Chapter 1461 The Return
"I don't care, I'm going to find Brother Lin Xiu."

"Look for it, do you know where the Devil's Triangle is? You went there and not only couldn't find it, but also went back to die in vain."

The one who clamored to find Lin Xiu was naturally only Miss Ruoxin.Ever since Lin Xiu left, Ruo Xin was clamoring to find Lin Xiu one day, which also caused Jin Tutor and Shuang'er a very headache.

"Could it be that with my current strength, can I still go to this Devil's Triangle?"

Since Lin Xiu left, Ruo Xin has made up her mind to surpass Lin Xiu as her goal, so she has been practicing day and night.It also broke through to the level of the Immortal King in just a few months, and the speed of this growth cannot be said to be evil.

"Yes, I know that you are very talented and worked very hard to reach the realm of this kind of fairy king, but the devil's triangle can not only survive by strength alone, the people in it are not only powerful, but also outstanding. You are known to be ruthless and merciless, what do you know, a little girl who has no experience in the world, maybe you will be sold that day." Teacher Jin naturally knows how terrifying the Devil's Triangle is, so naturally he will not let Ruoxin escape easily.

"Hmph, you don't allow me to go, I'll knock you down first." Ruo Xin's temper is not ordinary, and she will fight with the Jin tutor if she disagrees.

I saw a huge fire phoenix appearing behind Ruo Xin, and the appearance of being reborn from the ashes also added a lot of arrogance to Ruo Xin.No wonder Lin Xiu said that Ruo Xin was very talented. It turned out that her martial soul was a rare divine beast phoenix.Wuhun not only has powerful attack power, but also has a great influence on the speed of the practitioner's cultivation.

For example, if it takes three days for an ordinary martial soul to cultivate to the same level, then it may only take more than a day for a top-level martial soul like Phoenix to upgrade to the same level.

With such a huge gap, it's no wonder why some people fight so hard for some powerful martial souls.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Jin."

The fire phoenix behind Ruoxin also spewed out a mouthful of life, and the huge flame made the temperature of the entire Taixu Academy a lot higher. Before the flame reached the front of the Jin tutor, he was already sweating profusely.Hurry up and activate your original force to prevent the flames from burning your meridians all over your body.

A huge coin was fixed in front of the golden teacher, it seemed that he wanted to use this coin to resist the menacing flames.But what he didn't expect was that the temperature of the flame was surprisingly high, and his coins began to melt slowly under the baking of the flame.

"No, this girl's fire is too strong."

The flame gradually rushed towards Mentor Jin, slowly sticking to his skin, he didn't dare to be careless, and quickly urged his martial soul to drive the flame out of his body.

But he gradually discovered that his trick was useless at all, the flame still stuck to his body like a jellybean.

In the end, he had no choice but to release part of his original force, and finally drove the flame out completely.But it also consumed a lot of his energy, just when he thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, this little girl started to fight again.

I saw the phoenix behind Ruo Xin spreading its wings and soaring, quickly flew to the side of the Jin Tutor, and instantly grabbed him with one claw.After all, Instructor Jin is also very experienced in combat, so he immediately counterattacked, and a copper coin flew out quickly.

But this phoenix was more terrifying than imagined, just when the coin was about to hit the phoenix, it suddenly disappeared in front of the Jin tutor.

"Not good." Mentor Jin also realized that there must be nothing good about the sudden disappearance of the phoenix, but it was too late to react at this time.Suddenly, a pair of huge claws came towards him in the space behind him.

It was also a claw directly, and it grabbed the mentor's back directly.In an instant, a huge scratch also appeared, and finally a bloodstain appeared on his back. Obviously, Ruo Xin still had some brains, after all, he was her master, and if she killed him, she would have to bear a lot of burden responsibility.

But it seemed that Supervisor Jin still refused to let her go, and stood up with support, with blood still flowing from her body.

"I won't let you go." I saw that the Jin Tutor also threw out three ingot-like things again, turned around in the sky, and instantly a golden cage covered Ruo Xin's body.

"Can this thing still trap me? You underestimate me, teacher."

I saw that the phoenix spewed out three huge rings of fire this time. Unexpectedly, under the burning of the flames, a small hole slowly appeared in this seemingly hard cage. Drilled out of the hole.

This also surprised Mr. Jin a little. You must know that this thing once trapped an immortal emperor, but now it was indeed burned directly by the flame.

"This year is really blessed, there are two such powerful monsters all at once."

"I'm sorry, Teacher Jin."

I saw that Ruo Xin also suddenly accelerated the magic ball in his left hand and blasted towards the injured Jin Tutor who was still on the ground.

Just when the dharma ball was about to hit the golden instructor, a cyan sword light also blocked the dharma ball.

"Ruoxin, don't be rude to the teacher." Lin Xiu finally appeared at this time, preventing the farce from ending.

"Fortunately, this kid is back, otherwise my old bones will suffer." After seeing Lin Xiu's return, Mentor Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I said Ruoxin, you little girl is not capable enough, but your temper has grown a lot, even the teacher wants to beat you."

"Whoever told him not to let me go to Brother Lin Xiu, I had no choice but to faint him first." Ruo Xin also had an innocent expression on her face, which also made Lin Xiu a little helpless.

"You call it stunned? If I don't show up, you might beat Mr. Jin to death."

"It's not you, and you didn't tell me when you left."

"I don't dare to tell you, I'm afraid that if you are impatient, what will you do if you go with me later? The Devil's Triangle is not a good place to stay."

"Hmph, you don't even believe me." Ruo Xin also pouted her lips, also disagreeing with Lin Xiu's statement.

"Okay, I've seen your strength. It is indeed very strong, but some things still depend on experience. By the way, didn't I ask Shuang'er to watch over you, where did she go?"

"Sister Shuang'er has something to do outside, she said she was looking for something."

"How long has she been gone?"

"I went this morning, almost a few hours from now."

(End of this chapter)

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