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Chapter 1489 Reappearance

Chapter 1489 Reappearance
Seeing that the white dragon rushed towards Lin Xiu directly, Lin Xiu didn't seem to want to defend.He just took out the Phantom Spirit Orb from his sleeve and poured his spiritual power into it.

The white dragon also rushed towards Lin Xiu with a mouthful of orange water bombs, and Lin Xiu also burst into a thunderbolt and disappeared in place, leaving only a little flickering thunder.

After dodging the white dragon's attack, the phantom spirit orb in Lin Xiu's hand flashed green light and shot at the elite army in the distance.

Suddenly the elite army seemed to have gone crazy, killing each other like enemies, and the summoned white dragon disappeared instantly.

The three demon kings who were fighting with Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow in the distance were also very angry when they saw this scene, and wanted to rush towards Lin Xiu, but they were blocked by Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow.

"Your opponent is us."

"The time is almost up, it's time to make a move." Lin Xiu was not in a hurry to make a move, but made the most of the time of the charm as much as possible, so as to save his energy, and wait until the time was about to end, and then make a move to kill him in one fell swoop. They destroy.

Streaks of golden and cyan light intertwined and flew towards the elite army. The elite army who was fighting inside couldn't possibly notice Lin Xiu's attack.It also completely ate up this beam of light.In just a few seconds, the situation was reversed by Lin Xiu. Originally, the dark demons who fought more and less were left with only the three demon kings.

This is also the strength of being a control type. Although the output may not be the highest, it can reverse or even decide the situation, so it is not difficult to understand why Lin Xiu chose this phantom among so many treasures. beads.

The three demon kings gritted their teeth with hatred for Lin Xiu when they saw that their elite army was wiped out by Lin Xiu alone.

"Stinky boy, I spent so much effort to cultivate the elite army, you actually killed all of them for me, you will die badly."

Suddenly his aura also skyrocketed, and a black beam of light also poured into his body from the sky, and his whole body suddenly swelled up.Then there was a huge roar of anger, and the black air all over the sky rushed towards the three of them, and then swept away Shuang'er and the barefoot Golden Crow with a chain, and also swept the two of them away.

Lin Xiu also jumped into the air and caught the two of them from the air.

"Boss, this dark demon king was also driven crazy by you, what should we do now?" The three demon kings after the rage seemed to have reached the peak of the immortal emperor, and they were very difficult to deal with.

"Don't worry, don't we still have our Samsung Huanyue, don't be afraid."

"That's right, it's not good for him to come over, so go back quickly."

I saw that the two heads of the Dark Demon King were separated from his body at the same time, and rushed towards the three of them.The demon still sprayed thick black mist all around.

"Stand in good formation, it seems that you can only use this three-star magic moon."

Lin Xiu also shielded the three of them from the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the huge bell body also blocked the infiltration of the black air.

"Hurry up and concentrate, this Donghuang Bell won't last long."

The three of them formed seals almost at the same time, and a faint streamer slowly emerged from the three of them.The white streamer finally converged on the heads of the three of them, and finally became a huge golden triangle covering the heads of the three of Lin Xiu.

"Three Star Magic Moon." The three of them called out the name at the same time. At this time, the triangle also suddenly produced a huge suction force, continuously absorbing the spiritual power from the three of them.

At this time, the three demon kings outside the Eastern Emperor Bell were still beating the Eastern Emperor Bell with their own chains.

"Damn, why is this thing so hard to break, but don't think that you will be safe forever if you hide in it."

I saw two magic balls appearing in the hands of the Dark Demon King, and threw them directly towards the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"My phantom ball made from the corpses of hundreds of people has a strong corrosive effect on this magic weapon."

I saw that as soon as the magic ball touched the Donghuang Bell, a big hole was directly melted out of the always hard body of the bell.

But just when he thought he was sure of winning, a silver light also poured out from the Eastern Emperor Bell and shot at him.

He, who had no defense at all, was rushed ten meters away by this beam of light before he stabilized his figure.

"Damn, why do I feel that this kid has suddenly become stronger." The three demon kings also wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, realizing that it was not as simple as he imagined.

The Dark Demon King also shot with chains, and rushed towards the three of them like lightning, Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless.The Qinglian sword shot out instantly, and when it collided with the chain, sparks flew all over the place in an instant.Lin Xiu's physical strength is also far superior to that of ordinary immortal emperors, so in the confrontation of this power, he will not be at a disadvantage in the slightest.

Seeing that his attack was delayed like this, the Dark Demon King pointed at the sky again, and a black lightning flew out from his fingertips.

Lin Xiu also snorted coldly, a golden light rose from his back, and rushed towards the lightning bolt.But what he didn't expect was that this bolt of lightning ignored the golden light.He rushed directly towards Lin Xiu's head.

In an instant, sharp pains came from his head, and he squatted down in pain.

"Haha, you think this thing can be blocked by your ordinary Yuanli attack, but my spiritual attack is really enough for you to drink a pot."

The villain dies because of talking too much, this sentence is still very reasonable.

"It's too early for you to be happy." Lin Xiu stroked his head and slowly stood up from the ground, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Shuang'er, is the barefoot Golden Crow ready?"

The two also nodded, and saw that the three put their hands together at the same time, and threw forward palms.The three palm prints were superimposed together, and the huge energy tore apart the space in front of him.

The Dark Demon King also wanted to struggle to his death, and the dark chains in his hands shot out black lines in an instant, and flew forward.

But helplessly, the energy of the golden palm print was too huge, it directly destroyed the black lines, and then bombarded the Dark Demon King.

Then everyone only saw golden light burst out from the Dark Demon King's chest, and the whole body was also smashed to pieces, leaving only a small black light ball.

"I still want to run, it's impossible." As soon as the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda came out, the two huge golden dragons also opened their mouths, sucking the small black light ball into the tower body.

"No, when my brother comes, he will definitely avenge me, ah!"

"You go to hell to find your brother. Huh, finally solve another problem."

(End of this chapter)

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