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Chapter 1434 The Real Purpose

Chapter 1434 The Real Purpose

"Just do what you said. You go and invite Qin Guangwang and Xiang Yu, and Shuang'er and I will investigate the Sky Eagle King."

"Okay, young master, be careful, the strength of the Dark Demon Clan should not be underestimated."

"Don't worry, I've been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, when will my shoes get wet. We will meet here in two days."

The three of them also divided into two groups to investigate this strange thing.

Lin Xiu also didn't expect that he got the residence of the Eagle King without much effort.They also took the opportunity to use the disguise technique to infiltrate the Sky Eagle King's residence, but they didn't expect to see what they wanted to see.

A small hole was dug from the window, and Lin Xiu also saw the Sky Eagle King from the small hole.There seems to be a black shadow beside it.

"Sky Eagle King, how come you can't even do this little thing well, you can't even deal with such a young boy."

It seems that Sky Eagle King is also carrying a double mission to kill Lin Xiu. On the one hand, he has received Zhulong's money, and on the other hand, he is also carrying the order of the Dark Demon King.

"Do you think this kid is so easy to deal with? Don't you also have two Dark Demon Kings in his hands? If you think you can do it yourself, why can't you do it yourself?"

"Sky Eagle King, don't forget, without the secret technique of our Dark Demon Clan, you might have died in the hands of this kid long ago. If we didn't need some time to recover, we would still need a waste like you?"

Skyhawk King was also speechless by the Dark Demon King. Indeed, if there was no secret technique of the Dark Demon Clan, he might have become the soul of Lin Xiu's sword long ago.

"Then what's your next plan?"

"You let me attach to your body, and then I will summon my family out according to the timing. After that, even if it happens, I will give you what you deserve, don't worry."

"Can you tell me why you did this?"

"Where are so many things coming from? You, an ant, should know about this kind of big plan? You just have to let me attach to you, and then we will give you the reward we promised."

"Okay, I will do what I have to do."

Sure enough, as the three-legged Golden Crow had guessed, this hunting match had already been targeted by the Dark Demons.The reason they didn't show up in the breakout game was because they weren't ready to attack.

However, in this hunting competition, they were finally going to show their minions, and Lin Xiu was also very timid. Fortunately, he listened to the words of the three-legged Golden Crow, otherwise the participants this time would be in great trouble.

After knowing this, Lin Xiu also turned around, intending to join the three-legged Golden Crow.But just as he took this step, he seemed to touch something outside the door.

"No, we've been discovered, Shuang'er, let's run."

"Who is eavesdropping on our speech outside?"

Sky Eagle King and Dark Demon King also quickly discovered Lin Xiu's existence, and flew out of it very quickly.

A black arrow also shot from behind Lin Xiu immediately.It was about to catch up with Lin Xiu, but a golden feather intercepted the black arrow in mid-air.

Then the Eagle King and the Dark Demon King saw a golden figure disappearing in front of their eyes along with a young figure.

"Damn, how did they get away, it seems we can only advance the date."

On the other side, the underworld.

The three-legged Jinwu also came to the underworld, and found Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"You came to see us, did something happen to Mr. Lin Xiu?"

"Really, it seems that the dark demons are about to move again, so I would like to ask you to help the young master."

"Of course, if adults have difficulties, those of us who are small should stand up."

"When we pack up, we'll set off right away."

"Thank you, I'll be waiting for you outside."

A day later, Lin Xiu and the three-legged Golden Crow finally got together again.

"Three-legged Golden Crow, don't tell me, it's really a little Zhuge. Sure enough, the Dark Demon King and the Sky Eagle King are in collusion. call out,

"It turned out to be like this. Fortunately, this time we also found Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang. This time we have taken a reassurance."

"I want to see this time, what the hell is this Dark Demon King doing!"

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the hunting competition finally started under everyone's attention.

Naturally, Lin Xiu saw two acquaintances. King Chunzhu's expression was quite normal, but King Eagle looked at him with a more playful expression than before. It seemed that he didn't know that the one who was there that night It was Lin Xiu who eavesdropped outside the door.

"I thought how great I am. Without the support of the Dark Demon King, you would have been a corpse."

In this looting match, the goal of all players is an ancient relic of ancient forces.There are many experience pills, heaven-level and even immortal-level exercises in it. The most important thing is that this relic seems to have magic cores and immortal weapons above the seventh rank, which is very attractive to any force present. .

And the format of this competition is naturally to compete in the form of gang forces. The more you get, the less you get. An existence that can cover the sky with one hand, of course such a person is a very small number of existences.

The remaining four factions are Chunzhu Queen's Chunzhu Gang, Tianying King's Tianying Gang, Lin Xiu's Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, and Liu Yue's Mountain Gang.

I have to say that Liu Yue of the Mountain Gang is also a legendary figure. Their gang was attacked by the Dark Demon King three times, and they managed to survive under the desperate defense of the whole gang. This crumbling force fell from the brink of extinction, and this tenacious vitality also made many people feel awed.

A very important reason why the Mountain Gang can prosper is that they do not adopt the eldest son inheritance system, but rely on their ability to rise to the top.Every time they want to choose a gang leader, they set up a ring, and everyone goes up to challenge, and the last one left will become the gang leader.

It is because of this selection mechanism that the Mountain Gang has never had any disputes over being the patriarch, and it is also because of this that the patriarch selected by the Mountain Gang every time is the existence with the strongest combat effectiveness.This is why the Mountain Gang was able to survive the three attacks of the Dark Demon Clan and still fail to persevere.But this time, Liu Yue was also the patriarch who had gone through layers of screening and stood out, which was enough to show his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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