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Chapter 1486 Skyhawk Army

Chapter 1486 Skyhawk Army

"To open this treasure chest, the host needs to kill a hundred Dark Demon soldiers at the same time in order to obtain the treasure chest that opens this demon."

"Why are the requirements for the treasure chest so high this time? There have never been so many requirements before."

"Host, the conditions for opening this treasure chest are not up to me to decide."

"You can only say this kind of thing. What's the use of you. Forget it, I'll find it myself."

"Shuang'er, the three-legged Golden Crow, let's find a place to rest for a while. After a day of fighting, I'm very tired."

"Boss, you and we really want to go together, I'm hungry too."

The three also looked at each other and smiled, and flew into the air, searching for a place to rest.In the end, they found a lake. Lin Xiu and the three-legged Jinwu quickly set up the tent, and Shuang'er also caught a lot of fish.The three of them also built a bonfire and grilled fish. Having nothing to do, the three also chatted.

"Brother, tell me, what are you going to do if we drive out the Dark Demons?"

"For this, you have to ask your sister-in-law." Lin Xiu also glanced at Shuang'er aside.

"Who is your wife now? Don't listen to his nonsense, she's shameless." The pair were also very shy, although they were still very happy when they heard Lin Xiu's confession, and they argued with a blushing face.

"Sister-in-law, your face has betrayed you, hey, we all understand."

"I think this is the place where you have the highest IQ today. If you really drive out the real dark demons, I want to take Shuang'er on a tour, preferably with our own children." Lin Xiu seemed to be experiencing After many fights for power and profit, they are also not interested in such things as power.I just want to be an ordinary person and enjoy this simple life.

"Who is going to give birth to you?" Shuang'er was also furious, chasing Lin Xiu and starting to fight.

"Three-legged Golden Crow, help me, domestic violence happened."

"Lin Xiu, you shameless, where are you going?"

Seeing Lin Xiu and Shuang'er fighting, the three-legged Golden Crow also thought of something, and stared at the distant sky in a daze.

Maybe it was too tired, the two also fought for a while and decided to sleep.

"The three of us sleep in two, and one of us keeps watch at night. We take turns to avoid any accidents. Shuang'er, you and the three-legged Jinwu go to bed first, I don't really want to sleep yet."

"Okay, be careful, call us if there is any danger."

"Okay, I'm not a child anymore, go to bed."

The two also yawned and walked into their own tents, and Lin Xiu also patrolled around the camp.

It may be that today is also too much mental energy consumption. Sitting and sitting, Lin Xiu's upper and lower eyelids also began to fight.

At this moment, in the surrounding grass, there were pairs of eyes watching Lin Xiu and falling asleep.

"Brothers, follow me, the boss said, if you want to live, you will be rewarded for catching that kid."

All the people rushed out at this moment, but Lin Xiu didn't seem to notice it, and continued to doze off.

Just as all these people approached Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu suddenly opened his eyes.

"I really thought you were hiding your aura, so I didn't know you were around. It's really funny."

Around him, streaks of green sword energy shot out from around him like a storm.

In just a few seconds, the team of hundreds of people was pierced by Lin Xiu's green lotus sword formation.

"Hey, how did Zhengchou complete the task, and you sent it to your door, thank you so much."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, open the treasure chest to get rid of the demon, and get a Skyhawk Token."

"What is the Sky Eagle Token?" Lin Xiu suddenly had a quaint token with the words Sky Eagle written on it.

"I don't know about this, the host asks you to explore on your own."

"I knew that was the only result I could ask you. It's a waste system. I don't know anything. What's the use of you. Let me see for myself."

Lin Xiu also looked at the wooden sign carefully, and it looked more and more like an ancient marching token.

"Could it be used by an army, don't care, try injecting spiritual power first."

A white ray of light poured into the token, and gradually the token reacted, and began to glow faintly red.Lin Xiu also injected spiritual power again, and suddenly a red mark shot into the center of his eyebrows.

Then, in Lin Xiu's mind, a picture of war appeared.

In the picture, a black shadow is leading a group of troops to attack the city.

"Dark demons?" Lin Xiu was naturally very familiar with them.

The leader of the Dark Demon Clan also waved his hands, and the city wall burst open.And the city guards also rushed out at this time.The person standing at the front was recognized by Lin Xiu at a glance.

"Isn't this the Zhuge Liang I got before, but it seems that their strength is far inferior to this Dark Demon Race."

It was just like what Lin Xiu said, Zhuge Liang led the army, and they also retreated steadily against opponents who were not from the Dark Demon Race.Before long, he was the only one left in Zhuge Liang's army.

But this Zhuge Liang didn't seem to have any intention of backing down. He saw him wave his feather fan, and a group of troops appeared in front of him.Although it is not more than half of the number he led before, Lin Xiu can clearly feel that the fighting power of this army is extraordinary.

Sure enough, as Lin Xiu had predicted, Lin Xiu could feel the extraordinary cohesion from this army.

Then everyone was united in their minds, and suddenly an eagle figure appeared in the sky, rushing towards the Dark Demon Army, and in the end, all the Dark Demon soldiers were killed in one go.

The cohesion and combat effectiveness of this army also made Lin Xiu a little coveted. If only he had such an army.

"Why don't I try it."

Lin Xiu also drew out his god-monster card, and with a move of his mind, he also summoned Zhuge Liang.

This Zhuge Liang was Lin Xiu's idol when he was a child. In that world, whenever he opened "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" when he was a child, Lin Xiu would eagerly turn to the story about Zhuge Liang and read it with relish.Marveling at Zhuge Liang's ingenious calculations, and at the same time admiring Zhuge Liang's dedicated character, Lin Xiu was also very happy to be able to see his idol in this world with his own eyes.

After Zhuge Liang was summoned, he also seemed to have a very eager expression. He was looking for something and found that Lin Xiu was the only one around.

"Little brother, have you seen my army, the Skyhawk Army?"

Lin Xiu also guessed that the Skyhawk Army that Zhuge Liang was talking about was the army that appeared in his mind before.

(End of this chapter)

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