Chapter 1490 Crisis
"Next, let's blow up the evil so-called Treasure Pavilion." Lin Xiu knew that if the Treasure Pavilion was still kept, it would be a huge hidden danger to the safety of the fairy world.

The three of them also hurriedly withdrew from here, and came to the Treasure Pavilion outside.

Lin Xiu also had a thought, and an arhat with a golden body appeared behind him, and then punched the stove.What he didn't expect was that when he punched the stove, it didn't move at all, but his hand got a big bump.

"The damn stove is not made of titanium alloy. How come such a powerful punch has no effect at all, and it doesn't even shake."

"Boss, let me try it, I seem to have seen this thing before."

Lin Xiu also stepped aside, only to see a figure of a divine bird appearing behind the three-legged golden crow, and then he actually put his hand into the stove, and a golden light flew out from the inside out.

Then he quickly took out his hand from the stove, and then flew out with a palm. Finally, under the double attack, the stove was completely shattered from the middle.

"How do you know, there is a weakness in it."

"When I was under the seat of the Queen Mother of the West, when I visited the room of the Taishang Laojun, I seemed to have seen this stove, but this is definitely not the real Bagua stove. It should be just a fake, so I know his The weakness is there."

"I didn't expect you to have something."

"It was also in Tiangong for a while before, so I have seen some things in the world."

"Okay, it's time for us to withdraw, because I was discovered during the detection just now. If I don't leave, I may be caught." Lin Xiu also felt a little lingering about the voyeurism just now, if he hadn't reacted quickly enough If he did, his spiritual power might be directly devoured by the Dark Demon Emperor.

The three of them also hurriedly withdrew from the Dark Demon Palace, and then Lin Xiu also threw all the beads that were not finished last time into the Dark Demon Palace, and the sound of explosions was also one after another. destroyed.

"Hurry up and return to Tiangong." Shuang'er and the three-legged Jinwu also nodded, and the three of them also wanted to return along the same path.

But after walking a few steps, Lin Xiu found that the surrounding sky darkened, and an evil aura was approaching.

"Why, the three of you don't stay for a sip of tea." A gloomy and cold voice came from the sky.

Two figures also appeared in front of the three of them, with murderous looks in their eyes.

"It's over, Shuang'er, the three-legged Golden Crow, retreat quickly, I'll finish it off."

"How can we leave you alone and die together?"

"Hurry up, go back and report to the Jade Emperor."

It was also the first time for the two of them to see Lin Xiu being so fearful, and they also realized that it was definitely not easy to come this time, otherwise, with Lin Xiu's temperament, they would never let them go.

"Let's go, three-legged Golden Crow, or the entire fairy world will be in danger."

"Okay." The two also turned to leave.

"Let's go? If you come today, don't even think about leaving." The two waved their hands, and a huge black hole stood in front of Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow.

It seems that this time the three of them are also at the time of life and death, and there is no retreat at all.

"It seems that this time I want to leave but I can't. I can only fight to the end." Shuang'er also realized that the strength of these two people is no longer what Lin Xiu can handle alone. At this time, he can only fight to the death. Only then have the qualifications to go out alive.

"Well then, there's no need to say anything else, let's go directly to the three-star magic moon." Lin Xiu also knew that facing such an opponent, he had to use the strongest moves from the beginning to have a chance of survival.

The three of them also quickly united their minds and minds, and also quickly completed the three-star magic moon.

"Illusory God Strike." The three of them also had golden light on their bodies at the same time, and the three groups of energy merged together, tearing the space, and flashed directly in front of the two dark demons.

But what is unexpected is that the two of them just waved lightly, the energy ball was directly blocked, and then the black sword in their hands flew out, and the afterimages of thousands of swords shot at the three of them in an instant Body.

Lin Xiu also quickly threw out his Donghuang Bell to block in front of the three of them, but the Donghuang Bell was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the sword shadow, and the sword shadow pierced through the Donghuang Bell almost instantly.

The stormy sword rain also mercilessly slashed at the three of them. Although the three of them had activated their strongest defenses, due to the huge difference in strength, the sword shadow quickly pierced through the defenses.

The three of them were covered with blood, and their internal organs were also injured a lot.

"It seems that I'm really going to die here this time. Boss, we will be brothers in the next life."

"Yeah, I'm very happy to have a brother like you. But why give up, I still have a useless trump card, even if I die, I will have to back it up"

At this moment, Lin Xiu finally remembered that the Nether Orb he got last time was useless, so he took out this bead, and at the same time ran the Heart Sutra for Eliminating Demons in his heart. With a thought, he hid the Nether Orb in the green lotus sword created In the whirlwind of Qinglian.

The two dark demon kings also smiled contemptuously when they saw the whirlwind flying over, thinking that an attack of this level would not be able to hurt them at all.So with a light wave of his hands, a green light also flew out from his fingertips, heading towards Lin Xiu's whirlwind.

Unexpectedly, this attack happened to hit the Nether Orb impartially.Detonating it in an instant, Lin Xiu also seized this opportunity and exhausted the last bit of mental strength and vitality in his body. This final blow also hit the two of them at the same time.

As the layers of smoke dissipated, two embarrassed figures also appeared in front of Lin Xiu. I saw that the two people were also bloody and bloody. Each had a pair of arms blown off, obviously also suffered a lot of injuries.

"Haha, I want you to underestimate the power of this Nether Orb. This death will be considered a backstop." The 90.00% reduction in the defense effect of this Nether Orb also made Lin Xiu very satisfied, although there is also a dark demon king who underestimates the enemy. The factors are in it, but after all, Lin Xiu is not at the same level as them, and he is already very satisfied with such an effect.

"Damn it, I will let you die badly today, twin shadows!"

One after another ghost shadows approached from around the three of them, and they were beaten so helplessly that it was naturally impossible for them to have the ability to deal with the ghost shadows.

"Shuang'er, three-legged Golden Crow, see you in the next life." Lin Xiu closed his eyes in despair as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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