Chapter 1491

Just when Lin Xiu thought he was going to die this time, suddenly a space appeared in the sky and a big hand full of golden light stretched out from it.With just a slap on the ground, all the ghosts ran away in all directions.

Immediately, he grabbed the three of them and brought them into that space.

"Who, actually spoiled my good deeds." Obviously, the Dark Demon King would not just let Lin Xiu go away.Immediately, there were sword shadows all over the sky, slashing towards the big golden hand.

"The person I want to protect, you are not qualified to stop me." A cold voice came from that space.

Unexpectedly, when the sword shadow hit the big golden hand, it was actually bounced back directly.

Lin Xiu didn't know what happened, so he was brought into the space.

"I can only help you get here, and you have to rely on yourselves for the rest." That cold voice also came from the space.

In the end, some kind of mysterious power returned to the place they were familiar with, the Forbidden Palace.

"We came back alive, Boss, Boss, are you so excited?"

"No, I was just wondering who saved us, and the voice just now was really familiar." Lin Xiu was also puzzled, he didn't seem to know this kind of power, but the voice was extremely familiar.

"Oh, boss, it's useless for you to think about it now, let's go back and return to life first."

Lin Xiu also nodded, the most important thing now is to tell the Jade Emperor what they detected.

The three of them also quickly came to the Forbidden Palace, and the Jade Emperor looked at them with a very happy expression.

"You came back so soon, a little faster than I expected."

"No way, if you don't come back, you will die there."

"Dead? What's going on."

"When I was using my spiritual power to detect the Dark Demon Emperor, I was accidentally discovered. The Dark Demon Emperor also sent two of his strongest Dark Demon Kings to chase us down. Due to the huge difference in strength, it was a disastrous defeat in the end. , just when we thought we were going to be buried there, a powerful person rescued us and finally sent us back." Lin Xiu still felt a little lingering fear about what happened just now, if it wasn't for the powerful shot, he might really have to The dark demons were buried.

"Great power?"

"Yes, he came through space, and I am familiar with his voice."

"Hey, did it come from that different world? Forget it, we won't know for a while, but what is the result of your battle?"

"We wiped out two branch halls of the Dark Demon Clan, eliminated three branch halls of the Dark Demon Clan, and discovered a secret of the Dark Demon Emperor."

Lin Xiu also told the Jade Emperor about the stove and what he saw.

"You have completed this mission very well. The Dark Demon King under the Dark Demon Emperor has basically been eliminated by you, and the remaining two have also had an arm broken by you, and their strength must have been greatly damaged."

"So this time I decided that everyone will give three fairy world experience pills as a reward. Don't look at it as a small fairy world experience pill. I specially asked for this from Taishang Laojun. The quality is high-quality. You take it If you use it, you will definitely get a different effect.”

"Jade Emperor, I have a request."

"What? Is it too little?"

"No, I haven't gone back to see my daughter for a long time. I want to go back and have a look at her. It's best to bring her here."

"What, why don't I know you have a daughter, then your wife."

"No, it's my goddaughter. She has been clinging to me since she was a child. She is the daughter of Ao Guang from the Dragon Palace of the West Sea." Naturally, Lin Xiu couldn't say that Xiaobai opened it from the treasure chest by himself. Maybe after saying this, The Jade Emperor would think he was mentally ill.

"I didn't expect you to be very popular. Not only do you know the Bodhi Patriarch, Guanyin, you also know Ao Guang, okay, okay, I'm sure."

"Thank you senior."

"No, no, no, if I can't satisfy you even with this little request, how can I be the master of this Heavenly Palace?"

Since Lin Xiu returned to the West Sea Dragon Palace last time, he hasn't seen his daughter for almost a year. It's also strange. In addition, the dark demons are about to attack the fairy world and keep her away from him. He must be worried, so he also Go back and pick her up to the Heavenly Palace.

So after a brief stay in Tiangong, Lin Xiu embarked on the journey back to the West Sea Dragon Palace.With this thunderbolt, Lin Xiu's speed is already incomparable.It used to take a week's journey, but it only took Lin Xiu three days to get to the West Sea Dragon Palace.

What reassures Lin Xiu is that the scale of the Dragon Palace is much larger than when he came here before. It seems that under the management of his daughter Xiaobai, the Dragon Palace is also flourishing.

Lin Xiu also wanted to surprise Xiaobai, and also concealed his aura, disguised himself as a shrimp soldier and walked in.

After walking in, Lin Xiu discovered that the West Sea Dragon Palace has really undergone earth-shaking changes, and there are almost all the hardware facilities in it.What kind of pharmacy, practice room, and even its own martial arts field.

Finally, Lin Xiu saw Xiaobai on the martial arts training ground. At this time, she really had more domineering and less immature.

"Hey, be serious. If you go to the battlefield from now on, you will die sooner or later." Xiao Bai was also supervising the training of the soldiers, and Lin Xiu was also walking behind her.

"My Lady Queen, let me see if I can be your bodyguard." Shuang'er heard someone tell him to turn around.

"If you want to be my guard, you have to go through training and selection first." As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes were already wet, because Lin Xiu had already changed back to her original appearance.

"Father! You finally came back to see Shuang'er, I really miss you." Shuang'er also completely disregarded her image as a queen, threw herself into Lin Xiu's arms and cried loudly.

"It's my father's fault. I haven't been able to come back often. When I come back this time, our father and daughter will never be separated again." Lin Xiu's eyes were also a little red, and he also had a little expression when facing his daughter whom he hadn't seen for so long. Excited.

"Take your soldiers and follow me. The Dark Demons are about to invade our fairyland. I don't worry if you are not by my side."

"Well, as long as I can be with Dad, this Dragon Palace doesn't matter."

"Whoever said no, it's just a temporary transfer. After we drive away the dark demons, you can still be your queen."

"Okay, I immediately ordered all the clansmen to gather, father, where am I going?"

"Heavenly Palace!"

"Father has already arranged a place for you." While Lin Xiu was expressing his thoughts, the Jade Emperor also found a place for him so that Xiao Bai could live with her clansmen.

It has to be said that the Jade Emperor is also very humane.

(End of this chapter)

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