Chapter 1481 Changes
"What important thing?" Lin Xiu also looked confused, not knowing what important things he hadn't done yet.

"Lin Xiu, obey the order!"


"I order you to bring all your family members into this Heavenly Palace."

Lin Xiu was also taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. He knew that the Jade Emperor was also trying to buy people's hearts, so he asked Lin Xiu to take his family over.Immediately, the Dark Demons will also invade. If Lin Xiu's family is not by his side, he will not be too at ease, and naturally he will not give his life to him.

"Thank you senior, the junior will complete this task immediately."

"Then hurry up."


Lin Xiu also left the Forbidden Palace with a smile, and hurried towards the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.He hasn't been home for a long time, so he naturally misses him a little bit.

Although the distance between the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan and the Heavenly Palace is indeed a bit far, since Lin Xiu practiced Thunderbolt, his speed is naturally unmatched, and he returned to the Fox Clan in just three days.

As soon as he returned to the Fox Clan, Lin Xiu noticed different changes. First of all, there was a change at the gate. The guards at the gate seemed to have changed, and their strength was not stronger than before. 01:30.

When Lin Xiu came back last time, the guards at the gate were not from the fairyland, but this time they were replaced by the heavenly fairyland.Although there is still a certain gap with what Lin Xiu thought, it is still a great improvement.

Lin Xiu also wanted to go in, but unexpectedly, he was stopped by the guard.

"Stop, what are you going in for?"

"I'm here for a visit, okay?" Lin Xiu also deliberately wanted to tease the guards at the gate, and said in a joking tone.

"Who are you? If you say visit, you can participate. If you don't take out the token of our fox clan, we will do it."

The guard was also holding a spear in his hand, ready to attack Lin Xiu.Lin Xiu also just smiled slightly, and gradually released his hidden aura.

The monstrous aura also came from Lin Xiushen, and Lin Xiu also wanted to frighten them with his aura.

"Go! Dare to offend my fox clan."

Although the two of them also felt that the person in front of them was difficult to deal with, they fought hard and sounded the signal flare at the same time.

Lin Xiu also felt very relieved. Although the two knew they couldn't beat him, they rushed forward without hesitation in order to defend the Fox Clan. This kind of person was exactly what Lin Xiu needed.So he kept defending and didn't fight back.

"What's the matter, what happened." At this moment, the three-legged Jinwu also rushed out with a serious face.

"Young master, you are back, you two blind guys. This is Lin Xiu, the honorary chief of our clan."

The two guards were also frightened when they heard that the man in front of them was Lin Xiu.If you don't do it well, you will lose your job.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't scare the two of them. They have done a good job, and they are willing to risk their lives to protect their homeland. That's right, the three-legged Golden Crow, I saw you right. You are well managed. "The two were also relieved when they heard Lin Xiu say that, for fear of losing their jobs.

"Young Master, I'm so proud of you. When Shuang'er and Ruo Xin came back, I've been looking forward to your return. Today you finally came back."

"Hey, hey, it's not that I'm dead, I just have something important to do. Why are you being hypocritical today? It's not like you."

"Didn't I miss you? I heard that young master, you have become a celebrity around the Jade Emperor."

"What kind of celebrity is there, just a general. By the way, this time, I'm here to take you away."

"Go? Where are you going?" The three-legged Jinwu was also very strange. They lived well in this fox clan. Where would Lin Xiu take them.

"I'll take you to the Heavenly Palace."

"Tiangong, where are you going?"

"According to the information, the dark demons are about to invade our fairy world. To ensure your safety, the Jade Emperor also brought you here to me, lest I have no time to come back."

"That's right, the Dark Demons are also very arrogant. Not long ago, a group of soldiers from the Dark Demons invaded our clan. Fortunately, our soldiers resisted and defended."

"What, these things have come to our clan to make trouble again, and they really don't take us seriously. But you did a good job."

"No, since you left, I have paid great attention to cultivating talents. We have specially opened a college of our own to select a large number of talents, and we will provide a lot of cultivation resources for those who enter, so recently our talent reserves are getting bigger and bigger. It is getting stronger and stronger. It has even cultivated talents at the level of Immortal King."

"I'm quite interested in what you said, take me to have a look."


The three-legged Golden Crow also brought Lin Xiu to the Fox Clan's own academy, and it really felt completely different from before.The playground is full of fresh blood, and each of them is very imposing.Lin Xiu also felt very gratified. It seems that the three-legged Golden Crow also spent a lot of thought on running the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

"Where is the fairy king you mentioned, I want to see it."


"Ling Yutian, come here."

The three-legged Jinwu also shouted loudly, and saw a young figure flying towards them.

"My lord, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Xiu also took a closer look. Indeed, this young man's talent is really extraordinary, and what surprised him most is that this child's mental power seems to be very strong. In his opinion, he is really a good seed who can make medicine.

"It's nothing, but our patriarch wants to see how talented you are."

"What, is this our patriarch Lin Xiu, so young." Ling Yutian was also very surprised, he also did not expect that the "man behind the back" of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan would be a young man.

"Young man, you are wrong. A hero is a boy. But I see that you have such a strong mental power. Are you interested in learning how to refine medicine with me?"

"Me? Can it work?"

"The people I see, are there any mistakes?"

This Ling Yutian is also very flattered, Lin Xiu's reputation has long been spread in the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, and the legendary experience has long left a lot of influence in the hearts of everyone in the Fox Clan.

So it is a great honor to be guided by him.

"Okay, that's exactly what I'm asking for."

"Haha, I accept your apprentice."

Lin Xiu was also in a good mood, accepted such a talented apprentice, and then went around and returned to his own home in the fox clan.

After briefly recounting the past with his parents, Lin Xiu announced another decision of his own.

"Everyone, I have an idea, let me tell you about it."

(End of this chapter)

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