Chapter 1435 Conspiracy
So in this plunder match, this Liu Yue will also be regarded as a strong opponent for Lin Xiu and others.

After waiting for everyone to enter, the looting match officially started, and everyone went straight to the last ruins from the beginning.

Lin Xiu also deliberately slowed down and followed behind the large army. The reason why he did this was because he was afraid that the Eagle King would stab them in the back from behind again.

The Eagle King also saw this, and was very puzzled in his heart. Doesn't Lin Xiu care about how much he can get?

So the Sky Eagle King also slowed down a bit, because he knew that if he was seen by Lin Xiu, his plan might fail halfway, so he also slowed down his speed, putting himself in the final position. Location.

"Sure enough, it's fraudulent. How about this, Shuang'er and I stay, and the three-legged Jinwu and the others rush to the front to grab resources."

"Yes sir."

Under the command of Lin Xiu, the Fox Clan and others set out in two groups.

And the other side.

"Dark Demon King, should we speed up? This kid has been following us, and we are not easy to operate. How about we get to the ruins in one go and take advantage of the chaos?"

"If you have some brains, then go quickly."


Lin Xiu, who had been following the Sky Eagle King, suddenly discovered that the Dark Demon King also accelerated suddenly, and Lin Xiu was also grateful to speed up and followed.

"What the hell is this Dark Demon King doing? Could it be that he wants to go to the ruins first, and then take advantage of the chaos to disrupt the situation. Then let's follow and see."

It has to be said that the Dark Demon King still has two tools, and Lin Xiu can only follow behind him when he is driving at full speed.After half an hour, Lin Xiu arrived at the final destination.

"This relic is really much bigger than the ones I've seen before, which is enough to show how powerful it was before."

The ground is full of bones and all kinds of knives, guns and sticks. It can be seen that an earth-shattering battle must have taken place here, and both sides paid a very heavy price.

Lin Xiu also picked up a token from the ruins, it was covered with dust, Lin Xiu also gently blew away the dust on it, and there was a big Chinese character written on it.Obviously, this has an inseparable relationship with the ruins, but Lin Xiu still can't understand what the sky represents, so Lin Xiu also received this token in his Na Ring.

One after another, all the people arrived at the ruins.

Immediately, a scuffle is about to break out.

I don't know who was the first to see the first-rank and seventh-rank fairy swords, and they also shouted excitedly.

"There is actually a seventh-rank fairy sword here, brothers, come and see it."

It doesn't matter if it's called, almost everyone runs to it, after all, this seventh-rank fairy sword is fatally attractive to everyone.

After a while, there was a bloody fight, and corpses were continuously thrown out of the crowd, and the fierce battle officially started.

On the other hand, Lin Xiu didn't make any big moves yet, he just sent a few teams out to hunt for treasure, and most of them stayed by Lin Xiu's side.

The Sky Eagle King on the other side also stood still, as if waiting for something to come.Suddenly, black lightning also fell from the sky.

The Eagle King, who had been motionless for a long time, also moved here.

"Be careful, the Dark Demons are coming again."

Sure enough, the Sky Eagle King also jumped into the sky, and then pulled out a black soul from his body.

"Hahaha, poor mortal, let's face the judgment."

I saw the black soul spraying towards the sky, and a black beam also shot a huge hole in the sky.

Then the black air all over the sky burst out from the hole, and suddenly these black black air slowly changed from tangible to invisible.

Groups of black air also turned into soldiers braving black air, descending from the sky with various weapons.

Even Lin Xiu was very surprised by this huge number, and these soldiers were almost real fairyland.

This terrifying quantity and strength is a top existence even in the fairy world where this group of heroes competes.

Lin Xiu understood that these soldiers of the Dark Demon Clan could not be dealt with by the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan alone, so he also wanted everyone to deal with the Dark Demon Clan that fell from the sky.

"Everyone here listen to my advice from Lin Xiu. Now is not the time for us to fight each other. Now that the enemy is in front of us, we must unite as one to drive the dark demons back. Only in this way can we feel at ease Fight for this treasure."

When all the people heard Lin Xiu's flowers, they also stopped their hands. This dark scene also made them understand that what Lin Xiu said was not unreasonable.

"Brothers, these dark things are dark demons from the evil race outside the territory. Their goal is to turn all strong people like us into their slaves. Their method is also very evil. First, they trick you It is said that they can help you improve your strength quickly. Yes, they can let you improve your strength in a short period of time."

"But when this secret technique disappears completely, it will plant a kind of soul seed in your head. Every time you use the secret technique, this seed will grow up, and slowly enough to control your soul , and in the end you become one of their thugs."

"If you don't believe me, the Eagle King is the best example. You can see that he has completely become a running dog of the Dark Demon Race."

Everyone also looked at the Sky Eagle King, and now he was also haunted by black air, and black air was radiating from his eyes.

"Brothers, what Lin Xiu said is that we can't fight in the nest now, we should first fight against the enemy and unite with the outside world."

"Damn it, we have to kill this kid first."

A black thunderbolt also struck Lin Xiu from the sky, but Shuang'er's reaction was fast enough, and clusters of golden feathers quickly formed to protect Lin Xiu's head.It also blocked the black lightning.

"Okay, I'm really surprised that there are bloodlines of the angel clan here. The bloodline of the angel clan is the favorite food of the dark demon clan. Let me enjoy this delicacy, hahaha"

After finishing speaking, he turned into a black light and rushed towards Shuang'er, then stretched out his long fangs, trying to pierce them into Shuang'er's blood vessels, and the sharp fangs were about to penetrate into Shuang'er's blood vessels. In Shuang'er's neck, a huge Ruyi Golden Cudgel is also blocking Shuang'er's body.

(End of this chapter)

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