Chapter 1431 Tianying
When the green fist rushed over, Lin Xiu seemed unable to resist, so he quickly covered his head with his arms.

The golden arhat behind Lin Xiu was also completely shattered by that punch.

And the green fist is finally dissipating.

"It's true that there are two brushes that can crush my arhat body, but I'm really a soft persimmon, so I can squeeze it as I want."

Lin Xiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood still again.Waving the golden cudgel with both hands, the ghostly footwork also quickly approached the spring bamboo.Seeing that he was about to be hit, Chunzhu swung forward again. Just when he thought his punch was sure to hit, Lin Xiu suddenly dodged behind her and then swung out with a stick.

The power of the fire magic core is fully displayed here, and the fiery power is transmitted from the golden cudgel.Chunzhu first felt that his body was burning hotly, and clusters of small flames scurried from his body like dragons swimming around.

Then this scorching feeling slowly spread from the body to the head, and the mental power was also a little bit broken, it seemed that even the original power was a little unable to condense.Naturally, Lin Xiu would not let go of this opportunity, and a white mental blow shot into Chunzhu's head in an instant. Distribute directly.

The severe pain spread from his brain to Chunzhu's whole body, which directly made him unable to bear the severe pain, and also temporarily lost his ability to fight.

"I said, miss, you are a little too weak. How could you be beaten like this with a single beam of light? I still have to take the shot."

"Black Eagle Claws." That day the Eagle King summoned his martial soul, a huge black eagle spread its wings, and the aura that covered the sky and the sun was also very frightening.

A huge black claw grabbed at it, and Lin Xiu also flicked to the side in a hurry to avoid the fatal attack, and then Qinglian's sword flashed, and it was about to hit the black eagle's wings.

But this Sky Eagle King is not easy to bully, he quickly retracted his wings, and then another beam of light shot from in front of Lin Xiu, but this time there was no chance to dodge, the black beam also hit Lin Xiu with one blow. On Xiu's body, the black light beam directly caused a small blood hole to appear on Lin Xiu's arm.

Although he was hit head-on by the Sky Eagle King, Lin Xiu didn't have any serious problems relying on his bravery as he fought, and he was recovering from his injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This kid is quite resistant to beatings. For ordinary people, as long as their hands are stained with my evil spirit's death light, the wounds on their bodies will definitely be infected and spread. If they cannot expel the black poison, their whole body will fester and die. But this kid just broke a small hole, and his own defense is also very strong."

Lin Xiu was also very surprised by the attack of the Sky Eagle King. Ordinary attacks can only penetrate his four-elephant armor at most, but this black light beam has the ability to corrode his muscles. It is a sharp weapon for purification, I am afraid that it will die like others, because the whole body will be infected and festered.

"It seems that we can't spend so much time with him."

Lin Xiu seemed to want to repeat the same old tricks, which was also a quick and agile footwork, and he went straight to the Sky Eagle King, and this day the Sky Eagle King seemed to feel that he had seen through Lin Xiu, so he had been delaying. shot.It seemed as if he was waiting for Lin Xiu to show a flaw, but this time Lin Xiu actually attacked from the front, stabbing out with a sword.

At this time, Lin Xiu was also very close to the Black Eagle King, and this sudden short-distance thrust made it impossible for the Sky Eagle King to avoid it, and a blue light pierced into the Sky Eagle King's chest.

In an instant, a cyan light gushed out from the chest of the Sky Eagle King, and then exploded. The Sky Eagle King's figure also retreated instantly, and then spewed out a mouthful of blood. Chest, to prevent the blood from flowing out quickly.

"Don't think that's the end of it."

Just when Lin Xiu thought he was about to win, the Eagle King drank his own blood.I saw that the Dark Lord's wound was slowly healing.

But his chest slowly turned black, and black air slowly emerged from his body.Apparently, the Black Eagle King also secretly joined the Dark Demon Clan to learn such an evil spell.

After the wound healed again, the Black Eagle King seemed to be stronger than before, and scratched at Lin Xiu's head again, which was twice as fast as before, making it almost impossible for Lin Xiu to dodge. The claws grabbed Lin Xiu in his hands.

This day Eagle King also looked at Lin Xiu in his hand, and wanted to devour his head directly.But how could Lin Xiu not resist, he used his thoughts to urge his Qinglian sword, facing the hand of the Sky Eagle King with a sword, the sudden sharp pain from his hand also made the Sky Eagle King let go of Lin Xiu's grip hand.

Lin Xiu also fell directly from the sky. Fortunately, he has already mastered the flying skills of Yujian, and with a thought, Qinglian Sword flew to his feet, and he jumped lightly, directly to this sword.

Lin Xiu also understood that the secret technique of the Dark Demon Clan seemed to have a time limit. If he could delay the time, the Sky Eagle King would definitely be eager to defeat him, which would inevitably reveal more flaws.

So he also used his secret flying sword technique to constantly detour with the Sky Eagle King.

"Stinky boy, don't you just run around like a fly? Now let me see where you are going."

This day, the Eagle King was obviously in a hurry, and he also made a gesture of seal with both hands.A moment later, a purple-black cage fell from the sky, also trying to trap Lin Xiu, but how could Lin Xiu be trapped so easily.

Stand the Ruyi Golden Cudgel upright on the ground, then climb to the top of the stick, use all your strength to break it backwards, and then Lin Xiu uses this reaction force to jump out nearly 50 meters away.

Seeing that his move was dodged in such a way, the Sky Eagle King was also furious.

This day, the Eagle King was also very frustrated. He took out the signature weapon of the Dark Demons, the chain of souls, and threw it forward.The black-smelling chains also flew towards Lin Xiu, but what was strange was that this time Lin Xiu didn't seem to have any intention of avoiding it.

Instead, he stood there motionless holding the golden cudgel, as if he wanted to forcefully take off the chain.

Naturally, the Eagle King would not let go of such a good opportunity to attack, and threw out three more chains, which immediately wrapped around Lin Xiu's waist, making Lin Xiu unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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