Chapter 1464 Polar Mine

"Not now, will it be sooner or later?" If you want to say thick-skinned, there is probably no one in this world who can compete with Lin Xiu.

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to talk about this, I have to go back and see if this kid Ruoxin is being lazy. This kid is good at everything, but procrastination is very serious, I have to go back and see."

"Go ahead, I also have to see what is the mystery of this Thunderbolt." Lin Xiu had already seen that although Ruoxin was very talented, he was the kind of person who couldn't calm down.So he specially asked Shuang'er to supervise him, and believed that with such a serious and responsible supervisor as Shuang'er, Ruoxin also had a bright future.

The two of them also said goodbye, went back to their own room, and took out the book of Thunderbolt that they almost bought with their lives.

This exercise book seems to be quite old, and it is also covered with a thick layer of dust. Lin Xiu also slowly blew the dust off.

Lin Xiu couldn't laugh or cry at the big characters that appeared on it, because besides the big characters of Thunderbolt written on it, there was a row of small characters beside it.

"Don't learn unless you are ridiculous... What the hell is this!"

Lin Xiu also quickly opened the exercise, but it seemed that he could only open the first page, and there seemed to be something missing in the back, and he couldn't open it at all.

"You need to collect polar mines to open them, and if you want to learn, you must be able to withstand the lightning strikes of polar mines." Lin Xiu saw here and realized why there were words on the front cover that you must not learn.Seeing this, Lin Xiu couldn't help but feel a little happy. Who is Lin Xiu, a man who can't be shaken by double thunder calamities, so naturally he is very confident in facing this extreme mine.

"However, what exactly is this polar mine? I've never heard of it before. Let's ask Immortal Taixu first. He should know the location of this polar mine because he is well-informed."

Lin Xiu also hurriedly found Immortal Taixu, but he didn't expect to be scolded as soon as he came up.

"Hey, isn't this our hero Lin Xiu, who challenged the teacher in public and left the school, isn't that bad?" Apparently, as the leader of this Taixu Academy, he left without telling Lin Xiu The academy also felt a little angry.

"Immortal, I was wrong. I should have told you first. I was too anxious at the time."

"Okay, since you have brought such a good seed as Ruoxin to our school, I won't bother with you. But if something like this happens next time, I don't care who you are, I will come to you directly Excuse me, do you hear me?"

"Yes, Immortal, I came this time to ask you something."

"Tell me, it's still a secret with me."

"Excuse me, Immortal, do you know such things as polar mines?" Hearing Lin Xiu say the word "polar mines", the tea in Immortal Taixu's mouth was about to spit out.

"Why do you ask this? That thing is very dangerous." It seems that the Taixu Immortal also knows the existence of this polar mine, but this thing seems to be very dangerous, otherwise the Taixu Immortal would not have such a big mine reaction.

"Students have a book of exercises that needs the blessing of this extreme mine. So even in danger, students have to find it."

"Well, you kid, this polar mine is a kind of lightning that can only be produced under very special conditions. It is special because ordinary lightning is produced at normal temperature, but this polar mine is produced under very special conditions." Thunder and lightning can only be produced at extremely low temperatures. And precisely because of this, the power of this polar mine is much greater than that of ordinary lightning."

"Then where can I find this pole mine?"

"It is said that in the north of our Taixu Academy, there is an extremely cold place. The temperature here is terribly low all year round. I speculate that there should be polar mines there."

"Okay, thank you Immortal, I will set off tomorrow to find that extremely cold place."

"Let me remind you, there may be polar mines there. Because the temperature is too low, the creatures there are all mutated creatures with extremely strong fighting power, so you must be careful yourself, and you must come back alive to listen to me. Is it there?"

"Well, don't worry, I'm Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death."

"Okay, try to go and come back as soon as possible, the final exam is coming soon, you can't be absent. This exam will be watched by the Jade Emperor in person, you have to give me a little bit of care, maybe I don't want the Jade Emperor to fancy it Now, wouldn’t it be a pleasure to find you a half-time official in this Heavenly Palace.”

"Thank you Immortal, then I will take my leave first." In fact, Lin Xiu was not interested in joining Tiangong, because he had seen gold and silver generals who would only use their official positions to bully ordinary people like this before, so he was not interested in joining Tiangong. The impression of Tiangong was not very good.However, if the Jade Emperor can come, he might be able to get the blood of the Immortal Emperor from him. This is what Lin Xiu is most interested in at present.

The next day, Lin Xiu also said goodbye to the pair and Ruo Xin early, and was about to set off to find the pole mine.

"What? You're going to an extremely cold place. You know how terrifying it is. It is said that many immortal kings and even emperors perish there every year." Shuang'er had also heard about this extremely cold place from others before. things in cold places.So when he heard that Lin Xiu was going to an extremely cold place, or going to find the polar lightning strike, he was naturally very worried.

"No way, if you want to cultivate this thunderbolt, you must go through the body training of this extreme mine, so in order to become stronger, I still have to go there." Lin Xiu also understands that people only value how strong you are, not how strong you are. I care too much about how you become stronger, but often the process of becoming stronger is the most important thing.

"Okay, but you must come back alive for me."

"Sister Shuang'er, I want to visit such an exciting place." Obviously, Ruoxin is not an easy-going lamp. Hearing that this place is dangerous, the more he wants to know more about it.

"You think you can go if you want, you just stay in this Taixu Immortal Mansion honestly, or I will take good care of you when I come back."

"No, I'm going, I'm going, or I'll sneak out."

"Okay, I've convinced you, grandma, you stay here in Taixu Academy, and I'll teach you how to make medicine when I come back." Lin Xiu saw that the threat was useless to Ruoxin, So it is only a soft grinding method.

"That's about the same. What you taught me last time is no longer enough. I want to learn something new. Don't lie. Sister Shuang'er, you are our notary. "

"Okay, I will remember." Shuang'er also looked at Ruo Xin helplessly, she looked like a teenager on the outside, but she was like a child on the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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