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Chapter 1471 Received Treasure Chest

Chapter 1471 Received Treasure Chest

Shuang'er didn't dare to be careless, and quickly carried Ruo Xin back to Lin Xiu's room.

"You're a big man, it's not good to check a girl's body." The pair were also flushed and a little shy.

"Shuang'er, what are you thinking? I don't want to be naked when I check, I can detect the physical condition in her body with only mental strength." Lin Xiu also knows what Shuang'er is thinking, if Ruoxin knows If Lin Xiu saw her naked body, if it was because of her hot temper.

Lin Xiu will definitely be roasted into a turkey.

Lin Xiu also slowly released his mental power, carefully inspected Ruo Xin's body, and then discovered why Ruo Xin fainted suddenly.

It turned out that when refining the Bingqing Pill last time, part of the cold air invaded Ruo Xin's body, and it has not been expelled.Then in the battle just now, Lingyue's water cover had a lot of yin energy entering. Although Ruoxin had the phoenix's divine fire to protect her body, it still caused the recurrence of old injuries. Passed out.

"How is it? It's okay." Shuang'er was also very worried about Ruo Xin's situation. If something happened to Ruo Xin, she would lose a partner who could accompany her, so she was naturally worried.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that the yin and cold air is too heavy, and the vitality just now is almost exhausted, so he passed out."

Hearing Lin Xiu's explanation, Shuang'er also let go of her heart that has been hanging.Lin Xiu was a little helpless to deal with this extremely cold and yin qi. Although his own fire magic core had a certain effect, the yin and cold qi in Ruo Xin's body was a bit too heavy, so the fire element in Ruyi's golden cudgel The magic core also has no effect.

"It seems that I can only try this Bingqing Pill. I hope there will be no side effects." Lin Xiu also thought of the Bingqing Pill he refined with Ruo Xin last time, although it can solve the profit and loss of the yin and cold However, at the same time, the Bingqing pill is also made from the ice core grass, so Lin Xiu is also worried that it will cause some side effects to Ruoxin.

But Lin Xiu couldn't find the most yang thing like the phoenix flame all of a sudden, so he could only gamble.

"Shuang'er, help me lift Ruoxin up."

Lin Xiu also took out a small white pill from the ring, and it seemed that he was still emitting his own cold air.Without any further hesitation, she directly gave Ruo Xin the pill to take.

Gradually, a trace of cold air emerged from Ruo Xin's body.

Half an hour later, Ruo Xin also opened her eyes, and when she saw herself lying on Lin Xiu's bed, she also blushed suddenly.

"Damn Lin Xiu, I didn't expect you to take advantage of me at this time, so I'll burn you." Ruo Xin was also very irritable, and would burn Lin Xiu if she disagreed.

"Grandma, can you listen to my explanation? I absolutely don't need to touch your body. I'm here to check your body and treat your illness. If you don't believe me, you can ask your sister Shuang'er." Lin Xiu also had an innocent face. It is very painful to treat her with good intentions, but to be treated as a hooligan.

"Sister Shuang'er, is that so?"

"Yes, I know your temperament. If I hadn't been by your side, Lin Xiu would have been burned to death by you."

"Oh, that's right. I'm sorry, Brother Lin Xiu, I misunderstood you." Ruo Xin was also very ashamed, and her hot temper almost hurt Lin Xiu.

Just when Lin Xiu was about to say something, suddenly a man broke into the door.He yelled at the three of them.

"Miss Ruoxin, are you all right? I just heard that you fainted after the battle, so I'll come over to see if you're all right." It was a fat man who spoke, but Lin Xiu found a smudge on his head. Good thing, that is a big fairy world treasure chest.

"Shuang'er, who is this person? He seems very interesting to Ruo Xin." Lin Xiu also saw that the fat man seemed to be a little courteous to Ruo Xin, and he also noticed that Ruo Xin seemed to be interested in Ruo Xin. He doesn't mean anything.

"Oh, he, Liu is from the Liu family. This Liu family is considered to be a relatively wealthy force in Tiangong, and this Liu Ying has a good character, but he is a little fatter. After Ruo Xin came, he has been chasing Ruo Xin. But it seems that Miss Ruoxin is not interested in him."

"Hey, so it's unrequited love again."

"What are you doing here? I don't need you to care about my life or death." Obviously Ruo Xin was also very cold towards Liu Ying, and also rejected Liu Qing's concern with one sentence.

"Miss Ruoxin, how can you say that? Your body is something that the whole school cares about. As a member of the school, of course I have to care about it."

"System, how do I open this treasure chest." Lin Xiu wasn't very interested in the relationship between the two of them either. What he was really interested in was the fairy treasure chest on Liu Ying's head.

"It's very simple, you only need to be complained by three people at the same time, and the time must reach more than one stick of incense."

The words of this system almost made Lin Xiu lose his temper again. He always complained and sarcastically made fun of others.

"Hey, forget it, for the sake of this treasure chest, let's let go of the so-called dignity first. This is better than the jade-like mission of the new words." Lin Xiu also comforted himself silently in his heart, and at the same time He kept cursing the system in his heart. The system was obviously trying to punish him, but he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves.

"Hey, stop arguing, both of you, I need your help with something urgent now."

"Miss Ruoxin, who is this?" Liu Qing naturally didn't know Lin Xiu, because Lin Xiu didn't stay in this school for a long time after Ruoxin came.But there seemed to be a little hostility in Liu Qing's eyes, obviously she regarded Lin Xiu as her underestimated enemy.

"Oh, this can be regarded as my savior. His name is Lin Xiu. I passed out just now, and thanks to Brother Lin Xiu, I woke up."

Hearing the words Brother Lin Xiu, Liu Qing's face was also very ugly.One must know that Ruoxin always ignores him, but calling Lin Xiu seems very intimate.

"Hey, brother is not what you think. She and I have a pure friendship, or a master-student relationship. I hope you don't misunderstand, and if you are willing to help me, I can help you Get an assist."

"What the hell is an assist, Lin Xiu, do you want to taste my flame?"

"Oh, can we not do anything, first do me this favor and then talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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