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Chapter 1446 The Unspoken Lin Xiu

Chapter 1446 Lin Xiu

Seeing Lin Xiu put his hand on Ruyu's head, Shuang'er also shouted at Lin Xiu directly angrily.

"Lin Xiu, you scumbag, you promised to stay with me all the time, but you hooked up with this woman, and even touched her head with your hand, you bastard in clothes."

Only then did Lin Xiu notice that Shuang'er was not far away from him. He couldn't express the pain in his heart, so he could only explain weakly.

"Shuang'er, it's not what you think. I'm just completing a personal task. When I'm done, I'll go back and explain to you."

Shuang'er naturally believed what she saw with her own eyes, and she also didn't believe what Lin Xiu said.

"Hmph, what's the mission? Could it be that the mission is to make you fail to pick up girls, and you don't have to come back. I don't want to see you again."

After speaking, he flew forward without looking back.

"It's over, I can't clean up after jumping into the Yellow River, but all the unlucky things have been mixed together, don't worry about it, let's deal with the matter here first, and then explain it to Shuang'er."

Lin Xiu also continued to inject white spiritual power into Ruyu's head, and Ruyu slowly came to his senses, seeing Lin Xiu as if he had never seen it before, as if he had forgotten that this man had hurt him before .

"Young master, did I suddenly faint just now? Thank you for waking me up. Dare I ask your benefactor's name?"

"I really forgot who I am. I have finally successfully completed the task here, so I have to leave quickly."

Lin Xiu was also focused on getting Shuang'er back, so naturally he didn't care about Ruyu.

"You're welcome, I don't need to know my name. Miss Ruyu, I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Hey, no, I didn't tell this son, why did he know my name is Ruyu."

On the other side, Lin Xiuxiu frantically chased after Shuang'er when she left.

"Shuang'er, don't let anything happen. Otherwise, I will regret it in my heart."

It is also said that the environment outside this Taixu Academy is very dangerous, and there will be robbers and powerful beasts from time to time.So Lin Xiu was also very worried about what dangers the pair would encounter outside.

After chasing for a full hour, Shuang'er was still missing.This can't help but make Lin Xiu a little worried about whether Shuang'er was captured by some kind of beast.So he didn't dare to stop, and accelerated to chase after him.

On the other hand, in a certain cave outside Taixu Academy, a lion shadow and a human shadow are confronting each other.

"Don't support the beauty, just obey me obediently, and it will save you from suffering a little bit."

"Don't think about it, I won't surrender until I die."

This figure is naturally Shuang'er, very angry and left this Taixu Academy very quickly, but he didn't expect that he got lost in the forest outside, even if he got lost, he happened to meet this amethyst lion king.

The Amethyst Lion King was naturally moved with evil intentions when he saw these beautiful twins.

Originally, the Amethyst Lion King couldn't defeat Shuang'er, but the Amethyst Lion King sneaked up from the dark, so he gained the upper hand.Although Shuang'er resisted stubbornly, but she had no choice but to lose the opportunity, she could only fall into the disadvantaged, and was beaten bloody by the Amethyst Lion King.

"I just like this kind of wild girl like you, come on baby."

Many amethysts appeared in the hands of the Amethyst Lion King, and then he waved his hands forward, and the hard amethyst also rushed towards Shuang'er.Shuang'er also used her golden feathers to block in front of her.But it didn't seem to be useful, the amethyst directly pierced through the pair's defense.

After the amethyst pierced through this defense, its speed did not decrease at all, and it flew directly towards Shuang'er, and it was about to penetrate Shuang'er's body.

At this moment, a golden light shot in from the entrance of the cave, directly destroying the amethyst inside.

"Who actually ruined my good deeds of the Amethyst Lion King."

"You dare to touch my woman."

A slender figure also appeared in the entrance of the cave, holding a blue long sword in his hand, and a golden arhat standing behind him.

"Shuang'er, I'm sorry I'm late."

Lin Xiu looked at Shuang'er covered in blood, and felt endless guilt for Shuang'er in his heart.

"What are you doing here? I don't need your help. You can find your Ruyu."

Although Shuang'er said verbally that she didn't need Lin Xiu's arrival, when she saw Lin Xiu came here to save her, there were tears in her eyes.

"Hey, you young man still wants to be a hero to save the beauty, it depends on whether you have the strength."

The Amethyst Lion King naturally saw that these two were also flirting, and was very upset.The amethyst appeared in his hand, and he clenched his fist, and the purple crystal shattered instantly, and then turned into a puddle of purple liquid.

The purple liquid was continuously fused and transformed in the hands of the Amethyst Lion King, and finally turned into a huge purple stick.

"Lin Xiu, be careful, this purple stick is very tough, try to avoid confronting him head-on."

Shuang'er also suffered a lot in front of the amethyst lion king before, all because she had never thought that the amethyst was so hard that even his feathers could not stop the amethyst.

"I know, but I still don't believe it, this purple stick can be stronger than my Ruyi Golden Cudgel."

Seeing that the Amethyst Lion King also swung his stick, Lin Xiu also urged his own golden cudgel to collide with each other, as if no one would let anyone else, and a lot of scratches were wiped out at the collision place. spark.

Suddenly the Amethyst Lion King roared, and the purple stick suddenly scattered many small amethysts from the stick, and at the same time, the Amethyst Lion King also suddenly released his strength.

The sudden force directly sent Lin Xiu flying, and at the same time, many small particles of amethyst flew towards Lin Xiu.

The huge number and hardness also made it very difficult for Lin Xiu to defend, and Lin Xiu had no choice but to use Qinglian Sword to wave sword energy from all directions.But helplessly, even though Lin Xiu almost achieved a defense without dead ends, because the particles were too small, many particles from the amethyst still pierced Lin Xiu's legs.

Immediately, a lot of amethyst particles were inserted into Lin Xiu's legs and head, and these particles also directly penetrated the defense of the four elephant armor. gushes out.

Lin Xiu also knelt down on the ground in pain because of the severe pain coming from all parts of his body.

"Lin Xiu, are you okay?" Seeing Lin Xiu's painful appearance, the two children felt very distressed,

(End of this chapter)

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