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Chapter 1443 The Power of the Complete Seal

Chapter 1443 The Power of the Complete Seal

"Just by touching it, I know it's a good thing. Let's go back quickly. It's best to repair the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda before the competition starts tomorrow, and it will also provide an extra guarantee for my competition."

Lin Xiu and Shuang'er also quickly returned to the Taixu Academy and found the Taixu Immortal.

"I didn't expect that you guys took back the origin stone so quickly. Then let's start repairing it."

The Immortal Taixu also took out the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda that he had prepared long ago, and with his right hand took out the Earth Origin Stone that Lin Xiu and the others had just obtained.

Seeing this Immortal Taixu's mind moved, the Earth Origin Stone on his right hand also began to melt slowly, Lin Xiu did not see the appearance of the real fire.It seems that this Immortal Taixu's spiritual power is also very good at cultivation.

Slowly, a stream of light blue liquid appeared in the hands of Immortal Taixu, and then Immortal Taixu threw the pagoda into the mid-air.

Then the blue liquid obtained from the source stone also automatically adhered to the pagoda, and gradually the body of the pagoda began to change color.From that dark golden color, it gradually turned into orange yellow.

In the end, the pagoda also spun in the sky, and golden dragons spun around the pagoda.

"Okay, little brother Lin Xiu, now you can take this pagoda back, I've already repaired it for you."

"Now you can use almost all the abilities of this pagoda, so I won't tell you first. It's best to leave this thing to you to explore. In short, the utility of this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is definitely more than you imagined."

"The junior is here to thank the senior first."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, the old man knows that you are a talent that can be taught, and I hope you can carve out your own world in Taixu Academy. Alright, go take a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's competition."

"Okay, then entrust the good words of the seniors."

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the much-anticipated second game officially started.

This time Lin Xiu faced off against Li Shangjia, the successor of Li Jiaquan who is known as the number one seed.The reason why he was listed as the number one seed was because he had made a great achievement before, facing three strong Immortal Kings alone and retreating unscathed.It is enough to show how powerful the Li Shang family is.

After the two sides clasped fists, they also officially started the competition.

At the beginning, the two didn't dare to make big moves, and they also attacked each other tentatively, so there was no substantial collision.

But after a while, Li Shang's family also took the lead in launching the real attack.

I saw that Li Shang's family also punched the front, and then a golden fist was thrown from Lin Xiu's back. Fortunately, Lin Xiu is a man who has experienced many battles. Realize that the attack may be coming from the rear.It also rushed forward in an instant, and it also made the Li Shang family's unexpected punch hit the air.

After a failed move, the Li Shang family was neither arrogant nor impetuous. Standing still, he saw something in his mouth, and then he kicked his feet on the ground, and his whole body flew into the clouds, and disappeared in a short while. In the field of vision.

Suddenly, a lightning-like figure came down from Lin Xiu's head, so fast that almost everyone present couldn't react.

When Lin Xiu saw Li Shang's house, he had already appeared above his head, so he had no choice but to stretch out his hands to cover his head.

This Li Shang family's boxing technique is not ingenious. Although Lin Xiu said that his reaction was very quick, he still couldn't stop the accelerated punches.

The dense fists hit Lin Xiu's head and body like raindrops. For a while, Lin Xiu was beaten back again and again, without any ability to parry.

It was another powerful punch, and Lin Xiu vomited blood from the corner of his mouth, and fell directly to the ground.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Xiu was going to lose this final showdown, the Immortal Taixu who was beside him seemed to be full of confidence in Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu didn't seem to give up hope, he stood up from the ground and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that your vitality is still quite tenacious. Then I want to see how long you can last."

It was the same move again, and another punch was thrown out.But he found that when he was halfway through the swing, suddenly he could no longer gather his energy.

This is naturally Lin Xiu's trick. He also sacrificed the repaired Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and found that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda actually has the effect of interfering with other people's energy gathering.

Although the range of effect is very small, only Lin Xiu's whole body can be effective, but for some strong people who only fight close to the body, this is like holding their lifeline.

Just like this Li Shangjia, although his boxing technique is very exquisite, if he can't gather his energy during the punching, it's like hitting cotton with an iron fist, which is a situation where he can't use his strength.

"I don't agree, this kid is cheating, please referee to see clearly."

The Li Shang family obviously knew that if this went on, they had no chance of winning at all.So he had no choice but to think that Lin Xiu was using some kind of cheating method, so that he might have the possibility to reverse the situation.

"Protesting is invalid. Little friend Lin Xiu's thing was rebuilt by me. If you think he cheated, do you suspect that I'm helping him cheat?"

"Don't dare, Patriarch Taixu has always had his own principles in doing things, how could he do such an outrageous thing."

"Then fight hard. Even if you know you are going to lose, you must persevere. This is the only way to become a strong man. Do you know?"

"The younger generation respects the teachings of the older generation."

The Li Shang family was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the Immortal Taixu was helping Lin Xiu to speak. He also understood that if even the Immortal Taixu helped Lin Xiu here, even if Lin Xiu really used something to cheat. , his own defense was useless, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue hitting.

Sure enough, the Li Shang family, who could not gather energy, could be Lin Xiu's opponent. He, who was firmly in the upper hand before, became a feeling that he could not use his strength in front of Lin Xiu.

Whenever his fist approached Lin Xiu, he would feel as if his force had been unloaded in mid-air, and he couldn't use immortal skills at all.So this game turned into Lin Xiu's solo performance in the end.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not let go of this good opportunity, and he immediately activated the Dog Beating Stick Technique.The ghost-like footwork made the Li Shang family completely unable to figure out where Lin Xiu would appear in the next moment. In the end, Lin Xiu cleverly flashed to the back of the Li Shang family and hit him on the back of the neck, hitting him directly. out of the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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