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Chapter 1444 This may be the most difficult task in history

Chapter 1444 This may be the most difficult task in history
"Let us congratulate the winner of this match -- Lin Xiu."

The audience applauded thunderously, and Lin Xiu also quickly gained initial prestige in this Taixu Academy through this battle.Because he defeated the No. [-] seed who was the most promising before the game, everyone also considered Lin Xiu as the No. [-] seed in their hearts.

In the following games, Shuang'er also relied on his own strength to defeat his opponent.Both of them have also become students of the Sunhui class.

For the next period of time, Lin Xiu also had a relatively stable life. All the students of the Rihui class underwent various trainings under the name of a mentor.

The strength of this mentor is also at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, and he usually teaches Lin Xiu some fighting skills and cultivation methods.Although Lin Xiu is better at these things, he still learned a lot from a person who is stronger than himself.

The days passed by like this, until one day the sound of the system came.

"I found a fairyland treasure chest 300 meters ahead."

Lin Xiu, who hadn't seen the treasure chest for a long time, was a little excited when he heard the reminder of the treasure chest.

Lin Xiu looked forward, and there was only one girl in front of him, but his weight made Lin Xiu unflattered, at least 300 catties, and she looked like a flower in the movie.

"For the treasure chest, I risked everything."

Lin Xiu also wanted the girl to walk in slowly, and finally saw the fairy treasure chest.

But what puzzled him was that the fairy treasure chest didn't appear on a certain part of the girl, but seemed to appear in every part of her body.

"System, how do you want me to open this treasure chest. This treasure chest does not seem to appear in a specific location."

"So this treasure chest does not need to be touched, but needs to complete a special task?"

"What special mission?"

As soon as Lin Xiu heard the four words "special mission", Lin Xiu's scalp tingled. He didn't know how many times he was tricked by the system because of these four words.

"It's very simple. First, let her have a good opinion of you. When your good opinion reaches 100, then let her hate you to the extreme."

"Fuck me, why is it so troublesome, and let her like me first and then hate me to the extreme."

"Host, I'm sorry, this is not up to me to decide. You don't have to choose to open this treasure chest. But I can vaguely feel that there are good things in this fairy treasure chest."

This made Lin Xiu face a difficult situation. On the one hand, he urgently needed to get this treasure chest to become stronger, so as to protect what he needed to protect.On the other hand, looking at the lady in front of him, he really couldn't figure out how to make this person like him.

In the end, Lin Xiu gave in, because this time even the tricky system said that there are still good things in it.That's why Lin Xiu was very moved.

Lin Xiu also went up bravely. Seeing the girl who looked like a flower was still holding her booger, which also made Lin Xiu very disgusted.

"Mom, for the treasure chest, I can just take my own life."

"Hello, beauty, may I know your name."

After Lin Xiu said this, he felt nauseated, as if he wanted to vomit out all the food he had eaten in the past few days.

"My girl's name is Ruyu, what can I do for you?"

"Fuck it, it's still called Ruyu, it's really similar to Ruhua."

"Miss Ruyu, can I invite you to walk around this Taixu Academy together?"

Lin Xiu also didn't know how he said such words, and he felt very disgusted after saying them.

"The host congratulates you, this Ruyu girl's favorability for you has increased by 10! Now the total favorability is 10."

"Why did this increase by ten percent? Wow, then this task is really too difficult."

"Okay, of course, but I don't know the son's name yet."

It must be the first time that Ruyu has received such an invitation, and she also looks very shy, but such a shy appearance is a bit disgusting to Lin Xiu.

"Girl, just call me Li Xiaoyao."

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not tell Ruyu his real name, and he was also afraid that after he abandoned him, she would find him out of revenge.Having experienced many things, he naturally knows that the most annoying thing in this world is a woman.So he also used his previous alias again.

"Li Xiaoyao, the son's name is really nice. If that's the case, let me and you enjoy the beauty of this Taixu Academy."

Unexpectedly, Ruyu also took the initiative to hold Lin Xiu's hand, and the hand that was bigger than Lin Xiu's three palms held Lin Xiu, just like a mother playing with her son outside.So along the way, Lin Xiu also attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey, isn't that the most powerful Lin Xiu in our Rihui Academy? Why did he come together with the most ugly girl in Taixu Academy?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because of her family's property. You must know that Ruyu's father spent a lot of money to let the Taixu Immortal accept Ruyu. Hey, I didn't expect him to be such a person .”

Lin Xiu is naturally not deaf, and he has heard all the criticisms against him.He doesn't care about the accusations of these strangers, as long as no one sees him walking with this Ruyu, that is his twin.

But people, what are you afraid of, what are you coming for.Just when Lin Xiu was about to take Ruyu to complete the circle, Shuang'er happened to walk towards Lin Xiu.

When she saw this Lin Xiu and this Ruyu walking together arm in arm, her temper instantly flared up.

"Shuang'er, listen to my explanation, I'm driving..."

"I've seen it with my own eyes, what else do you have to say?"

It seemed that Shuang'er was also very angry. Lin Xiu forcibly interrupted his words halfway through his speech, and then turned around and left, leaving Lin Xiu to stay where he was with an innocent face.

"Hey, let's explain to Shuang'er later."

"Mr. Lin Xiu, who was that woman just now? She is so rude, interrupting you."

"Oh, that woman has always liked me, and I didn't agree to him, so seeing me with you, I was in a state of despair, so ignore him."

Lin Xiu also had no choice but to say something against his will. If he told the truth, the goodwill he had cultivated with great difficulty would probably disappear in smoke.He didn't want to lose his wife and lose his army.

In order to increase Ruyu's favorability towards him, Lin Xiu also took the initiative to hold Ruyu's hand. Although he was very reluctant in his heart, he was willing to go all out for this fairy treasure chest.

"Congratulations to host Ruyu's favorability for you has increased by 20, now the total favorability is 30, and there is still 70 to complete the goal, come on."

(End of this chapter)

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