my family again."

"Young master, I have no choice. I have been dragged and unable to get out. Just now, I slipped back when that guy was not paying attention."

The three-legged Golden Crow was also very puzzled, he had never seen this Dark Demon Clan before, and he didn't know the horror of this Dark Demon Clan.But from Lin Xiu's expression, he had guessed the horror of the dark demons, so he didn't dare to be careless.

For the fox demon race, a soldier of the dark demon clan is enjoying the spoils next to the corpse of a fox soldier. That is the soul of this fox soldier.The fox soldiers on the side were still fighting stubbornly, but in the end it was because of the strength of the dark demons that they were defeated in the end.

"You guys are so pitiful. The new king of the fox clan doesn't seem to care about your life or death at all, haha."

"Nonsense, our king will not ignore us."

"Then I'll send you to hell." As he said that, he threw the chain towards the fox soldier's head.

Just when the chain was about to pierce the fox soldier's head, a blue long sword flew in front of him, blocking the chain.

(End of this chapter)

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