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Chapter 1433 3 bits 1 body

Chapter 1433 Trinity

After speaking, Lin Xiu stood opposite to Shuang'er, and began to give him a demonstration with full confidence.

Looking at Shuang'er's exquisite face, and thinking of the scene where I went through life and death with her, I also felt slight fluctuations in my heart.It seems that he can no longer treat her as an ordinary maid, she seems to be a very important person in his heart, that feeling may be more like the feeling of boyfriend and girlfriend, but he is not sure if Shuanger is also right He feels this way.

On the other hand, Shuang'er felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Lin Xiu.Although she always wanted to regard him as her young master in her heart, there always seemed to be something very attractive about this man.He is sometimes very arrogant, but when he does things, he will give people a feeling of reassurance, that is, he will either not do it or he will do his best.

And he was willing to challenge the Western Temple for himself alone.All these things also made her unable to see Lin Xiu as a young master, and it was more of an admiration for the opposite sex, but she was still afraid that if she said it out, the relationship between the two would not be as good as before, so It is also to store this goodwill in Lin Xiu.

"Ahem, young master, so you called me here to eat dog food."

Finally, the three-legged Golden Crow coughed, which also pulled Lin Xiu back.

"Three-legged Golden Crow, what are you talking about?"

The three-legged Golden Crow saw through her mind, Shuang'er looked very shy.

"Okay, okay, let me demonstrate it to you. Isn't this a very simple thing?"

Lin Xiu also hurriedly found a step down for himself, but through this exchange of eyes, Lin Xiu seemed to finally understand what Shuang'er was thinking.

"Okay, let's move on to the next training session, let me guess what you draw."

"I guess it's something you drew."

Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow naturally didn't know what it was, because it was a game from Lin Xiu's world.

"That's why it's called Siyi. One person is drawing a picture, and the other person guesses what it's drawing, but the person who draws it must never make a sound. Do you understand?"

"We understand."

I have to say that this pair of children is also very dexterous, and they are very stylish when they are drawn. On the contrary, the three-legged Golden Crow really has no artistic cells. The peaches he drew, Lin Xiu looks like Like an iron ball.

However, after a period of training, the tacit understanding between the three of them is getting better and better. Even with the poor drawing skills of the three-legged Golden Crow, Shuang'er can guess that it is almost the same.

The three of them are also under Lin Xiu's special training method, and they have also reached the point where I know what you are going to say as soon as you open your mouth.

Therefore, under such a tacit understanding, Lin Xiu also started the training of Samsung Magic Moon.

The three of them released their spiritual power and Yuan power at the same time.At the beginning, the energies of the three were a little out of sync. Among the three energies, if you disobey me and I disobey you, it seems to be a messy scene.

The situation of mental power is even worse, because the mental power of the three-legged Golden Crow and Shuang'er is too weak compared to Lin Xiu, so when the three strands of mental power are released, Lin Xiu's mental power has a huge advantage , the other two strands of mental power seemed to be far excluded by this Lin Xiu's mental power.

"It seems that the tacit understanding between us is not enough, we have to rely on external forces."

Lin Xiu still took out the three-star magic moon, and saw a yellow beam of light shrouded the heads of the three people, forming a triangular shape.

Then the energy of the three of them seemed to be drawn, and they rushed into the yellow triangle.

Under the blessing of that mysterious halo, the strength of these three people gradually lost their strong rejection.It began to slowly merge into a bunch of golden liquid, and finally turned into a touch of dazzling gold.

After a while, the golden color was divided into three parts and returned to the three of them.

"How does the three-legged Golden Crow feel?"

"Master, I feel a much stronger energy than before."

"It seems that what is said above is correct. This is not simply to divide the strength of each of us equally and return it to each of us. It is to divide all our strength equally, add a big realm, Then return to our body. In this way, our overall strength has been greatly improved."

"By the way, young master, the three-star Huanyue doesn't have a combination skill to practice. Other people's combination skills are so cool, why don't we even have a combination skill?"

"I don't know either, maybe our tacit understanding is not enough, no matter what, even with this trick, we can kill the Quartet in this plundering match. By the way, this three-star magic moon allows us to use each other's skills Yes, you all try."

"it is good."

I saw Shuang'er took out her Yutian sword, and began to wield the Qinglian swordsmanship in a dignified manner.

"Shuang'er, try if you can use my Arhat's Immortal Body."


Shuang'er also had a thought, and also used Lin Xiu's immortal Arhat body, but this time what she summoned was not the same as Lin Xiu's. What Lin Xiu summoned was a golden male Arhat, and this What Shuang'er summoned was indeed a female arhat.

It seems that this three-star magic moon can not only allow everyone to share each other's skills, but also produce different effects according to different people.This made Lin Xiu very happy.

I thought it was just a simple copy. If so, it would mean that everyone's skills have been specially strengthened, which is also a great improvement for the team.

"It seems that the champion this time is none other than us."

"Young master, isn't it too early to say this now. It's better to be careful about everything."

"We can defeat the Eagle Gang and the Chunzhu Gang just by relying on the three-star magic moon, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Master, I still remember you saying that the Eagle King used the secret method to fight you inextricably. Since he has something to do with the Dark Demon Race, it is hard to say whether this hunting match will be the Dark Demon Race or not." It's a conspiracy. They want to use this hunting competition to gather the powerhouses from all walks of life together and have a one-pot end."

"Hearing what you said, it is really possible. Since the Sky Eagle King has already come into contact with the Dark Demons, it cannot be ruled out that the Dark Demons have already mastered all the information about the participants in this competition. Great chess."

"So, should we make some adequate preparations? For example, we can invite Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang to come over now, so that we can be prepared when an invasion occurs."

(End of this chapter)

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