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Chapter 1488 Terrible Discovery

Chapter 1488 Terrible Discovery
"Do you think I'm so stupid? The reason why I did this is of course because I prepared it myself."

"Give it to me, and there will be a lot of rewards for catching this kid."

But when everyone stepped into Lin Xiu's surroundings, they immediately noticed something was wrong.

A streak of golden light shot directly through their bodies from all directions. This Arhat Destroyer Formation is also a new move that Lin Xiu just realized. The Qinglian Sword Formation is combined with his own Arhat Destroyer. The golden light has a very strong effect on the dark demons. The restraining effect of Qinglian swordsmanship, coupled with the defense-breaking effect of Qinglian swordsmanship, can also have a very good effect.

After a while, all the dark demons who were still fierce just now turned into dead souls, leaving black air all over the ground.

"Shuang'er three-legged Golden Crow, quickly use your vitality to protect yourself, don't let this black energy enter your body, otherwise it will be very difficult to deal with."

Lin Xiu has fought against the Dark Demons so many times, of course he knows how terrifying the corrosive black air is.Although this black air will increase your Yuanli energy by more than one level, it will slowly corrode your spiritual power, and in the end you will unknowingly become a slave of the Dark Demon Race.

This is also the reason why so many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for the dark demons. First, they use the guise of making you stronger to attract you to join, and finally when you realize that you have been cheated, your spiritual power is almost corroded. Yes, and then you will automatically become their lackey.

Shuang'er and the three-legged Jinwu hurriedly used the vitality to protect their bodies. Fortunately, the two of them also restrained the dark demons with comparative attributes, and the vitality also firmly kept the black energy out.

On the other hand, Lin Xiu went straight to the black air.Because he knew that if he wanted to get out of that barrier, he had to collect the corrosive black gas.Although he has a lot of experience in dealing with the black air, Lin Xiu still collects the black air carefully.

"Okay, let's go, be careful." After a while, Lin Xiu also collected a can of black gas.

Lin Xiu also walked carefully to the barrier and opened the black pot. At the same time, in order to prevent accidents, he also used his mental power to cover the three of them.

Black air kept coming out of the jar, and as soon as it encountered the barrier, the barrier slowly disappeared.

The three of them also quickly passed through when the barrier was broken, and nothing seemed unusual.

The inner hall is also not the same as before, the whole hall is spacious and bright, it does not seem to be a gloomy place.There are two doors at the end of the cella.

One of them has the three characters of Zangbaoge impressively written on it.

"Why don't we see what kind of treasure is hidden in the Treasure Pavilion of the Dark Demons?"

"Okay, let's go in and turn him upside down."

The three of them also walked into the so-called Treasure Pavilion with an adventurous mentality, and it really surprised the three of them after they walked in.

It turned out that what was stored in the Treasure Pavilion were not treasures, but piles of various corpses and brains neatly piled up, and there were bursts of stench from time to time.

"It turns out that the so-called Treasure Pavilion hides these things. The Dark Demons are really guilty. These things must be used by them to refine Deadpool."

"Yes, boss, come and see what this is."

There was still a raging flame burning in a black furnace, Lin Xiu looked inside and saw that there were some corpses inside.After these corpses were burned, they also turned into puddles of energy.

There is actually a pipe outside the cauldron that leads to nowhere.

"The dark demons are doing something, they don't even respect the corpses of the dead, and they are still sending out some energy."

"Let me take a look." Lin Xiu also slowly poured his spiritual power into the pipe, and along the way, it didn't take long before Lin Xiu's spiritual power finally reached the end of the pipe.

"Hey, isn't this the place I saw last time?"

It turned out that Lin Xiu was connected to another black temple at the end of the pipe, where a huge eye was locked by two intersecting chains.But this eye is constantly absorbing the golden energy that Lin Xiu sees.

"So it's like this, it's not easy to be discovered and withdraw." When Lin Xiu was thinking about this problem, that eye suddenly opened.

"Who, looking for death!" Seeing that this eye also shot out a black light, Lin Xiu quickly withdrew his mental power.

"Damn it, did it get discovered, second child, third child, you go to the branch hall to see if something happened."

And in this branch hall, Shuang'er and the three-legged Jinwu also looked at Lin Xiu who was sweating profusely.

"Boss, what did you see?"

"I seem to see where the Dark Devil Emperor is. He seems to be sealed by some kind of power, and this tube is ultimately to provide him with energy."

"So that's the case, then let's destroy this thing now, and it can be regarded as delaying the progress of his awakening."

"I think so too, but we have to get rid of these two brothers first. Because I seem to have been discovered just now, our plan may have to end early."

"Okay then, let's go to that door quickly."

The three of them did not hesitate, and sneaked directly into another door. Sure enough, as the soldier said, the three kings and the forty thousand are conjoined, they share one body, and the two heads also look very hideous.

"Hey, boss, why didn't you see this so-called elite army?"

"I'm also very surprised. Logically speaking, there can't be only one person in this hall."

"It doesn't matter, let's go take a look first."

At this moment, the three kings on this mountain suddenly opened their eyes.

"Since they're all here, don't hide them."

"Be careful, we are ambushed."

Sure enough, a group of Dark Demon soldiers suddenly appeared behind the three of them, and Lin Xiu could feel that none of them were weak.

"Shuang'er, the three-legged Golden Crow, leave these elite troops to me, you go and hold back the three demon kings first, and I will be with you when I get rid of this army."

The two also nodded, and then flew directly to the throne.

Lin Xiu, on the other hand, had to face dozens of strong men above the level of Immortal King alone, but he didn't seem to have the slightest pressure, and he looked like he was sure of winning.

"What do you really think of us? You still want to beat ten, brothers, beat me to death." Seeing that Lin Xiu wanted to deal with so many people alone, the elite army felt a little humiliated a feeling of.

"Qianlong has regrets." Dozens of people gathered in a circle, and white light kept emitting from their bodies.As soon as all the white lights converged, a giant white dragon was formed, looking at Lin Xiu covetously.

(End of this chapter)

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