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Chapter 1460 On the list?

Chapter 1460 On the list?

100 million is not a small number for Lin Xiu now. He has already spent all the more than 500 million gold coins that he has accumulated for a long time.So he also urgently needs a sum of money.It just so happened that more than 100 million yuan was delivered to the door.

Having nothing to do, Lin Xiu is also habitually looking at the number one on the reward list. I didn't expect that it doesn't matter if I don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. The number one on the list has the words Lin Xiu written on it. .And the bounty is not low, a full 300 million.

Fortunately, this Lin Xiu was cautious in his actions. He was fully armed from head to toe, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.Otherwise, it would be discovered by people from the Devil's Triangle, and a gang fight would be inevitable.

Lin Xiu also wanted to exchange money and leave before anyone found him.So he also quickly came to this place where the bounty was exchanged.

"Brother, what number do you get on this list?"

"Third." Lin Xiu also deliberately lowered his voice, for fear that this person would hear it and attract others' attention.

"What, you took care of the poisonous king. Brother, you need to know where this place is. If you talk nonsense, you will die if you are not careful." This person obviously did not believe that Lin Xiu could get the poisonous king's head. , so it was also a "kind" reminder to Lin Xiu.

"I know this, but I did get the head of the poisonous king. If you don't believe me, take a look." After speaking, Lin Xiu took out his Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and released the poisonous king.But in order to prevent accidents, Lin Xiu just held it in his hands.

"I heard that the poison king's body is a spider before, but I didn't expect to see it today. Brother, your strength is really good."

"Hurry up, don't talk nonsense, Ma Shan handed over the bounty to me, I have other things." Lin Xiu also suddenly increased his tone, also afraid that the longer he stayed, the more trouble would arise.

"Okay, okay, keep your reward." The man quickly took out a bulging envelope from the cabinet. He also knew that if he provoked the mysterious person in front of him, his life might be in danger. This person is someone who even killed the poison king.

After Lin Xiu got the money, he quickly turned around and left.

"Hey, sir, you lost your things." Sure enough, because Lin Xiu left too hastily, the elixir he had been carrying in his pocket also fell out.He also bent down to pick up the elixir on the ground, ready to move on.

Unexpectedly, the accident also happened at this time. The moment Lin Xiu bent down and stood up, the poison king vomited a mouthful of white spider silk on Lin Xiu's body.In the next second, he turned back into a human form.

"Don't let him run away, this kid is Lin Xiu who is on the bounty list." The poison king knew that he could no longer compete with Lin Xiu with his own strength, so he deliberately yelled at everyone at the top of his voice.

It doesn't matter if you say this, everyone in the tavern suddenly became greedy. After all, 300 million is not a small sum for anyone.

"It turns out that this is the number one on the reward list. I said why even the Poison King was defeated by him." This brother is also Qingxin himself, who didn't talk too much just now, otherwise his own people might be on the ground.

On the other side, Lin Xiu was also fleeing frantically, and there were a bunch of wolves and tigers chasing after him.However, it seems that with their speed, it is impossible to catch up with Lin Xiu for the time being.

But where is the Devil's Triangle? The news is still coming out of your mouth one second, and it may reach the ears of people a hundred meters away in the next second.

In the next second, people from all directions completely surrounded Lin Xiu again.

And the leader happened to be the poison king.

"You really linger, Poison King."

"You haven't been caught yet, how could I leave first." The poison king looked at Lin Xiu, like a hunter looking at a rabbit already in the cage.

"Quickly call out the Xuanming Pearl and Thunderbolt on your body, and I can still let you live."

"It's in my hands, but there's no reason to return it." Lin Xiu was no fool, the poison king obviously didn't just want these things on him, but took Lin Xiu back with him first.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished. Brothers, serve it to me."

Instantly, everyone swarmed towards Lin Xiu as if they had opened up some mechanism. Lin Xiu also hurriedly flew with his sword, and broke through from one direction while waving the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

"It seems that we can only kill the poison king first, otherwise these people will chase me until I am exhausted."

Lin Xiu also guessed that the news that he was here was spread by the poisonous king, and he must have found himself based on the spider silk left on his body, so kill the poisonous king first, and these people will lose their weather vane , running around.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiu also speeded up, although forcibly speeding up in this way would cause excessive consumption of Yuanli.But in order to attract the poison king, Lin Xiu had no choice but to do so.

Lin Xiu quickly got rid of the poisonous king, found a hidden place, and began to set up his own net.It was not beyond Lin Xiu's expectation, as expected, only the Poison King caught up with his acceleration.

"Come out, I know you're hiding there."

"It seems that you have misunderstood the relationship between the prey and the hunter." Lin Xiu also sneered in a foreign way.

"Shape-shifting." A red and white light connected Lin Xiu and the poison king, and in the next second, two purple spaces appeared in front of the two of them.Then the two seemed to be sucked into the space as if they were sucked by something.

In an instant, the two completed the exchange of positions, and at the same time, Lin Xiu also urged his own Qinglian sword formation.The Poison King still had an unbelievable expression on his face. At this moment, he still hadn't figured out why he was instantly replaced by Lin Xiu.

Then there were streaks of blue light surrounding his body, with streaks of golden beams still mixed in between.In order to ensure that he can kill the poison king 100% this time, Lin Xiu also used this blow that mixed his own energy and spiritual energy.

"Lin Xiu, even if I become a ghost, I won't let you go." Lin Xiu ignored the threat of the poison king, and turned around and ran away quickly, because he was sure that his sword was mixed with Qinglian sword. The relics of Jue and Yuanli were enough to kill the poison king, so he didn't stop there, and fled here quickly.

"It's time to go back. How are you, Shuang'er, after so long? I don't know how this girl Ruoxin is doing with her cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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