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Chapter 1480 Another World

Chapter 1480 Another World

In the next second, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel flew in front of his eyes. Fortunately, the general reacted quickly enough, and he just fled to the ground.

"Do you think you can run away?" Lin Xiu secretly laughed when he saw the general fleeing towards the bottom.Because since he entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor, this strike that mixed Yuanli and Mental Power has also made a qualitative leap, and he can follow the enemy's movement for tracking.

Sure enough, the purple-gold light that was flying straight forward also suddenly rushed towards the soil in an instant, completely turning into a tracking missile.

The general thought he had escaped Lin Xiu's attack, but the huge energy suddenly coming out from behind made him feel a little uneasy.

"Bang." A loud sound came from the ground, and a figure flew out after it.Although he blocked the fatal blow with his own defense, he still looked very embarrassed, and his hair was scattered around him.A lot of blood was left on his face, and he looked at Lin Xiu with vicious eyes.

"Stinky boy, I will kill you together today." I saw that the general took out another black bead from his pocket at some point.

Others may not know it, but for Lin Xiu, he has seen many dark demons before, so this thing is very familiar to him.

"Sure enough, I guessed right, you joined the Dark Demon Clan." It seems that the Jade Emperor also knew that the general had joined the Dark Demon Clan, so he appointed Lin Xiu as the general.

After all, it is impossible for the Jade Emperor to be stupid enough to let a member of the Dark Demon Race be placed by his side, so Lin Xiu also knew that the Jade Emperor was using his own knife to kill people.

"You stupid king who doesn't know talent, I have worked so hard by your side for so many years, but you have turned a blind eye. You actually want to give up my position to others. But this dark demon appreciates me very much, and I always Go and seal me an elder."

"You are really confused. Don't you know the purpose of this dark demon clan? It's nothing more than letting your elders let you stay there, and then slowly turning you into a slave."

"Don't talk nonsense, I will definitely kill you two troubles today!"

"It's up to you."

Lin Xiu didn't say much, and a sword energy flew out directly, but what he didn't expect was that after using the secret method, the general's strength was also incomparable.

It turned out that he just caught the sword qi with his bare hands, and then threw it at Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu also reacted quickly enough to flash away.

"Damn it, after this person uses the secret technique, his strength is no longer at the same level as before."

"Lin Xiu, step aside first, you are still struggling, I will eliminate this traitor."

Lin Xiu wasn't trying to be brave, but also obediently stepped aside.

The Jade Emperor also directly flashed into this energy barrier, and directly drew out a golden light and flew towards the general.

The general snorted coldly, waved his hands, and a khaki round shield appeared in front of him.When the Jade Emperor's golden light hit the round shield, it was evaporated like water.But the Jade Emperor didn't seem to be too surprised when he saw this scene.

Suddenly, a red light beam exploded from the round shield, and thousands of streams of light poured out instantly.It directly pierced through the body of the great general.

"What, you did it on purpose." The general covered his wound with an expression of disbelief.

"Otherwise, you would think that I would be so stupid. That golden light is just for me to attract your attention. The real attack is hidden behind it."

"Damn it, but die with me haha."

I saw that the general's body expanded rapidly, like a fully inflated balloon, about to explode.

"No, he's going to blow himself up, senior, be careful."

Lin Xiu also realized that something was wrong, and in a hurry, he quickly took out his frozen eyes and threw it in front of the Jade Emperor.

But he was exposed to the shock wave of the explosion.

"Haha, what a self-sacrificing person, then you can be buried with me."

"Lin Xiu!" The Jade Emperor realized that something was wrong, but it was too late, because the general also accelerated the process this time in order not to give Lin Xiu a chance to escape.

"Are you going to die?" Lin Xiu also closed his eyes in despair, as if he was doomed this time.

At this critical moment, another beautiful figure appeared in Lin Xiu's mind, and he found that this figure was so familiar.

"Remember, isn't this what I saw in the endless desert? Who are you, and why do you show up every time I am in danger?"

I saw that beautiful figure also smiled slightly, but didn't say a word, and then disappeared into Lin Xiu's mind with a wave of his hand.

At this time, the aftermath of the general's self-destruction had already rushed around Lin Xiu.And a golden light also rushed out from Lin Xiu's side.

A huge golden protective cover also appeared around Lin Xiu's body, blocking the aftermath of the explosion.

"Who is it?" Lin Xiu was also very distressed.

"It's okay." The Jade Emperor also rushed to Lin Xiu's side quickly, and hurriedly asked about his injury.

"It's okay, I'm just surprised that a figure appears by my side every time I'm in danger."

"Could it be that the power from that other world helped you?"

"A different world?" Lin Xiu was also very surprised. If there is such a different world, why has he never felt it.

"That's right, a great power told me before that there is a world outside our world, and only people above the Da Luo Jinxian can go to this world. People there generally don't interfere with our world."

"It's not because they don't have the ability, but because they disdain to participate in our disputes. But any one of them can change the situation here."

"Senior, you mean that there are stronger experts on Da Luo Jinxian, and they all went to another world?" Lin Xiu was also very surprised when he heard the words of the Jade Emperor.
"Of course, you don't think this Da Luo Jinxian is the strongest existence, right? I heard that there is a real god's mansion there. I don't know the details, because I have stayed here for a long time. But I believe that in the future It is impossible for your talent to reach that level."

"Senior has won the award, I just walked along the way, luck is better."

"Don't be humble in front of me. Well, now is not the time to talk about this. I have a task for you to do now."

(End of this chapter)

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