Chapter 1485 Five Kings
"You two help me take a look at the side, and I'll try to see if it can be done."

The two also nodded, Lin Xiu also had a thought, and the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda appeared in his hands.The two golden dragons are also constantly hovering around the tower, while emitting golden flames.

I saw Lin Xiu pointed his finger at the black bead, and the golden fire dragon also spit flames at the black bead.I saw that the souls of the dead in the black beads were also illuminated by the golden light, and the resentment inside also slowly disappeared, and began to turn into strands of golden energy, entering the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

"I didn't expect that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda could transform this resentment into spiritual power and Yuan power. You two come here."

The two also walked over with half-belief and sat beside Lin Xiu.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Lin Xiu also urged his Qibao Linglong Pagoda for the second time, and the tower body also began to rotate, emitting white light towards the two of them.

"It feels so comfortable, it feels like being touched by someone."

"That's right, concentrate your mental power well, this is a good tonic for mental power."

The two also concentrated all their spiritual power, greedily absorbing the purified power.

Half an hour later, the two of them also opened their eyes with expressions of enjoyment.

"It's really comfortable, it feels like the spiritual power has been recast, thank you, young master."

"Oh, why are you being polite to me, this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is still given to me by you. Alright, let's go on."

The three of them also took a short rest and continued to march towards the interior of the Dark Demon Palace.What surprised the three of them was that when they entered the interior, they found that there was no one there, and it was strangely quiet.

"Master, why do I find this place weird? It's eerily quiet here, not at all like a territory of the Dark Demons."

"I think so too. Be careful, maybe we've been ambushed."

As expected by Lin Xiu, all the torches in the Dark Demon Palace suddenly went dark.

"Jie Jie, the three of you really have a way to heaven, if you don't go, you come to hell if you don't have a way."

The torch was lit again, and a huge black head appeared in front of them, looking very hideous. It had a pair of long fangs, and it seemed to be covered with blood.

"You are the fifth child, and you don't even have a human face. It's really sad."

"Your boy is sharp-tongued, and there are so many things to talk about when you die, so die."

I saw that the Dark Demon King turned his head upside down, leaving only a pair of long fangs on the entire head and face.

"Be careful, activate the trinity if necessary." The three of them also stood back to back in three directions at the same time, ready to deal with sudden attacks.

"Below." Lin Xiu also felt a burst of energy coming from the bottom of his feet, and he quickly stared at his feet and flew into the sky.

Fortunately, the reaction was fast enough. A purple beam of light appeared from under Lin Xiu's feet, and it directly smashed the entire floor.

"It's so risky, this kid can still make a lot of noise. Shuang'er, cover me a little bit, I'll go up and find out his truth."

"Okay." Shuang'er also opened her lethal wings to protect Lin Xiu's body.

Lin Xiu's feet flashed lightning, and he flashed in front of the Dark Demon King in an instant.

"You're courting death." The Dark Demon King stretched his fangs forward as he saw Lin Xiu flying towards him.

Behind Lin Xiu was also golden light, a figure of Arhat waved out from behind, and then Lin Xiu also followed with a palm, and then returned to the original place with the power of thunder again, dodging the attack of the fangs.

The golden palm print also hit the Dark Demon King, but Lin Xiu was surprised to find that his palm didn't seem to have any effect on the Dark Demon King.

"Stupid, my body is completely immune to this kind of pure force attack, so I advise you to surrender, your body is the most suitable for my experimental materials haha."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiu was also secretly overjoyed.

"That's embarrassing, you have met your nemesis today." Lin Xiu also took out the mysterious black pot from his ring, preparing for the final blow.

"What, you kid can do this." The Dark Demon King panicked when he saw Lin Xiu take out the black jar, obviously he knew what the jar was used for.

"Moxie, you think you can hit me like this, you are overthinking." The Dark Demon King also turned his head violently, and countless ghosts jumped out of his body.

As soon as the ghost came out, the entire hall was darkened.

"Be careful, Shuang'er, where are you? The three of us are together."

"Master, no need, leave it to me, Sun Yao Kyushu."

A scorching sun also appeared in the hall, and instantly illuminated the hall.As soon as the sunlight hit the ghost, it seemed to want to melt, and it disappeared instantly. It seems that this thing is quite restrained by this kind of dark demons.

"Good job, three-legged Golden Crow. Next it's my turn to perform." At this moment, the black pot in Lin Xiu's hand was also full of Lin Xiu's spiritual power and Yuan power, and the purple light burst out, and the huge energy was also Let the whole air explode.

Seeing that the situation was not good for him, the Dark Demon King also had a golden light in his eyes, and a huge black shield stood in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the power of Lin Xiu's blow was greater than expected, and the purple light beam directly destroyed the shield in front of the Dark Demon King.Then it directly pierced his chest, and the black air all over the sky also emerged from this chest.

"Forget you, but I'll take a step first." The Dark Demon King was also very cunning, sent his soul out, and activated the self-destruct device in the hall at the same time.

"Do you think I'll let you run away?" Naturally, Lin Xiu would not give the Dark Demon King a chance to escape. When Qibao Linglong Pagoda made a move, a strong suction force also sucked back the soul that was about to escape. .

At the same time, the entire hall completely collapsed, and Lin Xiu also shot the Donghuang Bell, covering the three people inside.

"I was scared to death, I was almost crushed to death by this ceiling." The three-legged Jinwu also looked at all the ruins around him.

"What are you afraid of? With my uncle covering you, there is nothing to be afraid of. We finally got rid of a trouble, and we will find a place to rest for a while."

"Congratulations to the host, the demon removal value has reached the requirements of the demon removal treasure box. Get a demon removal treasure chest."

"Haha, it really didn't take much effort to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes, and finally accumulated the magic value. Let me see what good things I can get out of it this time."

(End of this chapter)

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