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Chapter 1473 I want a champion!

Chapter 1473 I want a champion!

"It doesn't seem to hurt as much as I imagined." Although the lightning hit Ruo Xin's body, it only left a little flesh wound.

But Lin Xiu would not give him too many chances, and another lightning bolt connected them, and the huge energy of this lightning also penetrated all the air around Ruoxin.

The hairs on Ruo Xin's entire body also stood up upon sensing the huge energy, and the electric current also pierced Ruo Xin's whole body.His whole body was slowly surrounded by lightning, and in the end, many scars pierced by lightning appeared on his body.

Just when everyone thought that the match would end easily under Lin Xiu's performance.Ruo Xin also ordered her Wuhun to spray on her body.In an instant, all the scars on his body began to heal at an astonishing speed. After a while, Ruoxin was like a phoenix reborn from desire, and his whole body returned to the best physical condition.

Lin Xiu was also a little surprised, and he didn't expect that Ruoxin had such a means.

"Brother Lin Xiu, I can still handle this level of attack, don't underestimate me." Ruo Xin was also very confident in herself, and was not frightened by Lin Xiu's thunderous blow at all.

She also quickly seized this good opportunity to fight back, and a huge fire ring spewed out from Ruo Xin's mouth.The scorching temperature also put Lin Xiu under great pressure.He had no choice but to tentatively summon his Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, trying to block the flame's attack.

But this ring of fire is not made of ordinary fire, but of phoenix divine fire, so it doesn't have the invincible effect on the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

The red flames also slowly rushed up the body of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and quickly burned the giant dragon on the pagoda.

"This girl's flame has something to say, but I don't only have this thing." Lin Xiu didn't seem too surprised that his Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was broken, and he still seemed to have his own trump card.

Seeing that the flames were also rushing towards him, Lin Xiu actually sat down on the ground, making a gesture of meditation.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong." Suddenly Lin Xiu was surrounded by golden light, and there was a phantom of Buddha approaching Lin Xiu in all directions.The four hands also pushed forward at the same time, and a huge Buddha seal abruptly blocked Ruoxin's circle of fire.

This ten thousand Buddha court is also a move that Lin Xiu realized from his recent practice, and it was also born out of the Arhat's immortal body.It was also created by standing on the shoulders of a giant. The defensive power of this move is also very amazing. Lin Xiu also used it in such a hurry. I didn't expect that the effect was quite good. The damage from the ring of fire is all pawned.

Seeing that he had blocked this move, Lin Xiu counterattacked at the same time, and the green lotus whirlwind also began to form around Lin Xiu, and at the same time golden lights gathered from the jar.

All of a sudden, Lin Xiu also flashed the lightning, and instantly flashed in front of Ruo Xin. As soon as the Qinglian sword was shot, the cyan whirlwind and the golden light beam were also shot at the same time.

The cyan whirlwind also blocked Ruo Xin's way out, and at the same time, the golden light beam also arrived at the same time, and the huge energy directly ejected Ruo Xin out of the ring.

A duel between masters is often just a move.Lin Xiu also used a beautiful counterattack to win directly.

"I announce that Lin Xiu defeated Ruo Xin and entered the final first."

Lin Xiu didn't care about these things either, so he flew off the ring and came to Ruo Xin's side.

"Brother Lin Xiu, you really have two brushes. I am convinced that I lost this time." Ruo Xin also had scars all over her body, and she was still bleeding. Fortunately, it was only a flesh wound, and the impact was not great.

"Stop talking, silly girl, I'll help you heal."

A little flesh injury was almost a piece of cake for Lin Xiu, so Ruo Xin was healed very quickly.

On the other side, Shuang'er was also fighting fiercely with his opponent, but the power of Shuang'er's blood still helped Shuang'er win in this originally similar battle.

"This game is so good. It's a domestic violence. Are you sorry for brother Lin Xiu?" Ruo Xin saw that Shuang'er also won the victory, and was very happy in her heart. She couldn't help laughing at Lin Xiu.

"Hey, you Sister Shuang'er, it's not easy to deal with. She didn't even use Yutian Sword much in this match, so she defeated this opponent." Lin Xiu also saw this match, and Shuang'er He hasn't used his full strength yet, otherwise the opponent will lose early.

But from the bottom of his heart, Lin Xiu is also looking forward to this battle between himself and Shuang'er.It has been a long time since he has fought against someone with similar strength to him. For Lin Xiu, this may be more joyful than winning the championship.

"The final battle will be between Lin Xiu and Shuang'er."

"It seems that the most exciting event is finally here. The content of the champions in this competition is quite high. This battle between the golden boy and the jade girl must be very interesting." Immortal Taixu also seemed to be looking forward to it In this battle, because they are all excellent students he trained, it doesn't matter who wins or loses.

The game also started smoothly, and both of them flew to the ring.

"Brother Lin Xiu, I finally have the opportunity to fight you head-on. I also want to see if you can protect me in the future."

"I'm also looking forward to fighting you, Shuang'er. After all, you are the strongest opponent I've ever seen so far. I've thought about fighting you for a long time. I hope you don't hold back."

"Don't worry, I won't hold back."

I saw that this pair was also the first to strike, and the golden feathers instantly condensed into a ball of golden magic.It also slammed towards Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless, and the Donghuang Bell was thrown out at the same time.

The golden light hit the golden Donghuang Bell, and most of the energy was absorbed by the Donghuang Bell, but there was still a small part of the energy that could penetrate the golden light. Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly used His own Arhat is immortal in front of him.

It also blocked the last bit of golden light, and when the blow failed, Shuang'er also shot with Yutianjian, drawing a cross in the air.The speed of the cross cut was very fast, and in the next second the cross cut was already in front of Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu didn't respond quickly, he just held the Ruyi golden cudgel in front of him, but the energy of this cross cut was also very huge.Ruyi's golden cudgels were also directly sent flying by the pair's cross slash, and Lin Xiu's figure also retreated repeatedly after being hit.

(End of this chapter)

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