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Chapter 1472 Little Zhuge

Chapter 1472 Little Zhuge

"What's the matter, you're telling me, you're still playing tricks on us." Ruo Xin was also a little impatient with Lin Xiu's mystification.

"It's very simple, you can... can you complain about my time together." After saying this, even Lin Xiu felt weird, and kept cursing the system in his heart.

"What, didn't I hear it wrong? You want the three of us to complain about you, and it's still a whole stick of incense. Your brain is burnt out." This Ruo Xin was also surprised when she heard it. Lin Xiu actually made such a nonsensical request.

"Oh, if you are still my friends, don't worry about it so much, come and spray me and it's over." Lin Xiu also hurriedly wanted to open the treasure chest to find out what's inside.

"Since you are so scolded, then we are not polite. We have endured it for a long time. Sister Shuang'er, Liu Ying, let's come together."

Lin Xiu was also very helpless, ready to adjust his mentality.

"It's started, how should I say hello, Lin Xiu, you were a happy back then, every day you thought you were handsome, and you hooked up with little girls everywhere. Sister Shuang'er, let me tell you, this kid is dishonest. Hook up with other girls every day."

"What the hell, Shuang'er, don't listen to his nonsense, it's nothing." Seeing Ruoxin making faces at him from a distance, Lin Xiu knew that the little girl was planning to arrange for him. Something went out of nothing.

"Lin Xiu! You can! Go out with many girls behind my back. You really think you are very attractive, don't you? I don't know what I look like." It seems that Ruoxin broke the news It seems to have had a very good effect, and Shuang'er seems to be "full firepower".

At this moment, Lin Xiu didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. Although this would ensure that he could open the treasure chest, his feelings might lead to tragedy.

"Hey, I can only endure the humiliation for the sake of the treasure chest."

Finally, when it was time for a stick of incense, Lin Xiu was also dumb and couldn't say anything because he was suffering from Coptis chinensis. During this period, he had to listen to almost any unpleasant words.

"Everyone, take a break. It's time for a stick of incense. Let's all complain. Thank you for your help."

"I said brother Lin Xiu, you are still really mentally ill, and you still have to thank me after we scolded you."

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the task, opened the treasure chest of the fairy world, and obtained a fairy card."

"Immortal Demon Card, I haven't obtained such a good thing for a long time, let me see whose Immortal Demon Card it is."

I saw a picture on it, wearing a white robe, holding a feather fan in his hand, revealing a sense of planning.

"Could it be Zhuge Liang? Could it be that he has no fighting power, but has a high IQ? Isn't that very tasteless?"

It was also the first time for Lin Xiu to feel that the things opened from this treasure chest were not worth it, but he could only comfort himself that having something was better than nothing, after all, he got it after so much scolding.

"I said Ruoxin, you must explain to me the fact that you made up my rumors, otherwise I will never teach you alchemy in the future."

"Sister Shuang'er, did you see that Lin Xiu was hit by what I said, and he immediately lost his temper." This Ruo Xin was also a ghost horse spirit, and immediately hid behind Shuang'er.

"Lin Xiu, if you don't explain this matter clearly today, don't even think about talking to me."

"Shuang'er, listen to my explanation."

There was also a burst of slapstick and Ruoxin giggling from Lin Xiu, and a black figure outside the window seemed to be watching this harmonious scene, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems to be quite happy, and soon you people will not be able to laugh." It also disappeared out of the window in an instant.

The next day also ushered in the final competition, with four students competing for the final honor.Naturally, Shuang'er successfully entered the final competition before.

"It seems that there must be two of us as opponents." Lin Xiu also felt quite helpless, both Ruoxin and Shuang'er were opponents he was very unwilling to meet.

It's not that he won't be able to fight, but no matter who he meets between these two women, he will be a very difficult opponent.

"This is fun. I have long wanted to compete with Brother Lin Xiu. I believe Sister Shuang'er will do the same."

"Well, I also want to know how strong you are now. Don't worry, no matter who you meet, I won't let you down."

The lottery result was also in line with Ruo Xin's wishes, he got Lin Xiu.And Lin Xiu's complexion is not very good, it is really hard to say that he can win when he meets such a little witch.

"In the first match of the semi-final, Lin Xiu faced Ruo Xin."

"It seems that we are destined to have such a competition, Brother Lin Xiu, I'm offended."

"You came here less, if I don't teach you a lesson today, I really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

The battle between Ruo Xin and Lin Xiu also attracted the attention of many people. After all, since Lin Xiu lightly defeated the Baihe Immortal last time, no one dared to doubt Lin Xiu's strength. It shows that I have a lot of fans.So today's strong confrontation has made many people look forward to it.

Lin Xiu also wanted to seize the opportunity, and took the lead in making the Qinglian swordsmanship, and a huge green sword energy also shot out.Ruo Xin also flicked the fiery red long whip, and a fiery red light also shot.

The green sword light collided with the fiery red light, and the cyan energy seemed to be slightly above it.It seems that the gap between Yuanli still exists, Lin Xiu has been promoted to Immortal King for a long time.But Ruo Xin has only just arrived and arrived at the Immortal King, so there is also a gap between Yuan Li.

The green light finally swallowed up the fiery red light.Then it also flew towards Ruo Xin, but the strength had been weakened a lot.

This Ruoxin also blasted out with a set of fire palms, and then the green sword energy finally disappeared into the space.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not give up such a good opportunity, so he quickly activated his thunderbolt, the soles of his feet shone with lightning, and disappeared in place in an instant.At the same time, a fire phoenix also appeared behind Ruo Xin, and Ruo Xin also jumped onto the back of the phoenix.

Lin Xiu also kicked out a flash of lightning from the side of the phoenix, and Ruo Xin also reacted quickly, and spewed a mouthful of divine fire to the side, and the super high temperature also melted the lightning.Lin Xiu also quickly used this thunderbolt to flash to the spot.Then a bolt of lightning was kicked forward, and the almost instant turning back and counterattack also made Ruo Xin a little unresponsive, and a bolt of lightning struck her.

(End of this chapter)

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