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Chapter 1479 Resist to fight!

Chapter 1479 Resist to fight!

"What, you want this kid to take my place, Jade Emperor, you have already thought about it, I have been with you for almost ten years."

Only then did Lin Xiu notice that there was a middle-aged man sitting under the Jade Emperor, and his face was also very ugly.But from the fact that he dared to call Jade Emperor by his first name, he knew that this person was probably about the same age as Jade Emperor, and their relationship was not bad.

"Yes, this is the result of my deliberation, so don't refute it anymore." The Jade Emperor's tone also revealed that his decision cannot be changed.

"Why, I've been by your side for so many years, and helped you make a lot of achievements. And this kid just arrived, why should he take my place."

"Yes, this junior also thinks it's inappropriate. I've only met you once, and I'm not strong enough. I don't think I'm qualified for this job." Of course, Lin Xiu said this not because of modesty, but because he was afraid of marrying this general. Going down the beam will also bring him a lot of trouble.

"If you want to ask why, then I will tell you that you are not only stronger than you in terms of strength, but also in terms of combat awareness, he is stronger than you. Is this a good reason?"

"I don't agree. You haven't seen me face to face with him, so how can you say that he is stronger than me?"

His position was replaced by an unknown person for no reason, not to mention the general appointed by the Jade Emperor.This is the existence of tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals. For anyone in Tiangong, this is a symbol of supreme honor and power, and naturally it is impossible to give up easily.

"Okay, since you are not convinced, then Lin Xiu, you and him have a good fight here, lest he has any objections."

It seems that the Jade Emperor is also determined to let Lin Xiu be the general, and he is willing to tear himself apart with the previous general.

"Okay, I really want to learn, what's so special about this kid, do you want Jade Emperor to say that you are better than me, but I don't know if this kid has the guts."

The air began to be filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, and the general made it clear that he would not easily give up this position to Lin Xiu.

"If you want to fight, I will fight. I have offended senior." Lin Xiu also knew that it was useless to back down as long as he was there, and this aggressive posture also made Lin Xiu a little angry.And considering that the general can stay by the Jade Emperor's side every day, there will be many more opportunities to get the blood of the Immortal Emperor.

So Lin Xiu didn't hesitate anymore, and decided to accept the challenge from the middle-aged man.

"Okay, Lin Xiu, I read you right, you just need to have this kind of aura that is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf. I will set up an enchantment for you here, so as not to provoke outsiders."

The Jade Emperor also waved his hands, and a huge purple barrier covered the two of them.Moreover, the fluctuations in this barrier cannot be felt from the outside at all.

"You can start now, remember it's just a competition, don't hurt your temper, I will block you according to the situation."

The Jade Emperor was also afraid that the general would lose his temper, that he would blow himself up and die with Lin Xiu, and that he would suffer huge losses, so he also took precautions in advance.

The two also started at the same time, and saw that the middle-aged man also took out a jai bai from his sleeve at some point, and this time the bai was also the biggest jai bai Lin Xiu had ever seen.It is several meters long, which is enough to show how terrifying the general's strength is.

I saw that the general flung himself in front of him, and the violent speed also created whirlwinds around the flight path.Lin Xiu was also almost blinded by the whirlwind,

But when it comes to whirlwinds, Lin Xiu didn't cover them either. Huge cyan whirlwinds also flew out from the tip of Lin Xiu's Qinglian sword in an instant.

The gray whirlwind collided with the green whirlwind, which also caused huge energy fluctuations. If the Jade Emperor hadn't set up this energy barrier in advance, it is estimated that the Forbidden Palace would also be uprooted.

The two whirlwinds collided, and it seemed that Lin Xiu's green lotus whirl was more dominant. Although this general had reached the later stage of the Immortal Emperor, his Yuanli foundation was not comparable to that of Lin Xiu, who paid great attention to Yuanli to build a foundation. people compared.Naturally, in the competition between these two whirlwinds, Lin Xiu had the absolute upper hand.

The cyan whirlwind also destroyed the gray whirlwind, and rushed towards the general at an extremely fast speed.The powerful attraction is also to suck the general into it.

At this moment, the general suddenly stomped his feet towards the ground, and a thick earth wall blocked his front.

When the cyan whirlwind moved in front of the earth wall, it couldn't move even a little bit, and the earth wall seemed to have a strong attraction to the cyan whirlwind formed by the Yuan force.

I saw cyan light spots being drawn out of the whirlwind little by little, and then absorbed by the earth wall.

In the end, it was completely absorbed by the earth wall, and disappeared into the air.

"Stinky boy, my earthen wall is made up of all the condensed energy, which can attract almost all energy, so your attack is basically ineffective against me."

It seems that the general is very confident in his earthen wall, but Lin Xiu's mouth raised a sneer.

"Oh, yes, then I'll borrow your wall."

Lin Xiu also swung two purple-red lights and shadows instantly, one flew to his head, while the other flew to the head of the general.

Then he read a few words silently, and the positions of the two of them were also exchanged instantly. The general was also dumbfounded in an instant. His earthen wall passed by Lin Xiu and exchanged the positions of the two of them, which became his strongest shield instead.

"Now let me see what you do. It is called the strongest defense, so can you break it yourself?"

"Don't underestimate me, since I can create it, there is a way to take it back."

Even though he said so, the general was a little hesitant, because although it can be taken back, it is easy to create but difficult to take back.Taking it back will consume almost half of his energy, that is to say, it is basically tantamount to declaring himself a loser.

But he had no choice. If Lin Xiu was still hiding behind the wall, then she would have no attack that could crack her own wall.

Lin Xiu also discovered through the detection of mental power behind the wall that the energy of the general is also rapidly decreasing, and the wall is also slowly disappearing.

"This is a good opportunity." Naturally, he would not miss such a good opportunity to counterattack, and the mental energy and energy were mixed into the black tank at the same time.When the wall disappeared halfway, the golden cudgel flew out quickly with the purple-gold light.

The general who was taking back the earthen wall did not realize that he had lost.

(End of this chapter)

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