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Chapter 1427 Can't Stop At All

Chapter 1427 Can't Stop At All
"Those who dare to touch me, you may not even have a chance to die."

Then another white ray of light directly penetrated the soldier of the Dark Demon Race, and the soldier of the Dark Demon Race fell at Lin Xiu's feet without even having time to react.

At this time, a man in white came out from the group of soldiers of the Dark Demon Race. He looked at Lin Xiu with the eyes of looking at prey, obviously this time he came here for Lin Xiu.

"You are Lin Xiu, and you killed that idiot, Baba? Sure enough, you are not bad, and I admire you quite a bit. This time, I must take you back to study and study."

Lin Xiu also heard from the words that this should be the reason for the Dark Demon King, and all the Dark Demon Kings he met before should be stronger. Even Lin Xiu dared not be careless when facing such an opponent.

The Dark Demon King didn't talk too much nonsense, and a hammer with black light appeared in his hand, which looked very heavy.

The Dark Demon King also waved his hammer, and black dead souls flew out of his black hammer in an instant. The hideous faces of the dead souls made people feel very uncomfortable.

One by one, the souls of the dead also rushed towards Lin Xiu quickly, and their hands also pinched towards Lin Xiu's neck, as if they wanted to suffocate him to death.

Lin Xiu also wielded the sword energy to disperse the souls of the dead, but he found that after breaking one, a new soul would be produced. If this was the case, he might be consumed to death.

So he also immediately turned on the immortal body of Arhat. When the golden light on Arhat's body hit the dead soul, the dead soul seemed to be evaporated, purified by golden rays of light, and finally turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared in the sky. air.

Finally, as the number of golden lights continued to increase, the number of dead souls became less and less, and they were finally purified by strands of golden light.

The Demon King also saw that his attack was dispelled, as if there were not many surprises, and then he opposed his palms, and then suddenly spit forward, a cloud of purple smoke blocked Lin Xiu's sight.

Gradually, Lin Xiu in the smoke began to show signs of dizziness and fatigue.

"No, this fog is poisonous."

"It seems too late to know now."

Suddenly a hand with only bones stretched out towards Lin Xiu's head. Lin Xiu also exerted his energy and used the former lotus swordsmanship to block the hand with bones.The green light all over his body merged with the black smoke.

But it seems that neither the purple smoke nor the circles of green sword light can compete with each other, and they have been in a stalemate all the time.Every time the green sword light advanced an inch, the black smoke pushed it back a foot, as if no one wanted to let anyone advance half a point.

In the end, Lin Xiu added another ray of white light to make the black smoke recede, and Lin Xiu finally breathed the real air.

"That's right, I can still maintain a very high level of vigilance in my mental phantom fog. Only this strength is qualified to be my opponent, but that's all."

I saw the Dark Demon King throwing the black-smelling hammer into the sky. Unexpectedly, the hammer didn't seem to hit Lin Xiu, but the Dark Demon King's own head.

This scene also made Lin Xiu puzzled. Could it be that he wanted to harm himself?
The hammer hit the dark devil's head, and also smashed a part of the dark devil's head downward, and the entire neck completely disappeared from Lin Xiu's sight.

This wretched and ferocious face made Lin Xiu very disgusted.

The Dark Demon King also stretched out his hands from his sleeves, and then quickly stretched them out.Then he grabbed Lin Xiu's shoulder, threw Lin Xiu up into the sky, and then down again.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu reacted quickly enough, and hurriedly urged the Qinglian Sword Technique to insert the Qinglian Sword into the soil when he was about to fall to the ground, which slowed down a lot of the impact.

It seems that Lin Xiu is also at a disadvantage, but for the experienced Lin Xiu, this doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Grasping a flaw in the Dark Demon King's attack, the prepared mental attack was also shot, and shot into the Dark Demon King's eyes. The severe pain from the skull instantly made the Dark Demon King let go of his hand, and Lin Xiu finally Break free from the claws.

But the Dark Demon King is not a vegetarian either. After being attacked by Lin Xiu, he quickly recovered from his mental injury.

"I didn't expect your kid's mental attack to be a bit powerful. Fortunately, I have also specialized in mental power for a while, so I can recover from your attack. I am not that waste of old eight."

Sure enough, mental attack, a move that has been tried a hundred times, is only suitable for those who have hardly cultivated their mental power. Once the opponent has only cultivated a little mental power, this mental attack will have no effect on them.

"It's enough to play with you, let me finish you with one move."

"The Great Darkness."

In an instant, the sky, which was still brightly sunny just now, also instantly darkened, and streaks of black light also shot from places that Lin Xiu could not see. ,

Lin Xiu, who lost his vision, also became the target of the Dark Demon King. A series of black light beams also penetrated Lin Xiu's body, and the black light beams passed through and brought in strands of black energy. Lin Xiu also urged Move the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda to expel the black energy from his body.

"Eastern Emperor Bell." Lin Xiu also knew that he had to create some output space for himself, so that he could win this time, so he also used the Eastern Emperor Bell to cover himself inside, and finally put the bundles of black The light is blocked outside.

When Lin Xiu appeared in the sight of everyone from the Donghuang Bell again, streaks of cyan sword light flew out again, but different from last time, this cyan sword light was also mixed with a little bit of golden powder.

But that little bit of golden powder completely changed the direction of this battle.

When the golden powder touched the dark demon king, strange things happened.

"Hahahaha, you kid, hahaha, you are here, hahaha" the Dark Demon King also suddenly clutched his stomach.laughed.This also made the surrounding Dark Demon soldiers and Monk Zhang Er confused.

As the Dark Demon King laughed, the blackness dissipated little by little, and the sky returned to normal.

This was of course Lin Xiu's fault. He used the powerful defense of the Eastern Emperor Bell to leave enough time for his Qinglian swordsmanship to guide.Then he added a half-step epilepsy with a smile in it, and it had such a good effect.

(End of this chapter)

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