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Chapter 1430 Praying mantis or oriole?

Chapter 1430 Praying mantis or oriole?

"Brother, you can't blame me for the blame. If you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck. Why did the treasure chest come out on your head instead of someone else's head?"

But Lin Xiu was still not dazzled by the temptation.Instead, secretly observe from the side and choose the timing of the shot.

"Brother, I usually treat you well, why do you treat me like this."

One of them was also beaten to the ground because of his insufficient strength, and his whole body was covered with blood.

"Hmph, who is your brother? You plotted against me from behind for a treasure in Longtan Treasure Hunt. Can this be called a brother?"

"I was forced too. Without that artifact, our people would all become colonies of others?"

"So you sneak up on me from behind. Forget it. Talking is useless. Go to hell."

At this time, Lin Xiu also made a move, and blocked the knife that fell down.Because the treasure chest appeared on the person who was knocked down this time, according to the requirements of the system, if the person attached to the treasure chest dies, the treasure chest will also disappear.

So Lin Xiu also had to take action to stop this person.

"Hey, brother keeps someone under the knife, it's a good brotherhood, how can I let him go for the sake of brother."

"He was unkind first, so don't blame me for being unrighteous. Besides, what does this matter have to do with you? It's not your turn to play wild here. Go away, or I'll kill you too."

"Then I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

Lin Xiu originally didn't want to hurt this person, because he had no grievances with him, and there was no need to quarrel with him.But this person's still unrelenting attitude made Lin Xiu very annoyed.

I saw that man struck down with an axe, Qinglian sword also fell down, and the ax bullet flew away, and then hit the man's head with a stick, just two simple sticks also hit the fat man to the ground On the ground, blood flowed from his head in an instant.

"Talk to you but don't listen, insisting on me to teach you a lesson, what a beast."

"Thank you, big brother, for saving my life."

"If you want to thank me, just stand here and don't move, no matter what I do?"

"Well, benefactor, you saved my life, so what do you say?"

The reason why Lin Xiu said this was because the request for the treasure chest this time was so strange that Lin Xiu was asked to put his hand into this mouth for a full minute.

"Then here I am, open your mouth."

The poor guy who didn't know what was going to happen opened his mouth stupidly.

Lin Xiu also stretched his hand into that poor guy's mouth without hesitation.

"Grandpa, what are you doing? Ah, ah"

This poor man is also very confused, he doesn't know why his benefactor put his hand into his mouth, which makes him very puzzled

"Ah, ah, uh... dude... I'm going to suffocate..."

"Congratulations to the host, open a treasure chest and get a new fire magic core."

Only then did Lin Xiu pull out his hand from the mouth. The man's face was also ashen. If it was later, he might really die of suffocation.He greedily breathed in the fresh air, as if he wanted to inhale all the surrounding air into his lungs.

If the fire magic core is embedded in the weapon, it can not only increase the damage by 50%, but also cause a continuous burning to the opponent. The most powerful thing is that the burning effect can not only burn the opponent's body , and has a strong burning effect on the spirit.

This is very advantageous for people like Lin Xiu who rely on mental attacks. After burning their mental power, using Lin Xiu's mental attacks can often have a huge effect.

Lin Xiu was also very satisfied with the magic core he obtained this time, and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, two people Lin Xiu knew very well blocked his way.

"I'm sorry, I'm taking money and money to eliminate disasters for others. Little brother, I'm suffering."

"Don't block me, I'll only say it once."

"Don't think that defeating a few little guys will give you the strength to challenge the two of us. You are not enough!"

"Then try it."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xiu found himself in a bamboo forest.

"No, I fell into that woman's illusion. These two people are really hard to deal with."

This is the first time that Lin Xiu has been controlled by an illusion. In the past, with his strong mental power, basically no illusion could control Lin Xiu.It is enough to see how amazing the spiritual attainment of the leader of the Spring Bamboo Gang is.

After Lin Xiu knew that he had been hit by the illusion of the Spring Bamboo Gang, he also raised his vigilance, quickly observed the surrounding situation, and found that there were still bamboos besides bamboo.

But when he relaxed his vigilance a little, he suddenly saw many bamboo leaves scraping towards Lin Xiu like blades.Lin Xiu also reacted quickly enough to dodge the attack from the bamboo leaves.

"It's dangerous. This person's attack speed is really fast. You must break this person's illusion, so that it will be successful this time."

But how to find out the direction, this makes Lin Xiu worry, it is not an easy task.

Suddenly, Lin Xiu seemed to have thought of what to do. It was also the realm of transforming the Qinglian swordsmanship. Countless blue sword lights flew around. It seemed useless, because the bamboo forest was full of uniform Bamboo leaves also resisted the sword light.

But Lin Xiu seemed to know the location of the Spring Bamboo King, and with a stick towards that direction, the illusion in front of Lin Xiu disappeared instantly, and a figure also retreated back.

"Impossible, how did you find out where I am?"

"It's very simple, you deliberately want to confuse me by not avoiding, so the only direction without the bamboo leaf body shield is you."

"Hmph, so what if you find out, could it be that you can still beat the two of us?"

"Well, black eagle fool, you really want to fight between the snipe and the clam if you haven't come out yet, you fisherman will benefit from it,?"

"Haha, how could it be possible for Ms. Chunzhu to suffer outside alone? I just observed outside, found this kid's weakness, and then launched an attack."

"Forget it, stop talking nonsense, when we get this kid out, I'm going to settle accounts with you."

"Bamboo Sky Palm." I saw that Chunzhu flew out with a punch, and then a green energy was injected into the fist that was swung out, and then another punch was superimposed. After the superposition of punches, the power of this punch is already It was very terrifying, a punch also caused the air to explode in a row, before the fist arrived, Lin Xiu's clothes were already blown up.

(End of this chapter)

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