Chapter 1429 The Bane
As soon as they heard that Pearl Dragon was going to deduct their wages, the four hip-hop generals jumped out from the side.

These four generals of hip-hop really lived up to their name, and they looked very amused.Use pots and pans as their weapons respectively.But don't look at the appearance of the four of them, they are very unscrupulous, but they are one of the great powers in Wu Di Town that should not be underestimated.Their own strength is only at the initial stage of the Immortal King, but the combat power of the four of them can reach the peak strength of the Immortal King.

Therefore, Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and also put on a posture of fighting with all his strength.The four hip-hop generals also just put on a very strange formation, each standing on each other's shoulders like a stack of arhats.Then with a loud shout, a golden light shrouded them.Then something strange happened, the heads of the four of them merged into one huge head, holding a huge frying pan in their hands.

I saw this combination, raised the pan to the front of its mouth, and roared in front of it. It was just a normal sound, but after being reflected by the pan, it turned into a circle of huge sound waves and flew towards Lin Xiu. come over.

The huge energy also set off huge waves. Lin Xiu also hurriedly activated his Arhat Immortal Body, but the indestructible body that was invincible before seemed to be unable to resist this time, and cracks began to appear, and his figure was also blown. Back again and again, until back 20 meters

"I didn't expect these four funny guys to be very talented. It seems that they have to show some real kung fu."

Lin Xiu also stood still and took out his Ruyi golden cudgel. Now he has almost understood the characteristics of this golden cudgel.Now he can control the golden cudgel as he likes.So he also extended the Ruyi Golden Cudgel first and swung it forward, towards the soles of the hip-hop four generals. The four hip-hop generals also fell down because of their unstable center of gravity.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water, and the Qinglian sword was inserted directly into the back of the four hip-hop generals.Going down with a sword also directly lifted the combined state of the four hip-hop generals.

When the four hip-hop generals came out of the fusion, they found that there were already four Qinglian swords hanging on their heads.They obviously didn't expect that they would lose so quickly.

"Hero, don't kill me, we are just running errands for others, and we have seen him upset for a long time. If you can not kill us, hero, we will teach this boy a lesson for you."

Naturally, Lin Xiu also nodded. He had no grievances with the four hip-hop generals, and there was no need to take their lives.And it's also very good to have a helper to help me teach this Pearl Dragon a lesson, so I don't have to do it myself.

Zhulong on the side also saw that the situation was not right, and also wanted to use money to bring back the four hip-hop generals.

"You four, do you still want this year's salary? Otherwise, you dare to hit me."

"Hmph, you are such a conscienceless person, if it weren't for this lord, you don't know how many people you would oppress and how many evil things you would do. Let's see what happens."

It seems that Zhulong usually used the four hip-hop generals a lot, so the four hip-hop generals did not obey his orders, and they just beat him violently when they grabbed him.

"Ah, ah, wait for me, boy, ah, be gentle."

Hearing the screams of the pearl dragon, he walked forward without looking back. He was very happy in his heart, and he was doing harm to the people. This pearl dragon has been tyrannical for so long, so someone should come forward and teach him a lesson up.But he didn't expect that if he didn't cut the grass and roots this time, it would bring him so much trouble.

In an inn in Wudi Town.

"Zhulong, you said that kid used a blue sword, and there was an Arhat in the fight."

"You Tianying Gang and Chunzhu Gang have been in the rivers and lakes for so long, and you don't even know that there is such a master. My four hip-hop generals were all defeated by him."

"That's right, then this kid really has two brushes, but don't worry, we still understand this after all, using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others. So leave it to us, it's just this kid's bad luck , it’s not good to offend anyone, but to offend such a big benefactor.”

"I'll give you an extra bounty after it's done. Work hard!"

Unexpectedly, this Zhulong is still a very vengeful person, and he even found the two strongest gangs this time to help him take revenge.

The next day, the much-anticipated quadrennial hunting competition officially began.This hunting competition has attracted many big forces to participate, and many small forces have also come here one after another, in order to spy on the military situation in advance, and to find a reliable thigh for the next development.

The focus this time is naturally the exchange of fire between the two superpowers, the Skyhawk Gang and the Chunzhu Gang. The previous few competitions did not show a winner. This time, everyone should hope to defeat each other and win the No. 1 in the Western Heaven Realm. [-].

"Hey, let me say, isn't this the kid Zhulong mentioned? He looks quite young, so why is he so strong?"

"Could it be that the two of us can't kill him together? Don't think about it. Let's kill this kid first. We're on the same page."

"Of course I know that, I'm just afraid that you will suddenly take the opportunity to do something."

"I can tell the seriousness of this, don't worry, it seems that the time is almost up, let's go in."

This hunting battle is first a battle between the leaders, and it adopts a melee mode. After that, the top four who finally break through will have the opportunity to participate in the final plundering battle.

After the game started, almost everyone dared not move around at first. After all, everyone here is your opponent. If you take the lead, will the oriole be behind? something worth considering.

Lin Xiu also hid at the side of Shuli and began to observe secretly, because he didn't know if he was being targeted, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

But some people still couldn't bear their temper, and suddenly there was a fighting sound coming from the front of Lin Xiu. It turned out that it was because the two people had always had grievances, so they didn't agree with each other, so they started fighting.Originally, Lin Xiu didn't want to participate in this kind of fight, but a treasure chest with a magic core appeared on the head of one of them, which was very attractive to Lin Xiu.

You must know that the magic core is not only rare, but once it is inlaid on a certain weapon, it will be bound to it, so Lin Xiu also had a wind-type magic core before, but he has already inlaid the wind-type magic core On his Qinglian sword.However, his Ruyi Golden Cudgel has yet to receive the magic core bonus.

(End of this chapter)

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