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Chapter 1478 Forbidden Palace

Chapter 1478 Forbidden Palace

Lin Xiu also put on a posture of dissatisfied and slashed at me, and the surroundings of his feet and limbs were also covered with lightning.

The lightning that was about to hit Lin Xiu's face was also somehow absorbed by the lightning that just touched Lin Xiu's side.Then the thunder light around Lin Xiu's body also seemed to want to be full, and it became a lot bigger, which also made Ruo Xin around him a little dumbfounded.

"This is too perverted. The thunder and lightning that others have no time to dodge is actually eaten by the thunder and lightning around Lin Xiu's brother as if it were food."

Of course, Ruo Xin didn't know that this polar mine is known as "a king-like existence among thunder and lightning." So it's not surprising that this ordinary thunder and lightning will naturally become the meal of this arctic thunder.

"Come on, come on a little more, I haven't had enough polar mines yet, haha." Lin Xiu was also acting as if he was afraid that the lightning would not kill him.

Although even Shuang'er and Ruo Xin were a little unhappy looking at Lin Xiu, it seemed that there was no reason to refute.

Lin Xiu really had a crow's mouth. Just as he said this, dozens of huge lightning bolts rushed towards Lin Xiu in the next second.But he still looked like he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and he rushed forward too much.

However, after all, there are quite a few ten thunderbolts, and the superimposed power is also very objective. Although the polar mines have absorbed a lot of energy, a small part of the thunderbolts are still directly shot at Lin Xiu. Fortunately, it has the protection of four elephant armor.Lin Xiu didn't suffer any serious injuries, but it was a little price for his pretentious behavior.

The two girls on the side covered their mouths and laughed when they saw this scene. They were most happy to see Lin Xiu pretending to be slapped in the face.

"What are you laughing at, isn't it just pretending to be aggressive?" Lin Xiu's coat was also scorched by lightning, and his black appearance made people think that he might just come back from mining.

In the following thunder calamity, Lin Xiu didn't dare to be presumptuous, and finally passed the thunder calamity easily by relying on the powerful ability of Thunderbolt.

The thunder light on Lin Xiu's body also became very active because the thunder calamity absorbed a lot of energy this time, and began to rotate violently around Lin Xiu.

"Okay, you two come on, come on."

For the next few hours, Lin Xiu also stayed by the side of the two girls, protecting the Dharma for their cultivation.

Sure enough, it was exactly as predicted by Lin Xiu. After taking the Immortal Realm Experience Pill, Shuang'er also successfully broke through the realm of the Immortal King and came to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.The biggest difference is that the ten wings on the back have become eleven wings. It seems that when Shuang'er reaches Daluo Jinxian, the strength of the twelve-wing reincarnation will be fully revealed.

Ruoxin felt that there was no special change, but it was probably because Lin Xiu didn't feel it.

"Brother Lin Xiu, where are you going next?" The trip to Taixu Academy also came to an end here, so Ruo Xin didn't know where to go for the time being, so she had to ask Lin Xiu.

"Well, senior Jade Emperor told me to go find him after breaking through ten thousand, so I have to go to the Forbidden Palace to find him first. What are you going to do?"

"Me? It's my first time here and I'm not familiar with the place. I only know you two. Of course I'm going with Sister Shuang'er."

"Then, Shuang'er? Where are you going, to the Forbidden Palace with me?"

"No, the Jade Emperor is looking for you, not me. It's embarrassing for us to go. I plan to meet the fox clan. I haven't seen the master for a long time. It's weird."

It's been almost a year since Shuang'er came to this Tiangong by himself, so she also misses the people from the Fox clan a little bit.

"Hey, what I said is that it has been out for more than a year, and I haven't gone back to take a good look. I will go back and take a look when I finish my work here. See you then."

"Okay, come back as soon as possible, otherwise Sister Shuang'er will be lonely by herself." Ruo Xin was also impulsive, and never forgot to make jokes about Lin Xiu.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go." Shuang'er was told her own thoughts again, so she had no choice but to use this to cover herself up.

Ruoxin was also dragged away from Taixu Academy, leaving Lin Xiu alone here alone.

"Hey, it's time for me to go to the Jade Emperor, it's not good to keep him waiting."

Lin Xiu also jumped into the sky and flew towards the map according to the map given by the Jade Emperor.

Fortunately, this Taixu Academy is not far away from the Forbidden Palace, so it didn't take long, and it was directly in front of the Forbidden Palace.

Unexpectedly, the Zijin Palace was not as magnificent and magnificent as Lin Xiu had imagined. On the contrary, it was just a small palace.

Lin Xiu also walked straight into the palace, but was blocked by the guards at the door. Lin Xiu could feel that the strength of these two guards was also extraordinary, and they had also reached the realm of the Immortal King.

"Sure enough, the Jade Emperor and even the guards are so powerful."

"Hey, this is the Forbidden Palace. It's not something that ordinary people can enter casually."

"I was called by the Jade Emperor himself. My name is Lin Xiu. This is the token given to me by the Jade Emperor."

Hearing the name Lin Xiu, the guard's expression eased, obviously it was also explained by the Jade Emperor.Lin Xiu also took out the token given by the Jade Emperor, and the guard took a look and let Lin Xiu go.

"Master Lin Xiu, please come in, the master has been waiting inside for a long time."

Lin Xiu also walked in without hesitation. He didn't expect that the inside was very simple. It seems that as the ruler of Tiangong, the Jade Emperor must have won the hearts of the people.His own palace is kept simple and plain, but the forces outside the Tiangong are constantly subsidized.

This kind of behavior also reminded Lin Xiu of the place he lived in, almost the opposite.The rulers lived resplendently, but the poor lived a life full of hunger and food.

"It's finally here. I've been waiting here for a long time." The Jade Emperor was also very humble. Although he had waited for a long time, he didn't show any airs, which also doubled Lin Xiu's affection for him.

"Senior, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. I also have a lot of things to do, so I'm only here now."

"It's okay, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your realm has broken through again, which really surprised me." The Jade Emperor also saw at a glance that Lin Xiu had broken through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor within a few days. The speed even surprised him a little.

"Senior has won the award. I don't know if there is anything senior can do with the younger generation. The younger generation is willing to help."

"I would like to ask you to be the Great General of the Heavenly Palace, and follow me to fight to the death with this Dark Demon Race in the days to come."

(End of this chapter)

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