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Chapter 1465 The Might of the Extreme Thunder

Chapter 1465 The Might of the Extreme Thunder

Seeing that Ruo Xin finally stopped clamoring to go with him, she felt a little relieved.He didn't dare to bring this Ruoxin by his side, if something serious happened, not to mention that he felt sorry, even Immortal Taixu would definitely trouble him.

"Shuang'er, I'm leaving right away. You and Ruoxin should be careful when staying in Taixu Academy, I'm afraid that the dark demons will come out and trouble us again." Before that, Li Shang's family was involved with the dark demons, Lin Xiu was afraid that the dark demons were secretly tinkering with something else.

"It's okay, I'm not a child anymore, I still care about this and that all day long. You should go quickly, otherwise if you miss the final exam, you will be scolded." Shuang'er is also superficially annoyed, but don't mention it in her heart. What a joy.

"Ahem, please stop showing off in front of me, you two, I still have to eat."

Ruo Xin's words also made the two of them couldn't help laughing.

Lin Xiu also stopped talking, and went directly to the north.

Sure enough, the further north he went, the lower the temperature became. Lin Xiu also felt bursts of cold air entering his body unconsciously, which had somewhat blocked the flow of energy in his body.Lin Xiu also hurriedly mobilized his own energy.Most of the cold air in the body was driven away.

After flying for a while, Lin Xiu finally seemed to see the place he was looking for, because a large ice field appeared in front of him.

Immediately, everything before Lin Xiu's eyes was a vast expanse of whiteness, and there was a dead silence everywhere, as if there was no living thing here except the ice and snow.

"You can't come to the wrong place, it's ice besides the damn ice." Just when Lin Xiu thought he was in the wrong place, the book Thunderbolt in his pocket suddenly reacted.

I saw this thunderbolt quickly flew into the air, and I automatically opened the page.Suddenly, the sky changed drastically, the sky suddenly became cloudy, and a thunderbolt struck directly.Fortunately, Lin Xiu reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would have been seriously injured by electric shock or something.

What Lin Xiu didn't expect was that it was just the beginning.A streak of cyan lightning also struck directly from the sky.However, Lin Xiu was surprised to find that the main target of these thunders and lightnings seemed not to be him, but the book Thunderbolt in mid-air.

All the thunder and lightning were directly absorbed by the Thunderbolt, and gradually, every time he was shocked by an electric shock, the Thunderbolt book turned a page again.

Finally, after half an hour of electric shocks, the entire book began to glow with thunder.

"It should be over." Lin Xiu also wanted to jump into the air to get the book back after watching the lightning finally stop flashing.

The silent sky began to show its power again, this time it was stronger than last time, tens of thousands of thunder and lightning trapped Lin Xiu alive like a cage.

"It's really going to surround me and hit me." Because Lin Xiu found that as long as he moved, the next thunderbolt would definitely hit its feet.

In the next second, a huge thunderbolt directly charged towards the top of Lin Xiu's head, and the huge current directly spread throughout Lin Xiu's whole body.Lin Xiu also quickly used his Qibao Linglong Pagoda to directly absorb most of the lightning in his body, but a small part remained in Lin Xiu's body.

If someone can clearly see what's going on in Lin Xiu's body, they will find that almost every meridian in Lin Xiu's body has a little bit of lightning beating.Lin Xiu also felt bursts of severe pain coming from his body.

Lin Xiu's whole body was covered with lightning, which looked very frightening.As a result, another huge thunderbolt struck Lin Xiu directly.

Lin Xiu, who had been suffering physically, suffered another heavy blow, and was directly knocked down to his knees. This time, even the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda couldn't absorb it.Because the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda also has its own load capacity, and if it exceeds it, it will be directly exploded.So Lin Xiu didn't dare to release it outside.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself." Lin Xiu also activated his Arhat Immortal Body, which greatly improved his physical strength and made himself more resistant.

Lin Xiu also had a premonition that the real storm didn't really come until now.Sure enough, one lightning after another struck Lin Xiu mercilessly.Soon there were scorched marks all over his body, and his clothes were directly burned off.

But Lin Xiu didn't give up yet, the thunderous shot he took so hard.It can't be abandoned without cultivation, so he has been persisting with perseverance.

A thunderbolt struck Lin Xiu's already overwhelmed body, directly knocking him out.At this moment, another bolt of lightning strikes him, but what is strange is that a huge protective shield made of lightning suddenly appeared on Lin Xiu who had already passed out, directly blocking the lightning.

After being in a coma for more than half an hour, Lin Xiu also woke up from the coma.He was surprised to find that the book had returned to him, but all the words in the book disappeared miraculously.

"Oh my god, my headache is killing me." Lin Xiu carefully examined his physical condition with mental strength, and found that all the injuries on his body had been repaired, and his physical body seemed to be stronger than before. Not a lot.

"It seems that this polar mine also has the effect of tempering the body." Lin Xiu also carefully detected it with his mental power.

At this moment, the thunder light in the book Thunderbolt began to move around the corner.

"Again?" Lin Xiu quickly opened his defense, but he found that this time it didn't seem to be used to hurt him.

I saw these thunder lights gradually merged into one - the white thunder light penetrated into the center of Lin Xiu's eyebrows. Suddenly, a series of movements appeared in Lin Xiu's mind, which seemed to be the thunderous movement.

Lin Xiu also hurriedly began to practice with his own mind, but he didn't expect that this practice took almost three days.

Finally, Lin Xiu's Thunderbolt also had close combat, and Lin Xiu flashed in the air, and there was a faint flash of thunder under his feet.

"Finally, I can use the lightning to move my figure. If someone comes to practice with me, maybe I will be great."

I don't know if Lin Xiu's crow's mouth is very powerful, but the next second Lin Xiu's feet began to vibrate.

A huge snowman figure also appeared in front of Lin Xiu, and the figure of a hundred feet high made Lin Xiu a little scared.

"Is this monster Cao Cao? Whatever you say, come here."

I saw that the snowman was also roaring angrily, as if he was very dissatisfied with Lin Xiu for disturbing him.He also grabbed a huge icicle and threw it towards Lin Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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