Chapter 1428 Wu Dizhen

It seems that the effect of this smiling half-step madness is really as described, basically it cannot be stopped.

"Haha, you despicable boy, hahahaha, I will never spare you."

The Dark Demon King was made to laugh out loud by the effect of the medicine, and at the same time forced himself not to laugh.Lin Xiu couldn't help being happy with this face that wanted to laugh and was ferocious.

Lin Xiu also seized this excellent opportunity, and first used the enchanting effect attached to the Qinglian Sword to reduce the armor of the Dark Demon King.Then he took out his golden cudgel, and a set of flowing dog-beating stick techniques also beat the dark devil dizzily.

In the end, the Dark Demon King still fell under Lin Xiu's golden cudgel, but even at this moment, he was still smiling. I have to say, Lin Xiu really picked up the treasure this time.

"Haha, Lin Xiu, haha, you are cruel, hahaha, wait for me to come back."

The Dark Demon King also wanted to escape his soul first, and then give himself a chance to make a comeback.

But how could Lin Xiu give him a chance to escape? It was also when the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda came out that he sealed the Dark Demon King's soul in this pagoda.

"If you don't want to run away, you can stay with your eighth brother."

Finally, he defeated the Dark Demon King without any risk. If there is no such smiling half-step this time, the outcome of this battle is really hard to say.

"I don't know how the dark demons tracked down my location. It seems that I need to be more careful in the future."

"Master, this hunting competition is getting closer and closer, we have to prepare well, otherwise we will definitely not take advantage of it this time."

"With the addition of Tianying stick and Chunzhu gang this time, the competition will be even more intense."

A month later, the four-yearly hunting competition was also held in Wudi Town.

Wu Di town is named after a person, and this person's name is Wu Di.He used his superb medical skills in the town to treat many patients from poor families for free.Then, during the subsequent invasion of the dark demons, in order to protect the village name and successfully evacuate, he also sacrificed his life.It is precisely because he has made such a great contribution to the people in this town,
That's why the town is named after him.

The four-year fairyland hunting competition is also held in memory of him.Because the participants were all the strongest forces in their respective regions, it also attracted many people to watch.

Because this hunting competition can often change the pattern of a region. Some forces have won a complete victory in this hunting competition, and some forces have been plundered too badly in this hunting competition. , was replaced by other forces, and has since declined.

Lin Xiu also deliberately came to Wu Di Town a few days earlier to learn about the situation of the participating forces.Sure enough, something has been gained. Among the forces that came this time, the Tianying Gang and the Chunzhu Gang are the strongest.

The biggest feature of this Spring Bamboo Gang is that the members in the gang are all women, but don't think that their strength will be weak. There are also no fewer than dozens of those.

And the reason why the Sky Eagle Gang is so powerful is because there is a very strong movement method in their gang, the Sky Eagle Step. It is said that this movement method is a footwork adapted from Lingbo Weibu.It's very mysterious, I heard that with this footwork, their leader has a speed comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor.

Of course, there will be some dark horses every year. They come from regions that are not strong, but they can beat the seeds of each year with their own strength, so as to stand out and rise up.

The day before the start of the competition, Lin Xiu also took Shuang'er to the street to accompany him to relax and relieve the pressure of the competition.

Walking on the street, this beauty is naturally the object of people's attention.So when this pair appeared in Wu Di Town, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.After all, this pair was originally a beauty, and with the addition of the blood of the angel family, they naturally showed an elegant and noble temperament.Naturally, it became the focus of everyone's attention, but many people understood that the man next to Shuang'er was a very difficult person to mess with, so no one dared to hit Shuang'er's attention.

But some people just don't believe in this evil.

"Hey, did you see that beautiful woman in front of her? Her figure and appearance are both top-notch. Let's go up and strike up a conversation?"

The one who spoke was the number one bully in Wudi Town, Zhulong, who usually does a lot of evil.The reason why he is called the number one bully is because there seems to be nothing he dare not do in this town.It's common for him to rob people's daughters in broad daylight and not pay for the overlord's meal.

The reason why he dared to do whatever he wanted was simply because he had a good father, who made a lot of money in business in his early years.So although he was a weak horse, with a lot of money, he bought a lot of strong men and arranged them around him as his security guards.In this Wudi Town, this pearl dragon is also an existence that no one dares to provoke.

Seeing this pair of children, Zhulong became very lustful, and immediately teased him.

"Hi, beauty, would you like to come to our house to sleep with me tonight? It will cost as much as you want."

I have to say that this Pearl Dragon not only has a fat head and big ears, but also speaks very disgustingly.

Shuang'er also naturally disliked Zhulong very much, and hid behind Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was naturally also very angry. How could his master, his maid, be so blatantly molested?

"What kind of thing are you to tease my twins?"

"Hey, what a hero to save the beauty, what am I, should I say what are you, no one in Wudi Town dares to disobey me Zhulong."

"Sorry, I really don't know what kind of dragon you are, but let me tell you, before I do it, get out!"

"Where is such an ignorant boy, tell me to get out and die."

It was also the first time that Zhulong's dignity was challenged, so he was also very upset, and it was also the eagle claws that grabbed Lin Xiu's neck.

However, Lin Xiu is not someone easy to bully. In an instant, the Qinglian sword shot off, precisely cutting off one of the Zhulong's hands. Lin Xiu also did a great deed for the people in the town. Dragons dare not do whatever they want,

Zhulong was also frightened, and in a flash, his hand broke off.This fact also made him understand that the person in front of him was definitely not a good opponent, and he would definitely not be able to get back on the field with his own strength.

"Four generals, hurry up and show up, or I will deduct all your bonuses for this month."

(End of this chapter)

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