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Chapter 1492 Immortal World Experience Pill!

Chapter 1492 Immortal World Experience Pill!
Seeing the splendor in front of him, Xiao Bai was reluctant to blink.

"How is it? Good girl, the place the Jade Emperor arranged for you is not bad!" Lin Xiu hid behind Xiaobai and suddenly patted Xiaobai.

"This is not bad, this is quite good, Daddy, your face is really great! There is no way to compare Dragon Palace with this place!" She had just arrived at the place arranged by the Jade Emperor above the Heavenly Court, and she was already Some are reluctant to leave.
"Well! If this is the case, then my dear girl, you should settle down here first! The place where I live is not very far from you. If you have anything, you can come to me at any time!" Lin Xiu said to He looked at Xiaobai and said, after he finished speaking, he patted Xiaobai's shoulders twice again, then turned around and left.

"You unload all the luggage from your shoulders, and then come to this open space to gather."

"Although the scene here seems to be able to live a comfortable life, you still can't forget your daily training tasks,"

"All of you, remember that now is no longer the time to live an easy life, wars may break out in this world at any time, so your hard training now is not only for me, but also for yourselves in the future! "

Xiao Bai said to the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind her.

After Lin Xiu walked away, Xiao Bai became a queen. Maybe only by Lin Xiu's side can he be her true self.
Lin Xiu returned to his residence and took the three fairy world experience pills bestowed by the Jade Emperor in his hands. The fragrance of the pills made his whole body feel extremely comfortable.

Even if he hasn't used it yet, Lin Xiu has already felt the extremely powerful energy contained in the Immortal World Experience Pill!

"Shuang'er, three-legged Golden Crow!" After watching the Immortal World Experience Pill for a while, Lin Xiu called out the names of Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow.

"What's the matter, official (boss)?!" Hearing Lin Xiu's shout, Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow came out with sleepy eyes.

In the previous battle with the Dark Demon King, Shuang'er and the Three-legged Golden Crow were highly concentrated. They didn't feel anything during the battle, but after the battle they all felt tired.

Although Lin Xiu is also the same as Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow, his physical fitness is still stronger than the two of them after all, so his recovery ability is also much stronger than the two of them.

"Have you forgotten the three fairyland experience pills that the raindrops gave us? It just so happens that nothing major has happened yet. We want to take advantage of this time to fully utilize the medicinal effects of the fairyland experience pills!" Lin said as he spoke. On the one hand, Xiu distributed the fairy world experience pill in his hand to Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow.

The Immortal Realm Experience Pill is a high-level pill, and the smell it exudes in the air is already incomparable to some intermediate-level pills.

Shuang'er and Three-legged Golden Crow just sniffed it lightly, and the mood of wanting to sleep in their minds disappeared directly and completely.

"Okay, don't just look at it, I also know that this thing is like a work of art." Lin Xiu walked up to Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow, and used his left and right hands to hold the hands of Shuang'er and the Three-legged Golden Crow. The fairy world experience pills were put in their mouths.

"But this thing is still a pill!"

"Hurry up and break through! I will protect you!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he sat down on the spot, closed his eyes, and entered a kind of fantasy cultivation
Shuang'er and the three-legged Jinwu looked at each other, then shrugged each other's shoulders, swallowed the fairy world experience pill they said, and then returned directly to their room!

Not long after Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow returned to their room, their bodies emitted a golden light, illuminating the room they were in and even the entire sky they were in!

In the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor was talking with an old fairy.Looking at the slightly furrowed brows of the two of them, one can guess that the things they discussed were not simple.

"Jade Emperor! Now there is a Dark Demon Emperor and two Dark Demon Kings on the side of the Dark Demon Clan. Should we take advantage of the Dark Demon Emperor's evil skills and have not yet fully formed, and attack the Dark Demon Clan first? Annihilated in one fell swoop?!" The old fairy was dressed in white, holding a white dust whisk in his hand, and looked like a fairy, just by looking at it, he knew that he was someone who no longer interfered with the fairy world. Sanxian of things.

"No, those are just the forces they put on the bright side. I don't believe that a dark devil emperor has only such a little power. Maybe he is waiting for us to come to the door now. Although preemptive strikes can make us take the initiative, there are some It is a more correct choice to wait and see what happens!" The Jade Emperor waved his hand at the old fairy, rejecting his point of view.

"Jade Emperor." The old fairy stood up from the fairy chair with an excited expression on his face.

"You don't need to say any more, I've made up my mind, now is not the time for us to launch troops!" Jade Emperor looked up at him and said with a sigh.There is also a lot of helplessness in his heart.

After fighting against the Dark Demons for such a long time, he is the one who wants to wipe out the Dark Demons the most, but he can't be impulsive now, otherwise, what he did before is likely to be ruined. This is not what he wants!
"If this is the case, the old fairy wait a minute, Jade Emperor, where is that?" The old fairy originally wanted to salute and leave, but when he saw the strange golden light behind him and the faint light in the air, When the fragrance is clear, his footsteps are Zai and he can't go out.
"That's where Lin Xiu and the others are. I gave them three immortal world experience pills. They should be making a breakthrough now!" The Jade Emperor was startled by the old fairy's action at first, and then he moved towards The old fairy looked in the direction of his gaze, and his heart became more stable.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Seeing the old fairy staring at the direction where Lin Xiu and the others lived without blinking his eyelids, the Jade Emperor's mood that had just calmed down was a little confused by his expression Get restless.

"Miracle, it's really a miracle!" The old fairy said to himself while touching his fly whisk, he seemed to not care about the opinion of the Jade Emperor beside him at all, nor did he see the expression on the Jade Emperor's face. expression.

(End of this chapter)

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