Chapter 1445 Scumbag!

"Damn it, it's been so long that I'm only 30, it's because I can't ascend to heaven."

Lin Xiu and this Ruyu finally finished the tour of the Taixu Immortal Mansion, and along the way, Lin Xiu encountered many people's eyes and contempt.

"Young Master, it's really a pleasure to be with you today, but I don't know if there will be such an opportunity next time."

"Next time, don't do it, just one time is enough, and I want a second time."

Lin Xiu also had a hard time in his heart and couldn't tell. He had already brought him so much trouble once, and if he did it again, it wouldn't make him completely finished.So he also had to find a way to succeed this first time.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going all out for this treasure chest."

I saw Lin Xiu slowly put his mouth close to Ruyu's face, and kissed it with his eyes closed.This Ruyu was obviously frightened by Lin Xiu's initiative, and she blushed and her heart beat wildly.

"Congratulations to the host, come on, the favorability has increased to 70."

"Damn it, I finally saved the country with my curves in vain."

"My lord, you're so proactive that you've made him very shy."

But the shy look is more feminine on others, but it has become a bit disgusting on Ruyu's body.

Just when Lin Xiu thought this was over, Ruyu unexpectedly kissed Lin Xiu's face.

"Damn it, my first kiss is gone, and I'm going to leave it to Shuang'er. If you come out of the system, I promise I won't kill you."

But for this task, Lin Xiu had to pretend to enjoy it very much.In fact, I can feel as much pain as I want.

"Miss Ruyu, do you know? It wasn't until I met you that I realized that all encounters in this world are reunions after a long absence."

This Lin Xiu also tried his best to increase his favorability, and even spoke out the earthy love words.

"Congratulations to the host, the favorability has finally reached 90."

"There's 10 o'clock left, what should I do now."

"Young master, why are you so talented? What you say is very elegant. I am really happy to be with you, but I should go back."

The mission was about to be completed, how could Lin Xiu let go of such a good opportunity.So he quickly grabbed Ruyu's hand.

"Miss Ruyu, stay with me, I'm so lonely here alone."

This Ruyu was obviously moved by Lin Xiu's heart, and when he heard that Lin Xiu wanted him to stay, he also stopped and turned around.

"Since Mr. Lin Xiu has said so, then I will stay with you."

Seeing that Ruyu was willing to stay, Lin Xiu was finally relieved.

At this time, it was also late at night, and the sky full of stars dotted the somewhat monotonous sky. Lin Xiu also held Ruyu's hand and sat around a lake in this Taixu Academy.

The two also looked back to back at the stars in the sky, Ruyu felt very happy, but Lin Xiu felt "stressed".People with an average weight of more than three hundred catties can bear it.But in order to open the treasure chest, Lin Xiu could only hold on.

Before they knew it, the two of them fell asleep next to each other.

The next day, when Lin Xiu woke up and found himself lying with Ruyu, his heart was also very broken.

"Master Lin Xiu, it's great to see you the first time you wake up."

"Me too, I feel so happy to see Miss Ruyu." Then Lin Xiu also took out a rose from somewhere and gave it to Ruyu.

Of course Ruyu is also very happy, this is also the first time a boy has given him flowers.

"Young master, you are so kind. I really love you to death."

"Congratulations to the host, the favorability has reached 100, and the first task has been completed."

This voice also made Lin Xiu put down a big stone in his heart.But he also knew that this was only half the battle.But the next half seems to be much simpler.

"This method of turning faces and denying people, there are really not many people who can compare with me."

After finishing speaking, he immediately picked up the flower in Ruyu's hand and flew away.

"Master Lin Xiu, is this a new way of playing?"

"What new way to play? I've seen you upset for a long time. You're so fat and you haven't lost weight. No wonder no one likes you."

This Ruyu was also confused by Lin Xiu's sudden change.

"Mr. Lin Xiu, did you not sleep well last night, so your mind is not so clear today?"

"You are so out of your mind that you think I will like you. I am just using you. Do you think I will like you?"

"What, use me?" Ruyu was also teary-eyed by Lin Xiu's words one after another. This is the first time she has encountered such a thing, and no one would be able to bear it.

"Yeah, otherwise, why would I fall in love with a fat woman like you, of course I can profit from you."

This can be regarded as completely giving up Ruyu's heart. At the same time, he realized that he was being tricked, and he also hated Lin Xiu very much.

"Say it again, no one has dared to call me a fat woman in front of me."

"Congratulations to the host, complete the task, open the treasure chest in the fairy world to get a frozen eye."

Lin Xiu didn't even have time to see the effect of his skills, and Ruyu in front of him looked at him very angrily.

"You scumbag, watch your tricks, break out of your cocoon and become a butterfly."

I saw that after Ruyu used Break the Cocoon and Become a Butterfly, her figure suddenly became thinner and turned into a girl with a perfect figure.

"It's really like the old saying, fat people are potential stocks."

But Lin Xiu seems to have no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery now, because Ruyu has already slashed at her with a long knife.

This Ruyu's astonishing speed also made Lin Xiu hardly react. The next second, the white knife light had already reached Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu had no choice but to use his hand to hold the knife light in front of his eyes. Fortunately, Ruyu's strength is not too strong.Otherwise, with this knife, Lin Xiu's hand might be amputated.

"Sure enough, women are some very scary animals."

Out of helplessness, Lin Xiu had no choice but to fight back, but the gap in strength between the two was too great. In the end, Lin Xiu also knocked Ruyu unconscious with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Lin Xiu also felt that this was a great psychological blow to Miss Ruyu, so he also wanted to use some way to make up for Ruyu.

"System, can you make him forget what happened between me?"

"Host, this is okay, as long as you pour your mental power into her head with your hands."

Lin Xiu also put his hand on the girl Ruyu's head, and a white light slowly injected from Ruyu's head.

Just at this time, by coincidence, Shuang'er also happened to pass by here. She was very upset because she saw Lin Xiu and Ruyu before, but this time she saw Lin Xiu put her hand on Ruyu's. On the head, the mentality exploded directly.

(End of this chapter)

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